10—Lancaster JgA^^Sh-awherri^ O * (PC* 7C Monday-night at Aunt Sally’S pectively. They both .exhibited Bring v 0» • 3 Kitchen, Elizabethtown. Catskills, i, r Exhibiting two boxes of uni- in total project score, Wit- At Jtu“ 1 OWll* ' form, red ripe, Jersey Belle mer and Miller retained their berries, Witmer, the nineteen first and second placings, but year old soil of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Frey moved to third Raymond Witmer, duplicated place ahead of Miss Eshelman. the feat of his sister, Gwen- Judge Jack Owen, editor of dolen, who won the roundup Lancaster Faming, commen last year. ted on the high quality and Donald Miller, sixteen, the attractiveness of all exhibits, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ All berries on exhibit were Miller, Elizabethtown Rl, auctioned to members of the showed Robinson berries to Kiwanis club. Witmer received second place in the competi- a total of $19.50 for four boxes tion sponsored by the Eliza- of berries with the top box in bethtown Kiwanis club. the, winning entry being Linda Eshelman, daughter ot knocked down $5.75 for one Mr. and Mrs. John Eshelman, quart. Mount Joy R 2, and Janet Elmer Brill was the Kiwan- Frey, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. ian in charge of the progarm. • Form Calendar (Continued from Page 1) g p m _ County livestock tour committee meets at tlie home of County agent, M. M Smith, 508 S. President Ave, Lancaster. June 10 20 Pennsylvania Poultry Federation annual ponteience on the Penn „ State Campus. June 10 S pm. 4-H Daily club refieshment stand committee to meet at Pro duction Credit, Rose Mlle Road. June 20 8 p m. County 4-H Wildlife club meets at the home of John Erb, 2037 Lititz Pike, Lancaster. June 21 8 pm. New Holland Babv Beef club meets at the home of Ruth Ann and Lany High, Bare ville David Lapp to speak. • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) Gilts steady to 25' lower. US 1-2 186-233 lb Bariows and Gilts 18 50-19 00, lot No. 1 202 lb. 19 10, few 1-3 285-400 lb. Sows 13 60-16 75, lot Choice 20 lb. Feeder pigs 8 75 per head. SHEEP: 58, Spring Slaugh ter Lambs steady Choice and Prime Spring Slaughter Lambs 60-80 lb 22 00-24 00, Good and ‘Choire 50-70 lb. 16 00-21 00. Utiliry to Choice Shorn Slaugh ter Ewes canning No 2 pelts 3 50-7 50. Few Good and Choice Shorn Stocked Ewes 5 00-7 50. Reconditioned and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT TKACTORS John Deeie 420 John Deeie JOIO V John Doric -V John Doric H \lhs-Chahnoi s AV ,\l)i'—('h.ilin<‘is G Midi (iillii,iliir & cn Holland OS, 70 * 77 ELMIR E; 26 Evergreen Roa& • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) 1150-1400 lbs. 23.25-24.00, including around 20 loads Pinne 1200-1385 lbs. at 24,00. Two loads Prime 1425-1477 lbs. 23.00-23.25. Bulk Choice 000-1250 lbs 22 50-23 25. Few loads mostly High Choice 850- 1050 lbs. 23 50. Bulk Choice 1250-1400 lbs 22 00-22.75 Several loads High Choice 1360-1425 lbs. 22 75-23 00. Most Choice 1400-1525 lbs 21 75-22 25 Load Choice 1585 lbs. 21 50. Good 900-1200 lbs. 21 25-22 25. Loadlots jMixed Good and Choice largely 1000- 1300 lbs 22 00-22 25 Stand ard and Low Good 19 00-20 75. Slaughter Heiters Two loads High Choice and Prime 1060- 1100 lbs. 23 25-23 50 Several loads High Choice with few Prime 850-1050 lbs. 23 25. Bulk Choice 800-1125 lbs 22 25-23 00- Load 23.15. Bulk Good 20 25-21 75 Loadlots Mixed Good and Choice 21.75- 22 25. Cows