Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 07, 1963, Image 15

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    . - sol}e<l .sats v Mlx, , .enough to
, , imocorj ATE THA®fSoi fflfke rfouji, ?ft quarts of mix.
1 jjon’t throw out chocolate * sitt&a flour "
Inst became it’s turned white. 1 CU 'P S nonfat dry milk
ffis 1i simply a sign that * cup baking .powder ‘
some of the cocoa butter has * tablespoon salt
■separated out. This happens at W ou i> s shortens* (lard)
temperatures of about 85 de- * CU 'P S rolled oats - l ulck
arees S’, The cocoa butter in cooking
the chocolate melts and comes all ingredients together,
to the surface. When the co- exce Pt the rolle<i oats - “ a
coa butter hardens again.'the bowl. Cut m the shor
ehocolate turns white. Only the teni »S al *il well blended. Add
appearance of the chocolate the rolled oats and mix welL
is affected by this separation. Pla c e ia a S lass i ar or tin can -
Usually, there is no loss of K *ep tightly closed in a cool
favor.'it the chocolate is mel- » lace - Use. the mix within a
ted for cooking purposes, it mon£h._
trill turn "brown again.
To 'prevent chocolate from
turning white, store it in a
reasonably cool place (under
75 degrees).
Here is a new recipe 'for a
Speedy roof rafters guarantee
easy, proper-placement of roof
panels the first time. Rafters add
great strength to the roof. Panels
need only to be bolted together in
three places. It’s another big
time-saving feature you get only
in Speedy Bar-Lok corn cribs.
Ilmdii up best—l*sfi longer
Wire mesh panels are 5-gauge
Wire—thick as a 14" bolt! No
Landis Bros., Inc.
Monhelm Pike
* *
Here are quick bread reci
pes which use this mix.
cups rolled oat mix r
cup sugar
cup mashed bananas
bulge or sag. Sturdy 26-gaugc
galvanized roof is securely an
chored, to 9 steel roof rafters and
side panels. Can’t blow off!
Come in today and see the
Speedy Bar-Lok corn cnb. Let
us prove to you that Speedy is
twice as fast twice as easy to
erect. Let us show you all the
other features that make Speedy
Bar-Lok your best corn crib buy.
Lone. 393-3906
1 egg; beaten. ' * -
Put the mix, and ma
.fthed bananas in a bpwl and
stir in "the egg until the mix-'
ture is 'well moistened. Pour
mixture into a greased 5x9-
inch loat pan. Bake in a mod
erate oven (350 degrees) 50
to >6O minutes. Makes one loaf.
2 cups rolled oat mix
% cup water, about
Add enough water to the
dry mix to make a soft dough.
Turn out on a lightly floured
board and knead a few times.
Pat or roll out to inch _
thickness. .Cut into round or
square biscuits with cutter
dusted with flour, place m’
greased pan or baking sheet.
Bake in a hot oven (425 de
grees) 12 minutes. Makes ab
out 12 mqdium-sized biscuits.
2% cups rolled oats mix
y* cup raisins, if desired
1 egg, beaten
% cup water
'Place mix and raisins in a
bowl, add egg and water, stir
just enough to moisten. Fill
greased muffin tins two-thirds
full. Bake in hot oven (425
degrees) about 20 minutes.
(Continued on Page 16)
Any Stocks
Or Bonds 000
A Homo
Portions •••
Or Some
Every one of those
wablo papers needs
protection oln Safe
posit Box. Get one)
3 Vz°/o Interest Paid On Certificates
of Deposit for 1 Year
2V2% Interest Paid on
Savings Accounts
Use Our Convenient
Drive-In Window
One-half block from
Penn Square on South
■Queen' Street Rear
of Main Bank.
“Serving Lancaster from Center Square since 1889”
LITITZ SPRINGS BRANCH Broad & Main Sts., Lititz
mUiLersvxlle branch
Maximum Insurance $lO,OOO per depositor
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation'
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 7, 1963—15
Fox the 7*= —
Farm Wife and Family
Ladies, Have You Heard? ...
Young Women Should
Prepare For Two Jobs
Today’s young women need to prepale
for both homemaking and a career, since the
chance they will combine the two is great.
More homemakers than even before are
working outside the home. It’s predicted the
number of women entering the labor force
will rise more sharply than the number of
men entering the work force.
Many homemakers consider employ
ment outside the home for different reasons.
Many women wish to supplement their hus
band’s income or provide' funds for special
goals, such as educating the children.
Almost all employed homemakers con-
tinue their home responsibili
ties. It’s essential that all fam
ily members agree with the
homemaker’s decision to work
away from home. Their coop-
25 S. Queen Street
Swan Parking Lot
- Vine & S. Queen Sts.
Stoner Parking Lot
S. W. Corner Vine and
Queen Sts.
By: Jane Thurston, Extension Home Economist
302 N. George St.
eration and sharing o£ respon
sibility is needed to help main
tain a satisfying tamily life.
A homemaker’s organiza
tional ability can help her
gain satisfaction from her dual
rule. She needs to decide what
household tasks must be dona
and how to do them most ef
fectively. She may elimunat©
or reduce some household jobs
and delegate' others to family
members. In addition, part of
her income may be used to
buy services she would pro
vide if she weren't employed,
such as laundry or meal pre
paration. Bach family must de
termine what services it will
buy and what services it will
do at home.
Fresh Peaches Rich
lu Vitamins A. And G
Fresh peaches can play a
major role in the diet. They
are excellent sources of vita
mins A and C, two nutrients
often lacking in the American
(Two fresh peaches, 2 inches
m diameter, will supply ab
out half the daily amount of
vitamin A recommended for
adults and teenagers. Younger
children need less vitamin A,
the vitamin that helps keep
hair shiny, eyes and skin
(Continued on Page 16)
Stanley S.
Paradise, P*.
Phone; 687-6860
For All Makes of
Tobacco Sprayers
• Solo and Schefenacker
Mist Blower Sprayers
• Oakes Knapsack and
Compressed Air Sprayers
We also have new and used
high clearance power spray
Custom Built
to fulfill your needs.
RONKS, PA, 687-6712
Lane. County’s Only
Dealer Specializing In
Sprayer Sal6s & Service
i’ ■ jniii