Holiday Postpones Safe Prices Advance ESltpr’s Note:, Because of tress Liponized .opullets,. IB" -Half Cent the Thanksgiving holiday, this wks.; 17. Dutchman ‘ Feed N , veer's poultry auction report Mills, “ Inc, (Carl Petticoffer), Delm ® rva 'reported .prices Was not available at press 5400 White Vantress Cross, & 1 Cont The, sale listings appear 9 wks. 2 da.; 18. Same,‘27oo sln'ce Wednesday and during •Jmjlow. A summary of this White Vantress Cross, 9 wks. e 24 kour end ' n;? sale and the regular 2 da.; 19. M& B (Richard 10,3 ? Friday morning De- will be printed next Blessing), 4000 White' Van- f ° r moderate , tress> 8 wks . 3 - da .; .20. Weaver auctton ' offerln&s ‘ Dietings .below- include lot Farms, Inc. (Robert K. Mill- Prices »t farms ranged 14.6 , .number, seller, grower in par- er), 1000 Heavy Fowl; 160 to jI'S.B. for J 68 h OOO head Jn -entkesis, ; a,mount and breed, Males; '2l. Same, TOGO Heavy eluding .416,600 .head sold at. *Ud*S« in weeks and days. Fowl; 22. Same, 500 Heavy Wednesday’s auction m Bel li*. Miller & Bushong (Edwin Fowl. - hyville, Del. - >L. Munch, 8000 White Van- TOTALS: 4475 Pallets, 3500 'Estimated -slaughter by ‘tress, 8 wks. 1 da.; 2. Same Leghorn Fowl, 76,200 Broilers eastern shore processors for ’ (Mo#ea -Zimmeymap), 900 84,175 Birds. th® ' week «nd was 788,000 Wlrfte Vantress Liponized Pul- _ , head - compared to the 454,000 ,letf„ 14; wks.; 3. .Same, 800 f Chieaaa bead I&st .week end. White Vantress Liponized Pul- r ® The > Dehnarva .broiler-feed letorU wks.; 4. Same, 400 Wan ratio. lor the week ending White Vantress Liponized Pul- 21 ntiiitv ’ and iaow November-22-was down four „lets (J ld'-wJcs.; 5. M. 488 (‘Melvin 1R nft 1Q * points Jfroan- the previous week GyoffO, 40.00 White Vantress, ‘ at 2.9'. Broilers during the ■fl -wks. Slaughter heifers: Loadlots averaged 14.81 per High Choice and Mixed High pound and mash coat the Choice and. Prime 900-1125 g rower $101.43 per ton. The lbs. 23.00, Bulk Choice 800- ratio for the comparable week 1150 lbs. 21.75-22.,7‘5, closing a year ago -was 4.0’ when, 22.50 down, Good 20.26-21.- broilers averaged 13.30 per 50, few Standard and Low pound and mash, cost $95.31 Good 18.00-20.00. pur ton Cows: Utility and Commer cial closed at -12.76-14.00; Canner and Cutter 11.00-13.- 00, High Yeilding Cutter to -13.25, Shelly Conner 9.50-11.- 06 T 6. Same (Jacob R. Seller), 1 3W White Yantress 'Pullets, 9 -wks.; 7. Same, 1300 White yantress Cockerels, 9 wks.; 8. Sylvan Stoltrfus, 200 Leghorn Fowl, 1 year; 9. IX E. Horn &,Co. '(Gem Halde -jnan), -15,000 White Yantress, 9 -wks. 3 da.; 10. .Same (Rob ert. Godfrey), 5000 White Van :tres*(j 9 wks. 3 da. 11.,’ Same (Amos Funk), SSW'White Mountain, 9 wks.; It: -Same (Parke Herr), 10,- , DOS White Yantress, 9 wks. 3 d*.; 13. Same (’Dan & Daye Witmer), 10,000 White Van trea^,,9 wks. 6 da.; 14. Same .(Product Proving Farm No. ■8), .$3OO Leghorn Fowl, 15 'mo.; 15. M & B (Mahlon Newsjf anger), 1400 White ' Yantress Liponized Pullets. 15 tyrka. 18. Same, 975 White Van- , JT You Raise NORWEGIAN KELP MEAL Contains 60 trace minerals or elements, 12 vitamins and 21 amino acids in their NATURAL state at a fraction of the cost of mined minerals and synthetic vitamins add 40 lbs. of Algit to a ton of groin and be sure of A Morgantown poultry raiser says: “Using kelp meal in our poultry feeds improves the quality of eggs laid, helps maintain the health of the birds, and an increased per- centage in the feeds aids in controlling cannibalism.” healthier herd.” JSQNT DELAY * . . START-TODAY TO USE ALGIT Available at PLANT FOOD STORE Intercourse, Pa. Distributed by . ZiOtOK i RAHCK, JHC., R. ’** “ •* J-* * > »' > # ivf wqH Bulls: Utility and Commer cial closed at 16.50-18.00, few Cutter 16,00-16.50, Fat Com mercial 15.00-16.50. Feeders: Two part loads Good 550-775 lb. steers 22.00, few Medium 17.25-20.- 00. Fart load Good and Choice 52-5 lb. heifers 22.75. L.F. Advertising Pays • CATTLE • POULTRY you can’t afford not to use ALGIT Most Nearly Perfect Feed Supplement • HEALTHIER ANIMALS • INCREASED PRODUCTION • SLICKER COATS • BETTER REPRODUCTION f? V fT C ■O'JP&MJfi'A * ihe Old lim/c. W I wonder If the cavemen blamed crazy weather on bow» and arrows.” Try A Classified f "Jt • HOGS • SHEEP A dairy farmer reports: “Algit has boosted milk production, improved the conception rate, bet- tered the calf crop and given -me ' a generally VW* RICHARD- B. MARTIN R. #2, Denver, Pa. ■».? -