0 ,o, it: li: Ci n ir ;o: ( 16 81 PATZ Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Robert K. Rohrer Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel KI 8-2559 ly steady from last month The egg-feed ratio dropped to 8 6 which equaled lowest ratio on record, Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 20, 1964—7 • Chicago ' (Continued from Page 2) ago Compared last Friday, Slaughter Steers grading Good and Better unevenly 1 50-2 50 higher; small supply Standard and Low Good and weights un der 1050 lbs generally 50 to 100 higher; Heifers 1 00-2 00 higher; Cows stiong to 50 high er, Bulls steady In the Chica go carlot dressed trade, Good and Choice steer 1 50-2 50 high er, Standard 100-1 50 up. Heif er Beef 1 75-2 25 higher, Cow Beef mostly steady. Puces on Slaughter Steels and Heifeis legisteied the shaipest one week advance in thiee yeais under influence of cu 1 1 al l e d marketings and sharply higher wholesale beef prices Total marketings first four days at the twelve mar kets smallest since Maidi and local receipts smallest for a non-holiday in over a year SLAUGHTER STEERS At mid-week, six loads Pume 1266-1416 lbs 25 00, highest since last November and 3 00 above the 18 year low set in !* *s* *l* *J* *2*s* V VVVVVV V V % 4 V V vVVVVV V V V V V V More farmers each month prefer to buy their • HAY • STRAW • EAR CORN £ from us for better value and all around satisfac- * * tion. At farm or delivered, any quantity as your '? * requirements may be. * Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm. insecticide controls 7 major tobacco pests USDA-approved Thiodan. This single insecticide is outstandingly effective against hornworms, budworras, aphids, cabbage loopers, and green june bug larvae. It will also control flea beetles. And stink bugs. (Not registered for control of stink bugs, but recommended by some states.) You’ll find Thiodan is easy to use. Saves mixing several specific insecticides. Does a better job with fewer applications. Saves time and money. Use Thiodan on any type of tobacco. With out fear of injuring plants. Without adverse effects on flavor or grade of the treated leaf. Get Thiodan as a liquid E.C. formulation. Or, (for quick knock down during heavy in festations) combined with parathion in liquid or dust formulations. Thiodan® Thicccr® lendcsultonj h o regiileiid Itodirorkof F orbwerUe HoechsJ A G. B BBSTOfaIRcieLD CHEMICALS • NIAGARA CHEMICAL DIVISION • MIDDLEPOPT, N Y. -May. Most loadlots Prime 1150- 1400 lbs 24.25-24 50, couple loads 1275-1283 lbs 24 75, High Choice and Prime 1150-1400 lbs. 23 25-24 25, Choice 1000- 1450 lbs. 22 00 23 00, with mod el ate number of loads Aver age to High Choice 1200-1350 lbs 23 25, load Choice 1535 lbs 22 00 On Monday, few loads mixed Choice and Pnme 1500-1650 lbs. 20 00-21 25, Good 900-1250 lbs sold late from 19 00 21 25, loadlots Mixed Good and Choice 2150-22 OC, Standaid and Low Good 16 SC -19 00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: At mid-week, load High Choice and Pnme 1050 lbs. 23 00, highest since last Decembe'% seveial loads High Choice and Prime 1050 1150 lbs 22 00- 22 50, load 1180 lbs 22 75, laie Bulk Choice 800-1125 lbs. 20 75 22 00, Good 19 00-20 50, few Standaid and Low Good 16 25-18 50. COWS Utility and Commer cial 13 00-15 00, Canner and Cutter 12 00-14 25 BULLS Cutter and Commer cial 16 00-18 00, few Fat Com mei cial 14 00-15 00 SIXCE 1890 PARADISE, PA.