,16—Lancaster Farming} Saturday, April; 13, 1963 , i BEST FOOD BUYS Traditional Easter Fare Featured Ham, turkey, and eggs will be the mam attractions at area retail food stores this week, eays Harold Neigh, consumer marketing specialist at Penn State. You’ll find Easter hams cost ing a ifew cents less than a year asxi. However, prices will vary between stores and in stores because of the different kinds, puts and styles of ham. Hams are either “cook-be f ore-eating” or “fully-cooked” «nd the meat industry is trying ,to get all packers to label hams as such. Cook-bef ore-eating hams are regular smoked hams that have been heated to an in ternal tempeiature of at least 137 degrees F. They are safe to eat, but additional cooking is necessary to bring out the pro per flavor and tenderness. Fully-cooked and ready-to-eat hams have been cured and heated so they may be served cold without further cooking or they mav be reheated-and seiv ed hot You’ll pay a few cents more for a fully-cooked ham than a regular smoked ham be cause of additional piocessing coats, but you can expect less cooking shrinkage. Although whole hams are available, hams are usually sold by the half or portion the butt half and the shank half. The butt half comes from higher on the leg- than the shank half; it yields a larger proportion of lean meat than does the shank half and usu ally sells for a higher price per pound. If you piefer “turkey, it shouldn’t be too hard to find one to fill your needs Prices generally start ait 35 cents a pound for the heaviest size and go up to 49 cents a pound for Food Costs Some convenience foods cost little, x£ any, more than regu lar foods, says Harold Neigh, Penn State extension special ist in consumer economics. Difference in cost depends on the amount ot processing and packaging that has to be done, and how savings can be leal ized. For example, oranges are •queezed, ait a plant near the grove and the juice is shipped in frozen concentrated form. This saxes enough to offset processing costs. TOBACCO MUSLIN 2, 3 & 4 yd. widths Special low price. FIELD FENCING Welded Turkey Wire, Barb Wire, Corn Crib Wire, Gates, Steel Posts, etc. Ask for special discount ' on large Orders. Community Sale Apr. 20, May 4 & 18, June 1 & 15. W. L. Zimmerman & Sons Phone 768-3131 Intercourse, Pa. the smallest ones. These prices are about the same as at Thanksgiving when supplies were the heaviest for the year. You should find some real bargains in eggs as many re tailors offer them at special prices this week. To round out your holiday menu there will be low prices on many items 'for those vege table and salad dishes. Bargain prices will be noted on sweet potatoes, onions, carrots, and radishes. Many stores will carry feature prices on corn, asparagus, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. Grow STRONG, THRIFTY CALVES on Home Grown Grain and WAYNE CALF SUPPLEMENT Here’s how to supply calves with all of the body-build ing nutrients they need and still feed them your home grown grains. Wayne Calf Supplement (pellets) contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and an antibiotic to properly supple ment your home grown grains. Wayne Calf Supplement will help you grow strong, thrifty calves at less cost. It pays to Feed Wayne. iHII J. K. STAUFFER & SON ROHRER’S MILL D»wu & Bellnire R. D. 1, Roiiks FOWL’S FEED SERVICE DUTCHMAN FEED R. D. 1, Quarryville MILLS, INC. B. D. 2, Peach Bottom R. D. 1, Stevens MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia H. M. S'» • UFFER C. E. SATJDER & SONS . crT R. D. 1. Bust Earl ft SC^lne. f Witmec - Monica • Leola , a #*Hove You Heard? (continued frofa page 15) and what is available. A list of specifications will help you keep your decisions logical and organized sor you get the most value for the money you have to spend. When you keep key fea tures in mind, you’re less like ly to buy on impulse. Before You Call The Serviceman For Your Automatic Washer When your automatic wash er breaks down, don’t call the serviceman . right away. A little checking on your own may save a re pair bill. Some things to check in clude- Is the washer securely plugged in’ If it is, make sure a blown fuse or open cir- GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown HERSHEY BROS. Remholds MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Miller'-v ill© ’cuit breaker is not responsible the items in the washer, iiress for the breakdown. , ing' the reset button, and staft- Is there enough water? Both ing the machine, faucets should be on and the Loot at your instruction, hose free of kinks. The lid or Read the directions, to door should be completely gure you > re following them closed - . exactly. Then if you can’t lo- Check all controls to see if cate the trouble , call the re they’re set right, especially the pa irman. Have the model num reset button if,there is one. ber handy'when you make the If the washer has stopped ca u _ _ _ the repairman may during a cycle, the load may be aslc j or unbalanced. Try distributing No Other Protein Need When You Feed at least not Feeders Say • « • "The Most Economical Feeding Plan of All " No trouble with icouri or aatfle going off feed. You’ll be more than USE ONLY «. LB. SPECIAL TANVILAC PER HEAD PER DAY WITH GRAIN AND tOUGHAGE GET BIGGER PROFITS CULTURE PRODUCT FOB EVER* FARM-FEEDING PURPOSE, , * ton MORE PROFITS—MAIL COUPON * Jk* THE TANVILAC COMPANY, INC. * dfh t Corning AveJ., tox ft, Highland { Park Station, Des Moines 13, lowa > • Please Send Me Additional Inform*- > lion about Special Tanvilac. J —Cattle I I htvi NAME ADDKESI BIBD-IN-HAM) Top-dress with I GOLDEN ! UDAN - J c.'fv.Kv. wtnWtw for golden yields of wheat! feed your wheat the nitrogen It needs the fast, (fiO Golden UR AN way. Wheat needs more nitrogen than! (any other plant food, and liquid ARCADIAN* Golden IURAN makes it easy to apply all fee nitrogen needed for big, profitable yields. Let us spray Golden URAN for (you now—to make your wheat produce a thick, strong Stand that winters well to produce extra bushels of grain* Get ARCADIAN Golden URAN Del For Complete Soil Testing, Application and Service t Contact your Baugh’s Premium Plant Food and -Soil Builder Dealer. $. H. Hiestand & Co. ...1 C. O. NOLT LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR SPECIAL, TANVILAC Phone Lane. 397-0751