HOW IS YOUR CORN’S HEALTH? Tissue testing of corn was done recei p. L. Rohrer & Bro., Smoketown and California Chemical Co., Ortho Divis: iured are (left to right) B. D. Leaman and Max Maichelle, Ortho Agronomy erald Rohrer; of Rohrer’s; Edward Gladding, Ortho fertilizer representa ve; Amos Rutt and Ralph Garber of Rohrer’s. Farmers were invited to bring rpical stalks of corn to the testing station. By applying certain acids to certain reas of the plant the testers were able to determine whether low, medium or igh amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were present. The informa on from the test allows a farmer to evaluate his fertilizer program. It was report rj that about 80 % of the tests revealedvery sound programs. this is perfection this is STAALKAT (exclusive with Anderson) For an enthusiastic testimonial ask the man Mho owns a Staalkat egg giadei He’ll tell you what accuracy leally is ... how piecision scales place each egg in its exact glade Theie’s no need to set your scales with an e\tia toleiance to assure honest grading. Owneis state that this feature alone is woith as much as an extra 1c per dozen. Figuie this saving on your volume. The Staalkat principle never lets one egg touch another from candleis thiough scales. Bumping and tumbling that cause ciacks and EGG GRADERS • WASHERS • AUTOMATIC LOADERS • AUTOMATIC CARTONERS • VACUUM LIFTERS 888888888888888B 1 B are interested m modernizing our egg plant | ■ Please send us information on. m □ Staalkat egg grader ■ Q staalkat graders and Seymour washers wmt process approximately cases of eggs ® H per week | M Firm Name mm Addre s J City State ■ ™ Signed ■ Our Best Salesmen are STAALKAT owners themselves PRODUCTS FOR AeRIpULTURE” - *r . 1 jfi * j.a i i t i ki , < * V. _f 3 . A checks aie eliminated Staalkat dependability means a higher peicentage of top giades . . . highei piofits... yeai after yeai of dependable, peace-of-mind service. Imagine a machine weighing nearly two tons that is so carefully ciafted a single % h.p motor drives it. That’s perfection . . . that’s Staalkat. Join the successful egg pioduceis who de pend on Staalkat. Tiamed technicians will have a Staalkat system operating m your plant in a mattei of hours. Write today or call your Anderson man. 3O Branch Stores WKm Coast to m V Coast ‘Personalized Service ganaerson^) nviNG mi tut rout Mr fwcyjMf Anderson Box Company Inc, Home Office—P. 0 Box 1052 Indianapolis Ind. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 22, 1964—7 • Pouitrymen (Continued from Page 1) cent AA quality for the pack Elimination of wholesale Trades grade as obsolete. Elimination of wholesale and consumer Pullet size or weight class in favor of the Small designation. Revised the wholesale weight variation toleiance fiom 5 to 10 per cent. Dropped yolk centering lequuement in detei mining egg quality Banned use of “duties” in filling wholesale giade ie quirements. Reduced consumer grade minimum net weight on Jum bo size from 30 to 29 ounces a dozen and from 56 to 54 pounds for each 30 dozen eggs. Nan owed the air cell standard for AA and A quality eggs. No moie than Mi-inch movement peimitted foi AA duality and 2/8 inch movement for A quality m any direction as egg is xotated. K M Souders, general man ager of Pioduceis Coopeiative Exchange, Coatesville, testi fied the standard could work a haidship on pi oducers “since it is hard to candle on that basis.” In a written brief filed in advance of the heaiing, a sug- Women's Committee — Host'-At Luncheon « ' .5 t »• The Women’s Committee o? the Lancaster Counfy Farm ers Association was host at n luncheon on Thursday, Au gust 12th at the Landis Vat ley Motor Inn with 9 ladie;; from the League of Women Voters as guests Mrs Noah Wenger served as toastmistiess Haiold Roll lei, state boaid member cf P F A , and Chester Hime from the State PF A office spoko to the gioup to acquaint them with the PF A and also the national Faim Bureau Fedeia tion and what it stands for. gestion was leceived lequest mg the toleiance foi cracked eggs should be increased. But poultiymen recommend ed against a tolerance increase, in view of alleged link be tween salmonella derby and ciacked eggs There was also discussion of deleting the section of the egg law concerning marking of shell eggs cartons in favor of developing them as a separ ate department iemulation. Such action would have lo be taken, Grey said, at a seii arate healing Changes the department de cides to implement will prob ably be approved in about 10 days and become law 90 days later SPRAYING Service Dairy Barns Poultry Houses CARBOLA Disinfecting White Paint • Dries AVhite • Disinfects Against Disease • 90% Less Cobuebs 8 to 10 Mo. , Fly Spraying i DISINFECT i POULTRY HOUSES 1 6 Witmer Rd., R 4, Lane. Maynard Beitzel Phone 392-7237 . FLIES : IRcd 'fyaccr Wite (2&CC& ROCKLAND * KLEEN KHOC 'EM DEAD KLEEN-KOW Contains Yapona, Pyrethrum and repellents for extra quick knock-down, kill. Maxi mum repellency for protection of cows on pasture. NOW! NEW! SUPER KLEEN-KOW The new combination of Cio drin and Yapona ghes maxi mum animal piotection in th barn and on pasture where it really counts! Kills all flies including face flies. Let Rockland solve your flly problems. See > our supplies or write to “=T| ROCKLANE t |l l CHEMICAL CO., INC Passaic Avenue W Caldwell N i