—Laricast'er Farming, Saturday, June 20, 1964 2 Market News Reports At Lancaster Yards June 18, 19,64 BULLS- Utility to Good Tlln . CATTLE- 2700 Compared 18 00-20 00, High Yielding Good in with 2811 head last week. Sup- and Utility 20.00-21.00, few ply included 60 per cent 21.50-22.00. P lB per cen t cows, slaughter steers 10 per cent FEEDER STEERS: Load slaughter st eers 25 to mostly cows with balance mainly and f ew lots Choice and Fancy , 0 instances 75 hieh feeder steers Active compar- 935 -1100 lbs. 21.50-22.85, Choice “ ’steady to *6 lower, ed with last week’s close, 810-1010 lbs. 20 25-2185, Good Bullg y Slaughter steers grading good 530-750 lbs. 17.75-22.00, Good SLAUGHTER STEERS and above 75-150 higher, Util- 400-475 lbs 18.50-20 00, Medium mnO-ITiO- lbs 2150- ity and Standard steady to 75 800 -1025 lbs. 15:25-16.85 22 10. High Choice and Prime higher Heifeis steady to 75 CALVES- 525 Compared 1050 4 33 0°i b . 22 50 . 23 50 , Mixed higher, Cows Bulls and Feeder with 554 last week and 473 Good and Choice 21 35.21.75, St rT rS A S TT 8 p d HTirn head last y® ar - Fairly active, Good 2 0.25-21.50, Standard SLAUGHTER STEERS Vealers steady to 100 lower ,g7=0050 Choice 1000-1350 lbs 22 00- VEALERS Choice 29 00- HEIFERS Few Good and 23 35, HOO-iSOO lbs 2200-2300 3200> few High Choice and ]bs lv . oo -l9 25. High Choice and Pnmel 23 50- Pnme 33 00, Good 27.00-30 00, CQWS Cutter and Utl ii t y 10 ’ rT 2 J j 6 (Continued on Page 14) 14 25-1610, Canner and low Mixed Good and Choice 2175- v . iscnu-is =| 50, 12 head 22 75, Good 20 75- CfalCagO Cattle SolS Lne? i 1.50.12 50.' ’ SSxISSa 1850 - 2l “' HEIFERS Choice 750-1050 CATTLE- Salable receipts iqLVnnn y lbs 20 25-21 75, Good 18 00- first four days 20,600 compared .„ n ~ , anA 20 75 28,300 ago and 24,000 C COWS Cutter and Utility year ago. Twelve market re -1450-1660, Canner and Low ceipts 178,400 compared 202,- jieldmg Cutter 13 25-14 75, 300 week ago and 180,300 year Shelly Canner 11.75-13 25 (Continued on Page 7) New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Sale Schedule Monday: Horse Sale 10:00 A.M. Tack Sale to Follow Horse Sale Hog Sale 11:00 A.M. Beef Cattle 2:00 P.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves Wednesday: Sale of Dairy Cattle 12:30 P.M. Thursday: Sale of Beef Cattle 12:30 P.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves JOHN H. GINGRICH, Mgr. Ph. New Holland 354-2104 New Holland, P». Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows. Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold On Commission Sale every Tuesday 2 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Bt. 30 Farmers : * When it comes to livestock marketing, * we ore working for you. J. M. Lancaster Stock Yards Monday, Private treaty starting at 7 A.M, Wednesday, Auction Market starting at 12 • All shipments (whether 1 or 100) receive individual attention j; • Tell your trucker “Hoober sells these.” £« . V * Listen to our weekly radio broadcast Wednesday morning * 8:05 Ephrata 1310 (WGSA) on >our dial for receipts and % market outlook. Feel free to call us. * .><-<~t.^.;..;.<*4~v.>.:,.;_r_ > . :^: , < ~.< . .w, >> ... ;^: .. >: ,, ; . < .