John E. Esh Herd Tops DHIA for Second Consecutive Month The herd of John E. Esh, 25,590 pounds of milk •with Coidonville 81, had the high a 3.3 test. monthly butterfat average for Second high lactation was January in 'the Red Rose Dairy produced by a three year old perd improvement Association, registered Holstein in the herd The 25 registered Holstein °* Henry Kettering, Lititz R 3. cows made an average of 70 Her record was 807 pounds of nounds of butterfat in 1,898 butterfat in 17,653 pounds of pounds of milk with a 3.7 per ““Ik ™th » 4.6 per cent test. ceD t test. Eight other cows in the as- Second high average waa sociation made more than 750 made hy the 24 registered and f OU f nds ot butterfat during the “ode Holstein «£wb in the ' acta lonB ® ndln / January. Je,d of Ivan G. Martin, Bph- Fourteen other herds had aver- Rl. This herd averaged ages ° f over J° P° unds dur ‘ eS pounds of butterfat in 1,- me the month -717 pounds of milk with a 3 9 ' pei cent test. A basic requirement Tor The high 305 day lactation membership in the Future completed during the month Farmers of America is that a nas made by Alma, a regis- boy must be a student of vo teied Holstein m the herd of catlonal agriculture in high. Clarence Stauffer, Ephrata Rl. School, although he may re- The five year old cow produc- taan his membership for three ed 857 pounds of butterfat in years following graduation. How to control weeds and grasses in soybeans and com this season without risk to soybeans, corn or grain next year Applied pre-emergence In com at planting time, "Lorox” gives effective residual control of germinating-annual weeds and grasses in cluding tough giant foxtail. Soybean and Com Growers: Control those weeds and grasses this season with new DuPont “Lorox”. It offers you these unique advantages: E) One chemical... used just once in a season, does the job m both soybeans and corn. ■ Controls both annual weeds and grasses...including that tough one, giant foxtail. '■ “Lorox” kills 2 ways...its killing action is residual as well as by contact. ■ Versatile...“Lorox” may be applied at planting time as a pre-emergence treatment in soybeans and corn. •Kjgp| ... See Us For LOROX and other DuPont Products J. C. EHRLICH CHEMICAL CO., INC. 736 East Chestnut St., Lancaster *** In soybeans, pre-emergence weed control with “Lorox” keeps rows free of annual weeds and grasses that steal water, nutrients and sunlight...and profits. * mm g , m* Better Things for Belter Living through Chemistry N. Holland YFA Holds Banquet Fast President, Carl Weav er, acted as toastmaster for fhe Second Annual Awards Banquet of the Gaiden Spot Young Farmer Association, •which was held recently at the Garden Spot High School, New Holland. Earl S Fisher, RtDl, East Earl, was presented the Out standing Young Fanmei Award for Region H of Pennsylvania, by Paul Kline, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Young Fanner Association The Chapter Charter was formally presented to the pres ident of the local organlEation, Carl Weaver, by Mr. Paul Kline foi the State Young Farmer Association The annual banquet is bas ically an awards program spon sored by Mr. A B. C Groff, local fanm implement dealer, "Lorox” plus Du Pont Surfactant WK may be used in com as a directed post-emergence treatment when weed problems develop (only when pre-emergence treatment is not made). ■No soil residue problems ... you can use “Lorox” this season in soybeans and corn without risk to soybeans, corn or grain next year. Find out more about the unique advantages of DuPont’s new weed and grass killer for soybeans and corn. Sec your dealer...or write DuPont, Room N-2539, Wil- mmgton, Delaware 19898. | On all chemicals, follow labeling instructions i f, and warnings carefully ' IftOISV LOROX" Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 14, 1964—17 and Mr. Earl Sander, local feed dealer. Charles Martin, RD2, Parit esburg, was the top winner of the Corn Growing Contest with a yield of 146 bn. of 15. 5% moisture shelled corn per acre. Second place went to Abram Zeiset, RIDI, East Earl, with a yield of 142 bushels of shelled corn per acre. Earl R. Martin, R(DI, East Earl, received a trophy for be ing the high Dany Herd Im provement Association meimiber during the last year. A plaque was presented to Melvin Bren dle, RDI, East Earl, for hav ing attended the most meet ings of the educational senes Certificates of appreciation were presented to Mr Ivan Witwer, president of the East ern Lancaster County Joint School Board, Mr. Robert P. Simon, Supervising Principal of the Eastern Lancaster Coun ty Joint School System: Mr. * Xw% v? m +M&. A.