I—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 25, 1963 6 FHA Loans Are Available For Recreation Projects On Farms Fanners Homo Adnnmstia tmn if now accepting loan npplu.uions irom l.mnly liirm eis lot the cleielopment ol ie up.it ion enti'jpnsi's on their f.unis, according to Rich.ml \V Hooter, count} supcnisoi ol the .itomv lot Lam aster, Lebanon .ui'l (Tiestoi Coun ties Loans also aie a\ailable to Ruial Gkmips, including non piofit associations ol tanners, ■water supple or soil consul tation distnets, lecreation as sociations and small countiy towns and otliei nual political subdn isions On lainilt farms among the enterprises that now may he financed In a Fatmeis Home Administration loan aie ponds and lakes toi lishmg and swim ming purposes cottages and camping facilities tor tacation eis and lisheinien stahles and horses toi ndmg. picnic giounds, spoil aieas and othei iecieation.il enterpnses To qualitj toi a lecreation loan a taimei must ha\ e_the backgiound neeclel to be suc cesslul in the pioposfd faim and lecieation euteipuse arid continue to lecene a siihstan tial pait ot liit. income tioai laiming Recieation loans aie aimed at helping laimh tann eis supplement then imuaes, Mi Hoo\er said The maxiiaum teini ot mtoi mediate ciedit to coiet opmating costs ot a le cieation pioiect is 7 >eais and under ieal estate loans to de velop land and buildings up to 4 0 jeai* The intei est iate is r,% Rural gioups mai use Faim- ei s Home Admimsh atuin loan Stanley H. Deiter Anctioneer & Appraiser LAMPETER Ph. Lancaster EX 4-1798 HSOfrl - • STBFF STALKS Bred by DeKalb Re search to fight blight, borers and stalk lots —to give top yields of dry, sound giain dek&lb* CORN *'DEKAIB * is a Rejiste-cd Brand Name The Number is a Variety Designation P. L. ROHRER a bro;, ffiie. MIOMOIOU \ Plioiu r**7r******^****w*:Hr***i to cot er the costs of shiftin;. land use to develop a laige leeieatiou aiea, such as a paiK lakes, picnic aiea, sports atea including athletic tields and facilities, goll couises and.tai- got langes, camping and re lated facilities, toiest tiai's and natm.ll scenic attractions, tishing and swimming wateis, hunting areas and pit serves, among other entei prises. Non-profit associations ot nual iesidents may borrow up to one million dollars foi re creational pi ejects, the masi mum late ot interest is 5% and loans may be made tor up to 40 years. To quality tor a recreation loan a rural gioup must pro pose a project which will pn inanly sene farmers and other mral lesidents eithei by dneet use oi by economic benefits Loans aie made only to tann ers and groups who ate un.ih’e to obtain the credit they need Horn other sources at able lates and terms Commenting further, said that m the northeast many taimeis are alieady adding to then faim earnings b> pait tnne seasonal and other actni ties that sene the neecU ot Start now for tomorrow's EGGS - •/-% , • r * Feed is a mighty important factor in profit able poultry raising A chick is what it eats. If it cats regularly and gets a high quality, balanced ration your chances of raising a top-quality pullet are greatly increased. This is an all-mash feed with “high appetite appeal” for chicks from day-old to 6 to 8 weeks that most important early nutrition period for growing birds. Reb^Ruse* STARTER & GROWER This is an excellent feed for starting and growing laying flock replacements. Feed it from day-old until the birds go into the laying house It’s fortified with vitamin 812, and antibiotic feed supplement plus .all the essential nutrients necessary to get chicks off to a good start and grow them into profit able producers. THIS SEASON aim for higher production and higher profits. r td fA if *> Feed RED ROSE FEEDS from the start! Chos. E. Sauder & Sons A. L. Herr & Bro. R D. 2, East Earl, Pa. Quarryville, Pa. I. B. Groybill & Son David B. Hurst Refton, Pa Bowmansville, Pa. Elverson Supply Co. Walter & Jackson Eh erson. Pa. Christiana, Pa. Joseph M. Good & Son f!7 Xowpoit Hoad Lonla, Pa. GDEXX ESUENS] f Pequea Valley FFA (Continued irom Page 1) Sander, Ronks Rl, and chap lain, Dale, S'toltzifus, Box 6, Gap. Henry E Givler is teacher of vocational agriculture and advisoi of the FFA chapter. ■vacationers, hunteis, fishermen and others Recieation' is a growing laun and rural busi ness and the need for such 10- creational outlets is growing steadily Further information may be obtained by contacting the local FHA Office liMted in the Post Ottice Building, Lancaster, Pa .1 - ,-5" ' •-x 'V > " ■ ‘ t T ' ' n 'IC / i l V ,f 4 r " ' /' Red Rose CHICK STARTER I ' •-V i r i | Tobacco planting time is here again . . . Give your g plants the best start they’ve ever had . . . For soil * I insect control use NEW IMPROVED ISOTOX | | TRANSPLANTER SOLUTION. Contains plant ■ _ hormones to help reduce wilting. Use with OR ■tHO-GRO STARTER SOLUTION for maximum. I | plant response. EASIEST combination you ever ■ a used. Simply add both materials to transplanting ® water. Your best bet for healthy stands is ISOTOX I g TRANSPLANTING SOLUTION plus ORTHO- | g GRO STARTER SOLUTION. * A Comp/eteUne of ORTHO PRODUCTS P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN IMPORTANT T M ORTHO REG U S FAT OFF ISOTOX Transplanter Solution | Distributed by ! I. C. Ehrlich Chemical Co., Inc. j 736 EAST CHESTNUT ST. LANCASTER, PA. ' PH. 397-3721 " ' Available At Phone Lane, 397-3539 BULLETIN a ,n !hu» I