Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 28, 1963, Image 10

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    10—Lancaster Farming, SaturdayJ'December 28, 1968
• For The Farm Wife
(Continued from Page 7)
mated entire!} from custard
or cream pie recipes
You can cut calories when
making desserts b} substitut
ing m recipes - use skim milk
tor whole milk; use whipped
chilled e\aporated or diy milk
for whipped cream, or use
one of the non-caloric sweet
eners tor pa it oi all of the
Then there’s the old sav
ing it isn’t what you eat
but how much you eat that
makes >ou fat So, if jour
sweet tooth calls for an oc
casional luscious, rich desseit
Hist eat a small sening
and use jour wil 1-po wei.
Despite modem methods of
food processing and letngei
ation food poisoning can
still oecui Food spoilage is
caused b\ molds \ easts and
bacteria which get into tood
fiom the soil or an from un
samtaiv utensils oi from the
While molds and \ easts can
cause spoilage, thev do not
cause illness, and, m fact,
some oi them aie actually
used m pioduung certain food
items su< h as the mold in
Rociuetoit cheese and \ easts
which cause feimentation ot
w me
Howecet some bactenal
oigamzisms aie extiemeh
haimtul The\ can cause ill
ness in canons degiees; in
some cases this is fatal Low
acid foods such as certain le
getahles meat, fish, poultic
and daiiv 'products impiopei
h piepared or stoied, piocide
ideal conditions toi bactena to
h\e and multiple
Although some tood spoil
age cannot be detected, lieie
aie some general chai.actei is
tics of spoilage A gloss\
sheen on the surface of toods
01 a putnd 01 stilplimc odoi,
especialU on meat fish and
poniltic a sour taste to noi
malU bland toods, bulged 01
loose lids on tood containeis,
cas bubbles and mold giow'th
aie some signs ol tood spoil-
Xeailv all of the acute out
hieaks ot food poisoning in
volving laige gioups ot peo
ple aie caused In st.iphvloc
occi organisms, which are
spend b\ unsanitary food
handling, when the persons
piepanng the food have 111-
tections, boils or cuts 01
sneeze 01 cough w hile prepai
mg tood The food may not
be noticeably altered by the
organism although signs of
spoilage may appear in cn»-
taid, tilled pastries, milk,
cheese, ice cream, fish, and
meat or othei salads
One ot the most common
plates of staphylococci poison
ing in home cooked foods is
in poulti \ stuffing which has
been allowed to cool too slow
lv oi at room temperature
Tins is the reason that par
tial cooking of stuffed poul
try is always discouraged and
the reason dressing should be
removed tiom the bird and
tooled ter, quickly after the
meal Left at loom tempera
tnic foi as little as thiee
horns these foods tan become
contaminated To prevent
spoilage lefngerate inimpd
latcdv at verv cold tempera
tuies and then reheat' v'erv
thoiongblv Even under' iden
tical conditions cooked meat
is inoie vnlneiablp to stapbv
lorcicci oiganisins than uncook
ed meat
Tumble woolens for n few
minutes without in the
tli'Vfi to net rid of moth ball
* Chick Starter
* Growing Mash
• Luxury Enamel For Inside • Outside Paint
West Willow Farmers Assoc.
WEST WILLOW Pli. 394-3019
When it comes to milk profits, which meons most?...
- - >
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f, i/. / /
t - s
m S'
In a modem dairy operation, breeding and
feeding are both basic considerations. But
one of these factors feeding —is often
neglected... to the dairyman’s cost. Is this
true of your operation?
Nearly all today’s cows are bred for top
level production. But that doesn’t mean
much when cows are only partly nourished.
Part-way feeding programs allow only par
tial production. It’s as simple as this...
cows that lack needed amounts of milk
making nutrients just can’t produce up to
That’s why many dairymen who manage
for profit rely on PIONEER feeds and
Joseph M. Good &
Leola Quarryville
•* *
PIONEER feeding programs. Success*
ful dairymen know that the answer to big*
get milk profits lies in milking better*
producing cows.
Chances are, most of your cows are capable
of more production than you’vebeen getting
... as much more as 2,000 lbs. of milk per
cow every year. Let us -and PIONEER
show you how to challenge your herd! Leam
how to milk out the total bred-in production
potential in your cows.
Stop in and talk it over. Choose the
PIONEER dairy program best-fitted to your
needs. You’ll be glad you did!
' ’ / " * *