out; he- feeds out about 130 to 150 head a year. He has an upright silo which b push out on the ground, he will All, but he plans to ' merman, -who drives truck continue to chop corn and feed t j me for K. Kenneth Wen- it green until sometime in . usually buys feeder ' pigs November. “That way, I won’t Virginia at about 150 to have to put any silage in a pounds and fattens them trench or on a pile, and the Zimmermon (Continued from Page 1) Other Protein Need When You Feed )NLY Vi 18. SPECIAL TANVILAC ■AD PER DAY WITH GRAIN AND ;HA6E - GET BIGGER PROFITS Wt MORI PROFITS—MAU COUPON • THI TANVHAC COMPANY, !NC. ! Ih t Corning Avos., Box 96, Highland I Park Station, Dei Moines 13, lowa > • Pleasa Send Mt Additional Inform*- * Kon about Special Tanvilac. * have— NAMI C. O. NOLT BIBD-IN-HAND Feed Red Rose Free-Choice Mineral to meet individual needs of dairy herds, steers, dairy heifers, sheep, goats and swine. When selecting feeds made with your own grain or with local mixes, be sure to insist on: ’ RED ROSE SUPPLEMENTS RED ROSE LIVESTOCK MINERAL RED ROSE POULTRY MINERAL Groff jNortlr'Queen Street i - Lancaster, p a . West Willow Farmers Association West Willow, Pa. Landis Bros. Inc. A. B. C. Groff Alan Beyer Lancaster 393-3906 New Holland 354-8001 C~ Christiana LY 3-5687 M. S. Yearsley & Sons Wenger Implement 1 Co. Shofzberger's H. S. Newcomer & Son Westchester coo-990 B «ck BU 4-4467 Elm 665-3141 Mt. Joy 633-3361 CHOOSE FROM THE LONG GREEN LINE OF CUSTOMERIZED JOHN DEERE FORAGE EQUIPMENT SPECIAL TANVILAC Feeders Say . , , "The Most Economical Feeding Plan of AW* No trouble with icouit or cattle going oS feed. You’ll be more then aatisfled with our feeding program for you’ll get healthy »tock, -quick tow cost. Remember,there’a * FEED LOT PROVEN CULTURE PRODUCT FOREVERY farm-feeding purpose. LOOAIi DISTRIBUTOR Mountvilie Feed Service B. D. 2, Columbia, Pa. \ Ammon E. Shelly R. D. 2, Lititz, Pa. Brown & Rea Atglen, Pa. Phone Dane. 397-0751 SELF FEEDING WAGON WAS BUILT for very little cost bv Tobn w Zimmerman, Ephrata R 1 He took an old flat bed wag™ and added the sides from a forage wagon. He took off-the bottom board and put the sides on a slant Chopped corn is blown into the wagon_in the field and steers eat from thP |ggon. Hogs clean up what the steers push out on the ground. L. F. Photo, W i l! laS i t ll ' vi f ter ’” he res of tobacco, 30 acres of crops well and handhn- them steis do S wtll on the VeS ll* C ° rn ’ 12 &CreS ° f Wheat ’ flve as httle as l )0ssl ble when they e 1 on tlle sreen acres of barley and eight ac- are ready to hai vest chopped corn if it is not too res of alfalfa, and driving a) tonaivest. young. He waits until the cattle truck, Zimmerman also usks begin to turn brown be- does custom combining, silo fore chopping lining, and a little corn pick- In addition to raising steers, lng . hogs, 700 laying hens, five ac- He believes in feeding his •N V „ « ‘ j» ywar'% • NOW . .. • SPREADER Spreads from the rear—like a spreader should—in a wide, smooth, uniform pattern It’s the "forward looking" spread er. No material on the driver. No "rear sentry" duty. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 14, 1963—13 Here's the Spreader of the Future , . . available Today l This new rear delivery, flail type ma chine pulverizes and blanket-spreads all ma terial—no chunks, no piles, no maintenance problems So new, so modern, the Brady MS 141 Spreader defies comparison. Handles heavy feedlot material, dairy barn material and liquid material wnh equal ease' No more b'oken aprons, damaged sprockets, lammed beaters or frozen spreader mechanism Rugged over built, all steel construction—torture tested for 2 years with every type material. SEE THIS SPREADER NOW . . . FREE DEMONSTRATION Wilbur Graybili Jjititz KD 3 Ph. 626-5221 yz&su <«a Wolgemuth Bros. Inc. Mount Joy, Pa. •r«^-se^si