Ill; a donation was made to eot-of-the-year the Farm & the Society of Crippled Chil- Home Center. Group No, 13 of the So* donations of food were Mrs. Ada Whifcmyer was in cicty of Farm Women met re* requested for the bazaar for charge of the program assist- K'litly at the Farm Bureau tb e benefit of Heart Haven in ed by Mrs. Gladys High and I’.ldg, auditorium, and enter* April; three women volun- Ada Miller. Linda Leaman i uned the Lancaster County teered to assist at the bazaar; played the trumpet adeem in m Women officers and f, vc members wall visit the pamed by hei sister, Stella u oup No. 19, There were 54 County Home with refresh- Miss Mary Rutt, a returned ncmbers and guests attending ments; missionary fiom the Congo, \mong business reports pre- cd,., nt recounted some of her expen ded were: members made Plans weie made to sew at enceg there ;i j cancer dressings and 20 *;he General Hospital on Apul meetm n April 9 i a in Pnhi-n-irv at the 6 : volunteers were asked to n , e „ P T . Mel pads in Hebiuaiy at tlic mix,Haw to the Conn- at the home of Mrs - John imne of Mrs. Cary Brown; „ , ettei . was lead Bare, wall featuie a plant and (lowers were sent to Mrs. Man- Home, a lettei was lead me Howard, a member who is concerning the Society s proj- I'AftM WOMEN #l3 DAIRYMEN No Expensive Specialty Feeds Green Pastures Dairy Pellets Important components such as: Trace minerals Ask one of our Dairy Specialists to explain our Dairy Program to you and then give it Performance is the key You will be sotisfied. soMim its-*! . i i or Additives Needed when you feed your cows Vitamins Reproductive capacity ore all built into one quality feed GREEN PASTURES DAIRY PELLETS a good try. to low cost. ANYWKE^" £ CP & %//£LP Miller & r 0 Bushong, Inc Rohrerstown, Pa. Ph. Lancaster 392-2145 (Area Code 717) A ti ioJrfrF , t CT 51 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 20, 1965 THE ELIZABETHTOWN FFA CHAPTER increas ed their mobility with the purchase of this 8-passenger Dodge station wagon. The vehicle will be used for various FFA class trips and special events, and may get as far away from home next summer as the West Coast. Shown left to right are: Norman Smith, FFA member; Nevin Hiestand, chapter president; Paul Mummau, chairman of truck committee; Ira Petticoff er, local Dodge dealer; Ray Ruhl, FFA member. E'tOWtl FFA Buys A bucket seats in the front an