—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 13, 1965 6 NEW OFFICERS IN THE RED ROSE BABY BEEF AND LAMB CLUB are left to right (seated); Larry Weaver, president; Ken Hess, vice-president; Nancy Frey, secretary; Robert Hosier, treasure, isiandingi John Welk, and Anna Mae Donough, news reporters; Dallas Wolgem uh and Card Ann Hess, game leaders; Tom Houser and Judy Buckwalter. song leaders; William Houser, assistant treas urer, Linda Welk, assistant secretary. L. F. Photo OSBORNE COW, JERSEY TESTED DAM A registered Jeisey cow owned by Edison W Osborne, Cornwall Farm, Peach Bot tom Rl, Pa, has been rated a Tested Dam by The Ameu can Jersey Cattle Clu,b The distinction was awarded Corn wall Welcome Duchess for having three offspring with official production recoid's The cow’s progeny averaged 12,058 lbs milk and 859 libs, butt erf at on twice daily aniilk- Ing, 305-day mature equivalent basis The ichords weie made under one of the programs of official testing of The Ameri can Jersey Cattle Club, which has its national headquarters located in Columbus, Ohio PATZ Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeder' Robert K. Robes Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel KI 8-2559 Kill Garlic Now In Pastures With IweedoneJ I LV4 I I* 3 1*