14—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, .June 15, 1963 Fort: Farm Wife and Family COOKBOOK REPORT By Mrs. Richard O. Spence We would like to call your attention to a cookbook just i ecently compiled by the officers and members o£ the Robeit Fulton Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. This spiral-bound book contains 115 pages of members’ favorite recipes. We would like to give you a “sampling” of some of these recipes with the hopes that you will sample some of them. APPETIZER Esther Z. Mussel- 1 10c pack after dinner mints or Vs cup 1 cup red and white grapes tcut) 1 large can chunk pineapple (drained) Put all together in quart ,iar and till uith ginger ale. Let stand o\er night or one half day. CHEESE LOG Beulah G. Hanip V> pound sharp cheese (grat ed) 2 tablespoons minced onion 2 tablespoons minced green pepper 1 olives, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickle 1 tablespoon chopped piimento 1 hard cooked egg (grated) i > cup crushed saltines Mix and then moisten with 14 cup mayonnaise and Vs tea rpoon salt Shape into log and chill Seive ivith assoited ci ackers. SPUIKK SALAD Essie Mary Boss C medium tomatoes I teaspoon salt for toma toes cup chopped fiesh cucum ber cup chopped celery 1 cup cottage cheese a > cup mayonnaise a t cup cream (whipped) a/ 4 teaspoon paprika Cut ends fiom tomatoes and lemoie the pulp Spi inkle with salt and mveit to drain Mix the chopped cucumber, celeiy, salt and the cottage cheese with the salad diessmg which tias been mixed with the •whipped ci earn Fill the toma loes with this mixtuie, sprinkle with paprika and sene on cusp lettuce leaies .BURNS CLEANSE! If* mt »d«c vttk: Texac* Tad Chief Heating' Oi. Contains Additive A-200, protects against .mst and dagostts. GARBER OIL CO. | MOUNT JOY, PA. I Ph. 653-2021 6 105 Fairview St. FROZEX WALDORF SALAD Blanche Myers 2 eggs (slightly beaten) % cup pineapple juice % teaspoon salt 2 medium apples (diced) 1 cup whipped cream % cup sugar 14 cup lemon juice y 2 cup diced celery 1/2 cup drained, crushed pineapple i/> cup broken English walnuts Combine eggs, sugar, pine apple juice, lemon juice and salt Cook over low heat until thick, stirring constantly. Cool. Add celery, crushed pineapple,, diced apples and walnuts. Spoon into an 8-inch square Gently fold *in whipped cream, pan and freeze. To serve cut into squares. Serves Is. « * * ♦ PEACH COBBEER Winona 31. Newswanger 1 egg beaten 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons shortening Yz teaspoon salt Yz cup milk lYs cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 6 to 8 peaches Add sugar to egg and beat until creamy. Add shortening, beat until thoroughly blended. Add flour, baking powde" and salt sifted together, alternately with the milk. Put a cup up side down in a baking dish. Pill % full with peaches, peeled and cut in quarters. Pour batter over this. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 1 hour. Serve with sweetened whipped cream or with hard sauce. Serves 6. Can be baked in tube pan instead of using inverted cup. Put waxed paper in bottom of pan if desired. Cherries, seeded, may be used instead of peaches. FARM LOANS Loans for Machinery, Livestock, Cars, Repairs, and any farm purpose. 10 - 35 year Farm Mortgages Pull and part-time farms eligible FARM CREDIT OFFICE 411 W. Roseville Rd. Lane. 393-3931 Cover with- appje -slices r a< roll. Cut in rings and^pjacej. a baking dish. Cover wit cups flour syrup and bake. 3 teaspoons baking powder SYRUP; 1 cup sugar, 1 cu: 3 tablespoons butter or lari water, 1 tablespoon flour. Vs cup thick milk (Continued on Page 15) Mix dough and roll APPLE) ROLLS Alice L. Ressel ZIMMERMAN'S Animal Health Supplies 1 ml. Northwest of Lincoln 3 miles west of Ephrata Fly Spray Specials 1 qt. Zygon 2E spray $6.00 Dow Ivorian Spray Kit $9.95 C-Em-Dle. Fly Spray 2 gal. $2.70 Clip-on Fogger sprayer $36.55 Cattle magnets $1.35 Naylor large size teat Dialators 85c Mastitis treatment * Calf Scour Medicine Teat tumor extractors and slitters- Handy hoof trimmer tor cattle $10.59 J See-the, new Super-Afom fence charger. Shock thru green weeds, rain- or shine etc. No insulators, staple to fence* to wood posts, 2 year guarantee. Come in and see it 1 today. yigg. Are your dollars on the go. it %/ THE LANCASTER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 9 East King Street (temporary address) 138 North Queen Street (Drive-in Window) Prince and James Streets (Drive-in Window) 1643 Lincoln Hwy. East 1847 Columbia Avenue One West Main Street (Drive-in Window) QUARRYVILLE State and Church Streets Established 1841 Diember Federal Deposit Insurajnce, fiprporation out. or on the grow?] If you don't have a bank savings’ account they're probably on the go, I You should have a savings account .here, to keep your dollars "on the grow"; for when you make regptot deposits and receive the added ' interest we pay, you are building' for future needs and pleasures. l^ It takes only a few minutes to ope* d savings account_here._Why/ start now£ /- • 8 Convenient Offices LANCASTER MOUNT JOY mi FLORIN 801 Main Street