Farm Prices Dip 2 Per Cent In December HARRISBURG Prices re ceived by commonwealth farm ers in mid-December dropped 2 per cent from a month ear lier and 3 per cent from last year, according to the Penn sylvania Crop Repoiting Ser vice Livestock and livestock pro ducts weie responsible for NEW HOLLAND Concrete Blocks for Safer Durable Construction NEW HOLLAND CONCRETE PRODUCTS • RETAINING WALLS New Holland, Pa. - | Phone 334-3114 Look To HORNCO For Experience and Know How Check With Your Neighbor FEEDS D. E. HORN & COJNC. york, pa. pa 2-mi mosiT'of tire~decllrio7 according to the PCRS. HbfeS, Wfeftaglnfe' ‘515.10 per hundredweight, were 90 cents below mid-November prices and $2 30 lower than those of a year earlier. Steers and heif ers, at $2O per hundredweight, were off $l.lO from a month earlier and doVvn $4 40 from December 1962 Broilers averaged 13.5 cents per pound, down three cents from mid-November and 'hiee cents below the previous Dec ember price. Egg prices were In Feed Manufacturing Who Is Feeding HORNCO "Service Makes The Difference" J. H. REITZ & SON, INC. R. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. the lowest for any December since 1957, averaging 38 cents a dozen, two cents less than a month earlier. Sheep and lamb prices ad vanced slightly and prices re ceived tor field crops showed little change from mid-Novem ber. Prices paid for alfalfa hay rose $1 50 to $49 pel ton, the highest Decembei price on re cord. The index of prices received, a measure ot the trend and change of prices iecei\ed b> CONTACT S. O. TRUPE East Earl, Pa. Phone - A. C. 215-445-6128 JOHN HERR JR. Annyille, Pa. Phone - UN 7-2244 NED SITLER JR. WrigKtsville, Pa. Phone - Wrightsville 255-3391 Phone 626-6850 Lapcastep.ygfming, Saturday, January 25, 1964—5 farmers for their products, was 226 per cent ot the 1910-14 base ot 100 per cent. It was 230 a month earlier and 233 a year ago The index of prices received in the nation declined 2 pel cent trom a month eailier, while the index of puces paid declined a thud ot one pel cent Plan Clinic For Cattle Feeders A Cooperative Extension Ser vice livestock clinic for cattle feeders will be held Jan 30, Feb G and 13 in the Rohieis town elementary school, Rohierstown, according to an announcement made today by County Agent M M Smith Each clinic will consist of three evening classes, schedul ed to start promptly at 7.30 p m , at weekly intervals. SPRAYING Service Dairy Barns Poultry Houses CARBOLA Disinfecting White Paint 0 Dries White 0 Disinfects Against Disease 0 Kills Mies; 90% Less Cobwebs 8 to 10 Mo. DISINFECT POULTRY HOUSES 6 Witmer Rd., R 4, Lane. Maynard Beitrel Phone 392-7327 Census Bureau Asks Farmers To Keep Records Every farmer and rancher will have need tor records on his business in 19 64 in order to pronde accuiate answers for the do-it-yourselt questionnaire he will receive near the end ot the year as part of the 1964 Census of Aguculture, accord ing to the Bureau of the Cen sus, US Depaitment ot Com mei ce Each farmer or rancher will receive a census torm by mail in October or earlier, and will be asked to fill it out A cen sus taker will visit the farm dumig November or early Dec ember to review the filled-out form, make sure that all ques tions are answered, and send the torm to Census headquart ei s The “do-it-yourself” plan is evpected to save several mil lion dollars compared with the method used in earlier farm censuses in which a census taker asked all the questions and wrote the answers on the census form For the first time, the 1964 Census of Agriculture will in clude questions about income received from recreation ser* vices, such as hunting 01 fish ing privileges, board and room ■provided to sportsmen: and questions about chemical sprays or dusts used during the year to control pests and diseases of any kind The bulk ot questions will deal with crops and livestock produced and sold, use of farm land and amounts of farm expendi tures “The most significant farm census since 1940” is the de scription by Ray Hurley, who has directed the Censuses of Agriculture at tive-year inter vals over the past quaiter cen tal y. “American agncultiue has been undergoing wide spread and massive changes and the Census provides the only accurate measuies ot those changes, Hi Huiley said The 19G4 Ccn c is ot Agncul ture "ill piovde the first count ol the nation’s farms since the Census of Agncul tuie 11 1959 and the first co' ill ot people hung on i .!' s since the Oensus of Population in 1960 The num bei of farms in the nation de ceased from its high point of G 8 million in 1935 to 3 7 million in 1959 The number ot people living on faims drop ped from more than 30 mil lion in 1940 to less than 14 million persons in 1960. EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AVAILABLE An opportunity to partici pate in fast growing, at tractive profit making li quid fertilizer business. write, phone Eugene A. Reichard, Sales mgr. ROBERTA. REICHARD, Inc. 19th & Lawrence Sts. Allentown, Pa.