^ x>: J Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Consign to . . Hoober, Phone 397-6191 Inc. (■ Vintage Sale mice vealers mostly i.uv . er; Standard and below steady. VEALERS- Choice 28 50- 30 50, Good 26 50-28 50, Stand ard 24 50-26.50, Utility 22.50- 24 50. Cull 17 50-22 50. HOGS- 157 Barrows and gilts mostly 50 lower. Sows steady. BARROWS AND GILTS- U S. 1-2 200-230 lbs 17.50- 1810, 6 head U S 1, 1860- 19 10, U S 1-3 185-230 lbs 17 00-17.50, U S 2-3 200-240 (Continued on Page 14) Monday 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Private Treaty Calves, Sheep, Hogs and all Cattle Tuesday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Private Treaty Calves, Sheep, Hogs and all Cattle Wednesday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Private Treaty Calves, Sheep, Hogs and Feeder Cattle 12:00 Noon to Closing Auction Cows, Bulls, Fat Cattle and Feeder Cattle Thursday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon Private Treaty Calves, Sheep, Hogs and all Cattle Friday 8:00 A M. to 4:00 P.M. Private Treaty Calves, Sheep, Hogs and all Cattle Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon Private Treaty Calves, Sheep, Hogs and all Cattle Regardless of the size of your consignment your livestock will receive personal at tention by an experienced and capable staff in each department. Call us 397-5136 and avail yourself of the latest market news and information and listen to our newscast Monday and Wednesday at 7:05 A.M. over WLAN 1390- CAPABLE SERVICE TO THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY SINCE 1898 i IVANM. MARTIN, Inc. n- " * { Blue Ball/ Pa. f 'l A f S "Market" News Reports New Holland Auction CATTLE - 940. Supply in- FEEDER STEERS Ck, eludes 9 per cent cows. Ac- 900-1025 lbs. 19 50-22 25, tive, Compared with last 750-875 lbs. 18 60-20 75 Thursday’s market, Slaughter CALVES: 318. Uneven, w, steers 1.00-1.50 higher. Cows ers averaged mostly S ( ej . steady to 50C higher. Bulls VEALERS Choice and p rit strong to 25V higher. 28 50-33.00, Good 26 50 aga SLAUGHTER STEERS: f n’Jf’wS Ulltl Choice 950-1350 lbs. 22.25-23 50, 21 00 ‘ 24 ° O, Cull 17 00 21 30 few High Choice 23.50-24.10, SHEEP; 19 Not enough, Mixed Good and Choice 22 00- sa^e to establish a 22.85, Good 2125-22.50, Stand- trend- Few Choice 65 105 ard 19.00-21.50, Utility 18.50- Spring lambs 22.50 25 50 19 00. HEIFERS Choice 950-1050 lbs. 20 25-22 25 COWS- Cutter and Utility 15 00-16.60, Canner and low Yielding Cutter 13 60-15 25, Shelly Canner 11 50-13.50. BULLS; Utility and Com mercial 18.00-20 00, Few Good and High Yielding Utility 20.00- 2100. 2 head 21.75, Cutter t PRODUCERS LIVESTOCK CO-OPERATIVt * Under New Management Glenn C. Hart J Consign your cattle, calves, hogs or lambs toad purchase your stocker and feeder cattle from: % THE PRODUCERS LIVESTOCK CO-OPERATIVE * UNION STOCK YARDS, LANCASTER, PA. * The only farmer-owned livestock commission tin * doing biisiness on the Union Stock Yards, Lancaster, Pi * Phones; Area Code 117 * Office 392-6810 ****************************************: PRIVATE TREATY AUCTION Both Livestock Marketing Services WALTER M. DUNLAP AND SONS Lancaster Union Stock Yards Tel. 397-5136 “The Old Dependable” known everywhere Thursday, June 18 Glenn C. Hart 569-1863 Harry Abel 394-7759 Now Offered By New Holland 354-2112 Gap Hickory 2-4148 Terre Hill 445-3455 16.75-18.00, The 105 cows, 5 bulls sjj heifers met a steady maiket the June 17 auction Fresh Holstein cows brow $250-470; Guernseys siSOjj and other breeds siso-j; Stock bulls brought and Heifers sold for $65-1® At the June 15 sale of (Continued on Page 3) Evenings Martin’s Limestone For alert, agg resS ' y farming that pro* duces profitable crops!