12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 13, 1965 • Inter-state (Continued from Page 1) tor State members and non membcis Although nonmem beis will pay the same mar keting costs as mcmbeis.they will have no \oice in manage ment of the coopci alive "One of tne moa* difficult ■.a • V-i f^J Transfer Milk Efficiently From Cow to Bulk .Cooler The “Bpn(imk” MILK-PORT- Ell is the (ie.iiie.st. most etli ci< lit method lor tra'iMerring nulK lioni tow to bn'k (ooler 0 Maniilaitined M ini lieinj gauge stainless steel. 0 l.ul seals tightlj to keep milk genii li-ee. 0 I’.isses through openings 20” and o’er. 0 Mo - es <|tnet and easiU on i übher-tn ed, ball beaiing w IkoK, Hoes anas with long. cv pensive pipe. Ilia's, milk pumps and ie'c..si r. r luo sizes. Lon-cost saniti/ing, Inquire About Our Lease Plan Appi ot ed lor City of Philadelphia - Amos H. Rutt R. 1). 2, Qnarrvtille, Penna. 786-3897 Available Now At ROHRER'S Cert. “Alfa” Alfalfa Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa Cert. Cayuga Alfalfa Cert. DuPuits Alfalfa Cert. Narragansett Alfalfa Cert. Vernal Alfalfa Cert. Pennscott Red Clover Penna. Grown Red Clover Cert. Ladino Clover Birdsfoot Trefoil Cert. Climax Timothy Cert. Pennlate Orchard Grass Reeds Canarv Glass Tiudan 1 Hybrid Sudan DeKalb Corn Sudax Cert Maine Grown Seed Potatoes Complete line of Farm and Garden Seeds Insecticides Fungicides Weed Killers Fertilizers P. L. ROHRBR &BROWIIJE; sMouirfbw?? s ' PhV397-?g39, * * £O4 i : t,*vi t a l> * * Snavely Garber, died tiwb “If the value of the Individu- Foods which taste, smoi^ marketing problems," Hand members for 25-year member- nl's production does not equal, or look abnormal should not reported, "is still to get bet- ship awards: Daniel U. Bell- or exceed, twice her feed cost, be used, flhey should t* ter ycar-around balance of er, Christiana: Lloyd M. Eby, the farmer should consider thrown out. Care should milk production.” Inter-State Paradise. Gather .also report- culling her.” taken in disposing of them, has gone into a Fall-based od to the group .that the As- for they can also be hanmini priccplus-surplus arrangement socialion’s financial status is . to pets or farm animals, to trv to improve this produc- better than at‘any lime in In lion balance In the last 12 months. Hand said, members li.ac icceived one of the high c-,1 Cla«-, I puces since 1948 (SG pci c'wt ) lie piedicted that this ligber puce slruc linc Will hold at least into 1989 The s’loup al=o heaid the secittaiy ot Dany Council. In. 11..1 iv Kaufmanu discuss the i.u i c.i t hull* type of pio molion they aie dome; on milk and milk pioducti lie cited eva nplcs c- p liteiatuie and m emotions that langcd fiom the mf mt maiket to the needs of oldstcis foi milk Auction PRODUCERS LIVESTOCK CO-OPERATIVE A FARMER OWNED AND controlled business handling cattle, ca!\es, hogs and sheep on commission. UNION STOCK YARDS, LANCASTER, PA. P. 0. BOX 695. BONDED LIVESTOCK DEALERS, WE WILL SELL YOUR FAT CATTLE-FEEDER CATTLE-COWS and BULLS AT AUCTION SALE ON WEDNESDAYS STARTING AT 12:00 NOON. AJLL OTHER DAYS AT PRIVATE TREATY. FEEDER CATTLE ON SALE AT ALL TIMES. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION _ PHONE AREA CODE 717 OFFICE 392-6810. Evenings: Glenn C. Hart, Manager, Phone 569-1863 or Harry J. Abel, Phone 394-7759 I 2-OOOCM nm&i ‘ 4 ' 7-FOOT BEHI boosts capacity 12%* You’ll make fewei field trips with the new Gehl Self- Unloading Foiage Box It has 7-ft. inside width In creases crop hauling capacity 12%'", This new width gives you an even wider selection of Box dimensions . one just right for your-needs Choose the new 7-ft. width or the standard 6-ft 3-in size. Length - 16 feet or longer or shelter. Available with 2-, 4-, or 6-ft sides, plus a 2-ft screened extension. Also available is a galvanized roof Whatever the size, Gehl Boxes are built for your tough jobs (with fine-grained, penta treated lumber and welded structural steel parts). Big ton a-miruite unload ing capacity Controls are up-front So is the new safety bar touch it to stop all unloading action Let us show you these and other featuies of the Gehl Self-Unloading Miu a FaX Foiage Box Ask us for a fm M ® a demonstiation Soon! -'Oornpatmg T and 1 - “>i“- , i. i <")g'3" mside widthk/' 1 > ' 1 i. itl -•‘■uin N. G. HERSHEY FARMERSVILLE & SON EQUIPMENT CO. R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. Manheim District Seven o*. "ctor, B. audience of the rule-of-thumb: THROW OUT BAD FOOD ter State’s history, Associate County Agent Victor Plastow reminded the gioup that foiagc testing equipment is now available thiough the DHIA supervis 01 s. He also reported that many heids in the county me not under the DHIA tcstirg piogiam. and that supsivisois could picsently handle* many of these on an onnei-sampling basis Once established on the laltei basis danyman would then be among the fust con sidoied for DILI A openings In discussing 'culling of cows, Plastow' leminded the Private Treaty lj IT WIDTH—H Public Auction FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES Wednesday, March 17, 1965 New lawn mowers, some used mowers, radius, food mixers, lanterns, rubber and plastic hose and many houseware and hardware items not mentioned 1 Keenco electric egg grader valued at $lOO., Hot Shot batteries, range feeders, 8 ft. fountains, tractor oil, wood and steel fence posts. Items will be sacrificed Many, many bargains during sale. Special prices on many items in the store during entire week of sale. Factory Representatives for Black & Decker, Olid den Paints and Greenfield lawn and garden, products will be here day of sale. Free refreshments for all, Martin Hardware IS2 E. Main St £L I < CHICK STARTER Helps You Build Baby Chicks Feed top-quality baby chicks on Red Comb Chick Starter for the first seven weeks and you're well on the way to egg profits. Nothing else, except a bit of Red Comb “C” Flakes the first day as an extra appetizer. Your chicks will go for Red Comb Chick Starter. They will have high livabili- ty, uniformity, good frames, adequate flesh and sturdy constitutions. You will have laid a sound foundation for a profitable laying flock. Red Comb Chick Starter supplies your chicks the right proteins, scientifically balanced amino acids, necessary minerals, vitamins, antibiotics and energy factors. Fifty years of Red Comb Research back Red Comb Chick Starter. It is expertly engineered to help you build your baby chicks into sturdy, go-ahead pullets. Start your chicks on Red Comb . . . because a flock that is well started is half raised of Located at 182 E. Main St., Bareville Starting at 1:00 P.M. Phone 656-3171 RED COMB Into Sturdy Pullets GOOD'S FEED MILLS Bareville .ftr - ,0 5