■I r !nK'v^rn^^' 6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 30, 1963 Three 4-H Members Win Soll&Water Essay Awards Three (Lancaster County 4-fH and during', the span of his life club members 'won savings the soil sustains it. bonds awarded this 'week by He said, “The soil is our the 'Lancaster 'Kiwanis Club, greatest resource and conser- Eugene Hosier, the 17-year- vation is our greatest problem.- old son of Mr and Mrs Mark The land feeds and clothes you. •Hosier, Manheim R 3, *won a $5O It furnishes the roof over your savings bond With an essay en- head and the raw Tor titled, "Prosperity to fPoverty”, industry It’s your land. It outlining the reasons for soil needs your attention!" and water conservation. Land, A\ ater and People Miss (ManCy Stoltzifus, daugh- Speaking on the subject off ter !of IMr. and Mrs. .Melvin "Land, Water and People”, Ho -Stol'tzfus, Ronks Rl, and Geo- hart Bookman from the Harris- X’ge Clark, son Of Mr and Mrs. bujrg office c|| the U IS. Soil Neil’ Clark, Lititz Rl, were pre- Conservation Service, said all aented >s2s bonds. - watersheds, no .matter wbat The awards were made by size - haTO these th ' ree thM ia John C Long, chairman of. the common ' • A Kiwanis Agriculture committee, “It is 'the improper balance at the regular meeting of the of land, ‘water and 'people that club ton Tuesday at Hotel lias 'brought ah-dut * cognizance Brunswick, Lancaster. that something must be done Hosier, in his essay said, t 0 conserve our natural resour “Man is dependent on the ces ’ : saw * - earth’s surface for survival. H 0 explained that the cam- His body ie derived 'from the mon element of any ctonserva goil and goes hack to the soil tion program is When he lays it down in death, lated" aspect. This means, he tancaster Farming Ads Pay ! * I * **• * * £)*£*£ i 1 •<* -J« > *v.yv .I.*}'* t t 1 I ''*< •* r\ P 1 ty . f ( l ? if 11 i. f A ‘J’Ti "* i 1 i*ft l' -i V i jIA VC Vft* //„ ,, , * *>x.'*^ t * <\'\ V /.>• i • •'* - * '*' J ■- .wsf.A.**' -.'' r - worlt -dn man to his two" most important. ____ ,„ OQd . ua . * « irux not . „-, ' «ho& i o ooa use. concrete ftoonr. They insist .on resources, ~~ > M ib eelL gald that water wood, because any Jon* ex»o -[ He added that only about will Welcome our first critically sure to rock-like confflrtfth [one gallon of_waitecrin_-each on* scarceresource, he said, a n d-ebuld ruin l thefr feet. Hoßjhf said that we are all. looking Toi added, “We* hare the waiter if wives* have the same affinity ibetter and more.' abundant-liv- we* uae aihd take cafe olt f ex ’ tsuteod floors. . FEED FOR TOD FINISH T-— — I 'y'- ' A Barnyard John Deere's tractorcycfe'fe j-ough and tough enoughPto outlast all the yo'ungsters- iff your- neigh borhood. It’s made of eadi aluminum alloy,- has heavj' rubber-tired ball-beafsrij| wheels, strong rolter-efiaijl drive, and a quick-hitcblfdi matching toy trailer. E&dfc an umbrella is available How about a tractorcycll for ydur backyard? Landis Bros. Inc. < Lancaster ' SSS^JMS Wenger Implement Cd. Buck M. S. Yeorsley & Sons West Cheater eMPSSiO A fan Beyer ft liY «-5<&7 Christiana A. B. C. Groff | New Holland . 854-9001 Shfttzberger's ’ 1 . 806^141 Elm H. S. Newcomer & sdn Mt. Joy C5B-8861 V 'V a- BV *~**G7