iry Type Bulls Outgain eers In Feeding Tests Keystone state daaymen may i c overlooking a good somee ( >\t,a income, lesearcheis at (j U . Pennsylvania State Univei slt\ believe Ihomas B King, extension qiuuial husbandly specialist, ‘ int l Di James R Nichols, ex peiiment station daily scient ist, have conducted a senes of feeding experiments with dairy type bulls in companson with steeis. King says feeding of dairy type bulls for beef production can be a profitable enterpme since the hulls gain faster and need less feed per pound of beet produced than do steers. In experiments at the Uni versity, he said, bulls reached gOO pounds 34 days sooner than steeis. The bulls reached 1,000 How to control weeds and grasses in soybeans and corn this season without risk to soybeans, corn or grain next year Applied pre-emergence In com at planting time, “Lorox” gives effective residual control of germinating' annual weeds and grasses in cluding tough giant foxtail. ■ j Soybean and Corn Growers: Control those weeds and f grasses this season with new DuPont “Lorox”. It offers you these unique advantages; ■ One chemical, .used just once in a season, does the i job in both soybeans and corn. ■ Controls both annual weeds and grasses... including that tough one, giant foxtail. ■ M Lorox” kills 2 ways. well as by contact. ■ Versatile... “Lorox” may be applied at planting time as a pre-emergence treatment in soybeans and corn. pounds 11 26 fewer days The steeis had a slightly highei diessing percentage than the bulls, but in percent of de sued cuts, tne bulls outpointed the steeis at both weights Tins was pnmaiily due to less fat thickness and moie squaie inch of aiea in the nb eye muscle on the bulls. But more significant, the re searches feel, is the amount of feed consumed by the ani mals The 800 pound bulls ate 576 pounds of feed compaied to 616 pounds for the steers, or a saving of 40 pounds oi feed to reach market weight. On the 1,000 pound animals, the bulls ate 635 -pounds com pared to 714 for the steers, or a difference of 61 pounds per animal The bulls ate less of its killing action is residual as See Us For LOROX and other DuPont Products J. C. EHRLICH CHEMICAL CO., INC. 736 East Chestnut St., Lancaster ? A w!r*sp 3 tt g' v * C. ‘> fc _>► & In soybeans, pre-emergence weed control with “Lorox” keeps rows free of annual weeds and grasses that steal water, nutrients and sunlight...and profits. mm •u w i * Better Things (or Better Living through Chemistry i TTi ii hi both grain' and hay to reach market weight. The steer carcasses in the ex peument earned a gteater de giee of maibling and moie fat covering At the 800 pound weight, the steci giad ed shghtlj highei, but at the 1,000 pound weight the bulla giadcd highei than the steers King said feeding bulls is a faiily common custom in many countiies but the industiy heie has not >el become awaie of the piofil oppoitumlies avail able One of the leasons foi the high mtei est m these investiga tions is that the housewife has shown an increasing mteiest m leaner cuts of meat,” he said “In the farmei’s terms bulls provide just this ” Dr Nichols pointed out that retailing trials in Denver, Colo lado, show that 90 percent of the consumers who bought bull steaks, without knowing where they came from, said they would buy them again. About “Lorox" plus Du Pont Surfactant WK may be used in com as a directed post-emergence treatment when weed problems develop (only when pre-emergence treatment is not made). ■ No soil residue can use “Lorox" this season in soybeans and corn without risk to soybeans, corn or gram next year. Find out more about the unique advantages of DuPont’s new weed and grass killer for soybeans and corn. See your dealer...or write DuPont, Room N-2539, Wil- mington, Delaware 19898. J ''j On all chemicals, follow labeling instructions J'A and warnings carefully. I'fkWiKV “ lorox*®! ‘-j&kojl: <^>>v * Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25, 1964—13 y '**' i. s < y t v * ** ' * A ' i K LOOKING OVER A PEN OF Holstein steers are Dr James R. Nichols, Penn State dairy scientist, left, and Thomas B. King, extension animal husbandry specialist The two departments at Penn State are conducting experiments on the economic importance of dairy bulls as beef. -i&j Mh i A directed post-emergence treatment In corn with “Lorox” provides contact kill of grow ing weeds and grasses, as well as control of germinating weed seedlings. rnssmm &!Kas 397-3721 “■ v< ✓ 1 the same reaction was noted for leasts from bull carcasses. King noted that the increas ed gam per pound of feed could amount to nearly $l4 per ani mal with -bulls This could amount to $l3 million per year in 'Pennsylvania if the estimat ed 973,000 daily hulls were fed out for beef The expeiiments were ear ned out in cooperation with the Holstein-Pnesian Associa tion ol Amenca, the Depart ment of Animal Industry and Nutntion at the University, and the Coopeiative Giange League Fedeiation Spring Rains Delay Seeding Spring seeding of alfalfa and ciovei is well advanced and some Cohblei potatoes have beer planted, but rain and wet giound -have delayed most farm woik in the state, according to today’s weekly ciop and weath ei leport of the Pennsylvania Ci op Repoiting Seivice Wmtei giams geneially are in fan to good condition, the lepoit stated although some bailey had to be replanted in the southwest aiea because of poor germination dunng last falls diought or fiom suffoca tion fiom watei and ice Grams and glasses were mak ing rapid growth Tobacco beds in the Lancas tei county area weie being steamed for weed and plant di sease control Fruit trees have come through the winter in good con dition, and apple buds are swell ing rapidly 'Some chemes are m bloom and a few peaches are in the pink stage. 'Pruning work has been completed Plowing for oats and corn progressed in southern and cen tral counties, and some oats and vegetables .were planted, in, addition to potatoes Most of the state had a long, cold winter with plenty of snow and temperatures ranging down to 25 degrees below zero, but the weather was milder by sev eral degrees than the 1962-tfß season. Snowfall ranged from 100 in ches in northwestern counties to 50 inches in the southeastern area The November March rainfall totaled 15 to 18 inches, or considerably above normal. REMOVE MULCH Remove mulch from rose bushes gradually over a couple of weeks, recommend Univer sity horticulturists. Then re move dead wood Cut back one inch into the -green wood, and in addition, remove weak un desirable branches. H