Utility and Commer cial closed at 15.50-17 00. Pew wasty fat Commercial 15.00. Canner and Cutter 13.50-15 50, scattered head High Yielding Cutter 16 00 Bulls- Utility and Commer cial 19 00-20 50 Cutter 18.00- 19.00 Feeders Not enough feeder sales tor a market test, few sales Medium and Low Good 700-800 lb steers 18 00-21.00, American women aren’t old at 40 —m fact thej’re seldom 40. AGRICULTURAL SHjAGK EQUIPMENT Corn Shredder 5’ Cutter Bar lor 8 Har- vester Go.hl 2 Rom Self-Propelled Haivestcr m/Row Crop Attach, & Cutter Bar lamdell Chopper AHi s-Chal iners HI oM’er 1M ) CSTimij KQVIPMRVT Ford 830 M/JiOade,r ami Hat khoe Alasset -Foijiuson 05 w/ latader and Backbite John Deeie 4401 C Ciawler Loader John Deere model 51 bailc- hor PLASTERER, INC. ' Ptfhrie 2Tg-&6|6 Leslie Witmer, Mount Joy Rl, exhibited a near-pe(nfect display of strawberries to take • Strawberries (Continued from Page 9) patch with a lawn sprinkler, and to the fact that he learned more about berries during the past four years. He also grew a patch of Sparkle and Anjiore berries “I had to pull weeds; that was about the worst thing ” he said. Judge Carl Bittner, exten sion horticulturist from the Pennsylvania State University, said most of the berries in the 10 exhibit show were of'good quality, bufp irrigation made the difference. In total project scoring, Sto ner and Snader held their same positions Michael Hosier, Man heim R 3 had the third place exhibit over Gary Porter, Washington Boro Rl, but the positions were reversed in to tal project scoring. Other placings in the con test sponsored by the Lanc aster Rotary Club were as fol lows. Exhibits —5, John Clark, Lititz Rl; 6, Sandy Rfisser, Lititz Rl; 7, Carole Buckwal ter, Lititz R 3; 8, Hugh Wen ger, Quarryville R 2; 9, Pat Zarbman, Ephrata Rl; 10, Ger ald Harnish, Willow Street Rl. Scoring —5, Wenger; 6, BucKwalter; 7, Risser; S, Zart man; 9, Harnish; 10, Clark Sharynanne Schmber and David Denhnger spoke briefly on 4-H club work at the Ro tary dinnei following the jud ging. • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) 25 shoats weie sold Retail hogs to local hut 'chers Wrought 18 25 to 20, while number 1-3 grades to packeis were IS 35 to 18.75. Heavyweight hogs brought 17- 1S and sows were 11-13 Shoats brought 10 50 to 16. The 90 calves at the June 10 sale sold at steady prices as choice and .prime vealers brought 32-35; good and low choice 2S-32; standard 25-28, and common 22-25. -Heifers freshening this fall should be included in the milk ing herd several weeks before calving This acquaints them with the milking time sche dule. Value Checked Hough Raj loader iUlif.-Clialmo.is HDSG Crawler Loader Hough Ra> loader with back hoe Oliver HG43 xv/ Angling Blade Oliver BGS Crawler Oliver OC3 Crawler Bonder w/3 pt. Hitch & r.T.O. Caterpillar-Tourapull & Sci'aper Pippin Baelchoe How ard Uotovator Suns Cab armvKns John Deere Xos. 5-8-10 Koseh Side Mounted McDeeiiii;; , . Xew alolland Heini-infd.-7 |i Lebanon, Pa. Coming Soon the new John Deere 110 L*wo and Garden Tractor LANDIS BROS., INC. 1305 Manhcim Pike, Lancaster Ph: 393-3006 FLORIN Laying Feeds Are Designed For You, The Commercial Poultrymen Who Are Striving For: 1. High Consistent Production 2. Superior Egg Quality 3. Excellent Feed Conversion 4. Low Cost PUT YOUR LAYING FLOCK ON FLORIN LA-MOR FLORIN EGG-PRODUCER Call Mount 1 Joy 653-2411 Today and Get Full Defails Wolgemuth Bros.>. ! , . ‘i’ JJIB OR "! 1 'srr - V*. N