1 J / r . I V THESE PESTS CHEW TOBACCO WHITE GRUB— This insect chews up tender roots as fast as they dc\ elop. Read how low-cost aldrin gives long-lasting control of soil insects \ that destroy seedlings, cut tobacco yields and quality. A whole aimy of insects threatens tobacco .dm mg the growing season Wnew orms burrow into the stem Cutworms chew on young plants White grubs attack the roots. Alchw slops all map i sod insects attack ing tobacco It coniwls the insects you sec above plus annual gi tdis and flea beetle 1m- Aldcin-treatcd tobacco (nghi') is about S feet tall Untreated tobacco Qcjtj is about 5 feet tall * f'» >l* ' ...UNDERGROUND: vae One althin apphcaliou deans up une wotins so thownghly yon may not need to it eat again fot 2 to 3 yeat s (If yon hare a cnl ivotm piohletn the second 01 ihnd season, apply dieldun ) Bv desnovmg soil insects hefote thev do damage, aldun allots tobacco plants to dc \clop deep, stiong, healthy toot systems Lea\ cs matuic lastci, develop evenly Plants aic mote vitjoious and discasc-iesistant O result. Aldun ictmns us cost many times o\ ci in luglici tobacco piofits. How to use aldrin As little as 2 to 3 pounds ot aldun pci acic applied as an o\ ciall bioadcast ticatmcnt bc foic planting will give season-long contiol ot all major tobacco pests. As little as I to 4 ounces of aldiin pci 50 gallons ot watei, applied in the setting v atei during tiansplanting, will stop mot maggots Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 7, 1964—1 WIREWORM - Burrows into stun ol tobacco pi nits. CUTWORM Chews on \oung pi mis and uheuoims —msuie a qood stand O Where to get aidrin Aldun is available liom \oui local insecti cide dealei undet tauouswcll-Lnown bund names It comes as liquid, wcttablc poudci, gianulcs, and in leitiluei mixes Look lor the name aldnn on the label 01 m the mgie client statement. Shell Chemical Company, Agucultuul Chemicals Du ision, 2299 Vau\hall Road, Union, New jcisev aldrin A PRODUCT OF SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY 5