—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11, 1963 McUlheilll 4-H 6 i U /' ii Manheim Future Farmers Honor Two At Banquet Two honorary farmer degrees winners were David Sander, were presented by the Man- Manheim R 4, crop (farming; heim Futuie Farmers of Aiver- Clair Bruckhart, Manheim R 3, ha at the gioup’s annual par- farm mechanics, Call Fahnes cnt and son banquet last week tqek, Manheim R 2, soil and at the Manheim High School water, Robeit Kopp, Manheim The deg,ees we, e awarded to * 2 - livestock 'farming James Joseph H McGahen, teacher of Dombach, Manheim R 2, dairy vocational agncultuxe at the fanning, public and school since 19.10 and advisor faim safety, and Delbeit Kau of the local FFA Chapter, and tz > Manheim R 2, state Giee Christ Biandt, school custod- lland - iau The DeKalb award fof gen- am gllts were Jesse Miller, eial agncultuial excellence Manheim R 4 and Delbert Kau was presented to Veinon Mar tin, son of Mi and Mrs Char- les Martin, Latitz R 2 Martin, a. new award,' for outstand who won the Keystone degree mg citizenship awaided to a in Januaij is piesident o£ the senior vocational agucultural chaptei. student and sponsoied bj the David Shook Manheim R 2, teachers of vocational agncul- T. as recipient of the Lancaster ture, Joseph McGahen and Har- County Eankeis Association oitj 0 itj McAllister, was won by Gl awaid Chaptei Star Faimer enn Metzler, Manheim R 2. was Mai tin Mvei Manheim R 3, who also won the Farm El- Mam speaker at the banquet ■ectnfication medal fiom the was Eugene Gantz, Milleis- Kational FFA Foundation burg, State PFA Association Other foundation award president. WINNERS OF AWARDS AT THE annual banquet of the Manheim Future Farmers of America are, left to right, Glenn Metzler, Delbert Kautz, Robert Kopp, James Gehman,-Clair Bruckhart, David Shonk, James Dombach, Marlin Myer, and Carl Fahnestock. The banquet was held in the high school cafeteria. Feed Red Rose Free-Choice Mineral to meet individual needs of dairy herds, steers, dairy heifers, sheep, goats and swine. When selecting feeds made with your own grain 01 with local mixes, be sure to insist on: RED ROSE SUPPLEMENTS RED ROSE LIVESTOCK MINERAL RED ROSE POULTRY MINERAL A. S. Groff North Queen Stieet Lancaster, Pa, West Willow Farmers Association West Willow, Pa. 'i'“ yiiUnn>' ; ! t'G i >i m 1 Recipients of the Sears ch- Mountville Feed Service R D. 2, Columbia, Pa. Ammon E. Shelly R. D. 2. Lititz, Pa. Brown & Rea Atglen, Pa. i, li mr l f 'i 111'' CD i» " Reorganizes Miss Belinda Hershey, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heishey, 742 Pearl Ave., Man heim, was elected president of the Manhenn Butterfly Stitch ers 4-H cluib at a recent .meet ing. She was also elected rep lesentative to county 4-H Council. Other officers elected were vice president, Rachel Wagner, Manheum HI, secretary, Mary Sue Hess; tieasuier, Alana Lord, Manheim R 3; game lead er, Rosemary Kreider, Man heim Bl; song leader, Corde lia Keller, Manheim Rl; news reporter, Faye Wenger, Ma heim Adult leaders are Mrs. Ho xie Thomas, Mrs J Lester Sta uffer, Mrs. John K Hershey, and Mis Howaid Swan. , The cluh has ■planned two pioiects, sewing and outdoor cookery. Next meeting 'of the club will he held on May 24 at the Trin ity Lutheran Church, Manhenn, and will concern “Health.’* with a production of 258,000 bushels of buckwheat, says the State Department of Agricul ture. 'ilsi rW!fSS< , *. ) ISOTOX Transplan J. C. Ehrlich 736 EAST CHESTNUT potato from You’ve probably read about the insect-seeking Killer-ORTHO Phosphamidon. We have it. We’ve seen it work. We recommend it for eliminating potato pests. Here’s why. Wherever insects hide safe from other sprays (under the curl of a leaf, in crevice of a stalk) Phosphamidon hunts them down. And kills them. Phosphamidon kills on contact. But, it doesn’t have to. It is absorbed by the foilage and pene-. trates the entire upper part of the plant sys tem. Result: a “remote control” kill that gets the hidden insects other sprays miss. The list of insects reads like an encyclopedia of potato pests: Colorado potato beetle (even the resistant one), all varieties of aphids, flea beetles, corn borers, leaf hoppers just about every insect that chews or sucks. What’s more, most insects that are resistant to other sprays find Phosphamidon irresistible. Phosphamidon is absorbed so quickly that work ers can enter the fields a few hours after spray ing. And the natural predators that feed on harm ful potato insects can safely return too. Don’t spray money away, hit or miss, with or dinary sprays come in or phone us for your Phosphami don requirements. With Phos phamidon you just can’t miss. A Complete ORTHO P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC SMOKETOWN er Solution ibuted by Dist hemical Co., Inc. 3&7-3721 *&'y, , T.M. Reg. TJ.S. Pat. Off.: pests can’t hide Phosphamidon Line PRODUCTS Available At Phone Lane. 397-3539 LANCASTER, PA. ORTHO • ** 1 AUTHORIZED (ortho) DEALER Of