Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 23, 1963, Image 5

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    • SPABC Report , In a panel.discussion on the
from Page if) efficiency of milk production,
tVo year' terms, were won iy Mra - Hfymond'lr. Wltmer7,Wil-,
Frank K. Book, Leola; Clair M. lovr street R 1» stressed- good
Hershey. Willow street R 2; size and established cow family
Frank L. Hershey* Willow Rd.; in raisin S calves.
Jacob Houser Jr,, Lampeter, Arthur Wenger, Manheim
and Jay E. Landis, Lancaster R - suggested drying off cows
kg by reducing milking to once a
Elected to sire reporting day rather than takinfi away
committees' for one-year terms feed *° cut Production,
were: J. Earl' Ranch, Gordon- “ If you take away feed the
ville Rl.' Ayrshire; Melvm R. calr must get nourishment
Stolzfus, Ronks Rl, Guernsey. from tke cow ’ s flesh >” Wen ‘
Roy Book, Ronks Rl, Holstein, ser said>
and Robert Ulrich, Quarryville
Rl, Jersey.
The Way The Twig is Bent...!
Your future EGG PRODUCTION COSTS and your flock's
PERFORMANCE will be determined by the way you feed and
manage your replacement stock NOW.
are the FIRST STEP. towards
For the Finest Poultry Service
Contact your Miller & Bushong Ser-
vice Representative or call us direct
at Lancaster 392-2145.
Wenger, commenting on his
dumping station, said it has
Don't be penny wise and pound foolish!
Good Management
Finest Service Anywhere
Do it right!
in your
Rohrerstown, Pa.
Ph. Lancaster 392-2145
sired. 4*bor add fits into a lons
range plan he developed when
he installed a hulk tank.
- 'Robert Ulrich, discussing a
feeding program, said he feeds
two pounds of grain for each
100 pounds of body weight af
ter a cow freshens until she
reaches peak production. After
that, Ulrich said, he feeds at a
level to maintain that output.
Keep your distance, the Safe
ty Crusade suggests. You can
never react as fast as the dri
ver you’re following.
B< %
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 23, 1963—5
‘ ’i' r r
Youthpower Contestant Writes
Health Tips For Athletic Teams
By Mary .Jane Herr
Kd Note: The following arti
cle was written by Mary Juno
Herr, a 4-H member from Rcf
lon, as part of a project in a
“Youthpower” contest.
Imagine yourself the coach
of your high school football
team What woulrj you tell
your team about nutrition and
good eating habits as they le
late to staying in (or getting
in) good condition?
During high school I am
happy to say I was captain of
the girls varsity hockey team
and .these health rules should
apply to football teams as well.
I had the responsibility of see
ing that the girls and myself
were in good physical condi
tion for the games.
A boy who wants to play on
the team should watch what he
eats and get plenty of sleep. To
become a better athlete he
should cut down on the fatty ‘ , Buy co,orfast fabrics for
foods and at foods that pro- Revels especially if they will
vide plenty of body building be subjected to strong sunlight,
nutnents advise Penn State extension
home management specialist.
He should eat a high pro- Sunlight may alfect yellows al
tem -diet with plenty of carbo- though they are maiked coloi
hydiates, because carbohydra- last Read labels tor mforma
tes help supply eueigy for woik tion about the tabuc Manv tab
and play Before a game he ncs ha\e labels on the bolt;
should nevei eat heavy or star- some also ha\e information
chy, fatty food To some people punted on the selvages
“We Like It Best Because It Is So Pal
atable. Our Milk Production Increased
Whenever SX-11 Was Fed And We Wish
We Had Enough To Last Ail Fall.”
WM. H. ROSEN. Jamestown/ Penna.
one small candy bar supplies
the extra energy they need Be
tween half time allow the play
ers to eat oranges and lemons
rather than diink water. Water
doesn’t always satisfy your
thirst, but by eating the fruit,
you will give your body energy
as well as satisfy your thirst.
Diet isn't everything- m
sports, keeping yourself m
good physical fitness is anoth
er Betoie games or practices
have the players inn around
the football field several times
and then do exercises Running
in place, touching toes and
push ups aie all veiy good e\-
cicises Certainly it’s tiresome
at fiist, but it just shows he
isn’t in good physical condition.
If jou want to wm jou must do
all these exercises to get jour
muscles limbered
Plenty ot sleep is essential,
especially the night before a
game To some people too
much exeicise is hath but not
enough sleep is woise A pei
son who had plenty ot lest is
ieady to get out in the field
and leally do his best lor the
Smoking seems to be a habit
with most boys today, and it
should be discontinued during
sports season On my team it
was play and not smoke or
smoke and not play.
Things to tell your team
when coaching should be eat
a proper diet, get enough sleep
every night, plenty ot exercise,
follow good health habit of
cleanliness and show good
sportsmanship thiough out the
whole game.
or ask your neighbor about
The New Miracle Crop
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Slipctn or Fabrics
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