/[•■;:Eggs; ; fh" Plastic' - telsand .restaurants use few s ,f0 C! rilierl t f * r th * •» £ - /a. ) **/ - -same reason. Several resear eulbstantial part of the albu- C hers have been working on. 'jmin. is lost -because it sticks the .problem of peeling hard ■to the shell. ■ cooked eggs for quite some , time. There are solutions to the problem, but most are still not practical. Baker also reports that ho- SAVE NOW % By' Ordering Your », j % Michigan Peat “Singing Hills Brand” For Dec. Delivery 10 to 19 100 lb., bags $1.70 each - -20 bags or more s ' $1.65 each less 2% if paid by. j _ . Jan. 15 I No extra, charge for delivery -11 II *1 * J ■■ 9 1 SMOKETOWN Ph. Ln.nc. 397-3539 Lancaster Automobile Club Over 50,000 Members in Lancaster County enjoy these services . » . Jfi "S=“ MIMM LAJ, Qf “'ST »iHm> PERSONAL EMERGENCY . Nf) M . MV nTH „o ACCIDENT INSURANCE ROAD SERVICE . AND MANY OTHERS COAST TO COAST SAIL 60ND SERVICE ■jVlMfo UNCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB I IP IB li.llli’ll IS N. PRINCE ST., LANCASTER Pleas* send a CHRISTMAS GIFT membership TRAVEL SERVICE _ LICENSE SERVICE ; ■ To . --. T ' _ _ Tilts Mpllcitlsn t* k* Uses! Mr NEW MEMBERS ONLY | Mint* MUST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY * jS*W J | rjj* _ INDICATE (X) HOW YOU WANT DELIVERY MADE LEGAL Send *tf» package direct O Send t* m« D ADVISORY SERVICE .... • MONTHLY MAGAZINE _____________________ _ tender's Nam* - Dues $ 7.50 No entranc* feo for a per- Entrant* Foo $ 2-50 Address son residing with a aresenl ' ’ member. FEE S7.SO TOTAL $10.09 . A'bout a year ago, Profes sor Baker and his staff began experimenting with breaking eggs out of their shells in the fresh state, putting them in plastic tubes, and cooking them. The consumer would then peel the tube off the.eggs much easier than peeling oft shells. ■Several types of materials weie used for tubes before it was found that poly.propolene appeared to have the proper ties needed. It is fairly econ omical, easy to work with be cause it, is pliable,, and peels easily from the eggs because it. is- not elastic. Also it is quite im'pervious and keeps bacteria out. Shelf life of the product is excellent, Baker said. Hard cooked eggs m plastic have been kept for as long as eight weeks as -to degrees F. with no deterioration. In the .product now being market-tested, four large -eggs are used per roll. One end of the tube is clipped; the eggs are placed in the tube by use of a funnel arrangement, and the other end of the tube is clipped. The roll is then pla ced in water for cooking* Baker has found that the For Christmas, give a membership in the 365 days of driving pleasure THE IDEAL GIFT EASY TO BUY-SURE TO PLEASE PACKAGED IN A COLORFUL HOLIDAY BOX V- *- * /. > . ,' sr\ '&***s w ■*« a>v v >> * i* . s» > < * A . "V ' v> <• - ' ✓vs 'r ✓ * * HARD COOKED EGGS IN PLASTIC-are being- marketed. In the center is a “roll” of four whole eggs with-slices showing how yolks remain in the center of the roll. The roll on the left has bacon added to it and the one on the right contains cheese. jte* n yolks remain in the center of tender Air trapped in the tube the roll if fresh eggs are resulted in condensed' water used, hut several problems vapor which made it appear were encountered. He found that the albumin were not that too long a 'cooking time coagulated or too high water tempera- Some consumers felt that ture resulted in dark yolks, the yolks should be visible in Too cool a temipeiature pro- the roll, and some housewives duced albumin that was too interviewed questioned whe- .Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 30, 1963—13 i;' , w “ %\ , V > ‘-‘1 s* >* + * > 1 ther there were any yolks in the rolls Some Oif the house wives felt it would be better if the yolks did ' not remain in the center of the roll. Baker ibeheves that the ready cooked eggs will find good acceptance by consumeis. He points -out that the uni formity of slices as well as the ease of peeling and slic ing will appeal to the busy housewife Since polvpi opylene is less porus than egg shells the shelf life will be gi eater than for eggs cooked and stor ed in their natural shells He believes that the haid cooked egg in a 101 l is a new' venture that should help in crease the sale of_ eggs, but points out that it is too early to tell if the consumer w ill accept the product. j* C* C* *s* *s* C* 4* *J» *!♦ *»♦ ♦!♦ ♦♦♦ C* •£• »J» Vou money * ★ ★ + E DEKaf2 EEDINS T °tKALB'* p.. «rlb. dstarted puUe •‘KnJ r u m + Our "vtsssxs combination * 1 VOi * , Headquarters for : ; Ao! DcKalb Pullets ■ ;i FEED MILLS, INC. Stevens, S. D. 1, Pa. , Pfione Ephrata 733-3020 1