Milk Per Cow Continues Climb Milk production per cow on Pennsylvania tarnis durl °® February at 630 pounds was 37 pounds n|.re than the same month a year ago and 86 pou nds above -the February 19a7- 61 average. On a daily basis the milk production averaged 22 50 pounds during February. Total milk produced on Pen nsylvania farms dining Febru aiy was estimated at 54 4 mill ion pounds or 4 percent ab o\e the same month a year ear her and about 12 percent high er than the 19 57-61 average. Seasonally there is less milk pioduced in Februaiy than the piecedmg month because of the tewer days in February. The number of milk cows in , t he Ke\ stone State during Feb maiy was estimated at 863,000 cows 1,000 less than the piecedmg month and 17,000 tewer milk cows thanthe esti mate ioi Febiuary 1962. Based or. the July 1, 1961, Peunsvlvama population esti mate, Febiuarv nulk pioduet lon ivas at a level that provid ed 1 69 pounds or 79 quarts pei capita per day Gram and concentrates fed dailv per cow aveiaged 10 S pounds down slightly fiom January but higher than Feb ruary 1962 When comparing the fiist of the month data, we find that April 1, 1961, March 1 1962, and Febmaiy 1 and Maich 1. 19 62 were the times when the feeding rate per cow were highest during Jieir resp ective veais Value ot mtion fed dining Febiuai> was $3 45 per cv.t oi 11 cen*s above a jear eailiei Milk pioduction in the Unit ed States during Febiu.nv u> estimated at 9,470 million pou nds, 1 3 percent below Febru ary 1962, but 1 peicent above the 1957-61 aveiage foi the month Febiuaiv was the third consecutive month with milk production below a year eail iei On a dailv basis, milk pio duction mu eased about 4 per cent tiom Jaiiuaiv to Febiuarj this ve.n, compared with 5 per cent in 1962 Relative to popul ation, Febiuaiv milk produc tion amounted to 1 79 pounds pei pei son daily, compared with 1 S 5 pounds in Febmary 19 62 Febiuaiy milk production ■n as below a yeai eaiher in 5 ot the ten leading States Oh io, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnes ota, and lowa Pioduction con tinued above a jeai earlier in 5 ot the 10 States New Yoik, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan, and California Milk pioduction per cow is estimated at 003 pounds for the month of February 6 pou nds aboie a year ago. This in crease of 1 pel cent from a year eailiei in milk wms less than usual Piom Febiuaiy 19 61 to Febiuaij 1962, the estimated late per cow increased about 4 peitent Centraly to the usual upwaid trend, Febiuaiy pio diwtion pei cow' was below' a ■seal eaiher in 17 ot the 30 St ates foi whicn monthly estnna res ai e a\ ailable Tlnmib Automation ma\ make a sn oppei’s thumb obsolete, sat» Ha i old .Veigh, Penn State ext- ension specialist in consumer economics Researches in the U S Derailment of Agricult nip hate detised a media meal thumb that is said to outdo an aggressive consumer pinching fruit to determine its ripeness. The mechanical thumb “w ill help to bring fruits and vegeta bles to market at their best st age of npehdss iiid maturity* DAIRYMEN ARE PLEASED - COWS I DARI-PAK PE NO QUESTION obout the ever-growing popularity DARI-PAK .... it's the talk of Lancaster County. Coarse Texture and Pelleted DARI-PAK, has been mu expectations. There are many valid reasons why moi switching to' "production proven" DARI-PAK. Check Form Bureau FIELDMAN/ or phone 394-0541 , f your DARI-PAK PELLETS Two protein levels, 14% & 16%. 100% vegetable protein ration. High in Energy content. Tasty - full 10% Molasses. Nutrients carefully balanced. Added Vitamin A and D 2. Calcium/Phosphorous ratio 1 to 1. Made to order mill fresh. Free flowing very few fines. A truly economical grain ration. Bulk Discount increases sayings. Attractive Large-User Discounts. Full retail price for your grain. The FARM BUREAU COWculator takes the guesswork out of dairy feeding! COMPUTES ACCURATELY the Maximum Profit Feeding Level for each cow. Start Today ... Feed the Farm Qualified FIELDMEH are anxious to serve designing a PROFITABLE DAIRY FEEDI ,C. COC/j BUB) For Prompt, In Bags or Lancaster 394-0541 New Holland 354-2146