Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 23, 1963, Image 10

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    —Lancaster Farming,’’Saturday ,~Febru£ry;23, c !U>G3r~
Co. Feed Firm
Adds Personnel
Piancis X Campbell will
join the sales and service de
pnitment of the Rohreistown
teed film of Miller and BuSh
ong, Inc on March 1.
Altei senmg in the ITS
-Xa\}. Campbell attended the
land farms.
More recently Frank has
been active in the sei vicing of
dairy and livestock accounts in
the Lancaster area tor a New
England feed firm
Fiank and his wife Beatrice
and three-month-old son reside
at 1727 Bill View Drive, Lan-
PKAXCIS X. CVUPBELiTj | castel -
Stocklmdge school of the Xlni
veisity ot Mass and graduated
■with a degiee in Animal Hus
bandly in I'Kij He has had ex
cellence in dairy and livestock
senue supei vision and man
agement having been succes
sively herdsman and farm man
agei on pi eminent New Eng-
Stanley H. Deiter
Auctioneer & Appraiser
Ph. Lancaster EX 4-1790
on TV!
Tear Out and Save This Listing
Harrisburg, Pa.
Lancaster. Pa.
Cog/ Agricultural Chemicals, manufacturers of Afrazine and Simazinf herbicides.
* *
i Face The Facts *
t . |
* Auction Creates Action *
s +
$ . *
*■ You Set the Day; The time and the Upset price *
* . *
*■ We’ll bring the know how and the bidders £
* *
at- Let Us Help you plan to sell your £
it *
>t *
J REAL ESTATE by Auction |
at- 5
* Al (’TIONKKK £
J 1802 He m|>slc,i(T Ito.ul 303-4464 *
at- i
* i
* Condor tin}* Smressful Am lion’s in .J
J Kislnn I’.i. loi h.ilt our Jilo (18 joars) *
* |
J As ik'.u as jonr phone and >ou may .*
J; rrocisc <lio cbtivaes. -*
X *
J £
Farmers Cooperative Changes
By-Laws At Annual Meetings
ruaiy 20 By amending its
bylaws to adapt them to new
legulations established by
Congress in the Internal Rev
enue Act of 1962, Eastern
States Farmers’ Exchange, In
corporated, will no longer pay
coopeiative refunds on its sal
es to nontarmer patrons, "W. D.
Milsop, general manager, an
nounced at the close of the or
ganization’s annual meeting
Pnor to the bylaw changes
voted in today’s meeting. Eas
tern States'operated its supply
purchasing service for farmers
and its sales of lawn, garden
and household items to urban
Administrator's Notice
Estate of SEIBBR, Carolyn
E , dec’d, late of City of Lan
caster Pa
Letters of administration on
said estate having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons
indebted thereto are requested
to make immediate payment,
and those having claims or de
mands against the same, will
present them without delay for
settlement to the undersigned.
The Conestoga National
Bank of Lancaster
Penn Square
Lancaster, Pa.
Arnold, Bncker, Beyer &
Barnes, Attorneys
Seminar 4
channel time, day and date
1 30-2 00 PM
" Saturday. March 2
a 7 00-7 30 AM
WGAt-TV * Saturday, March 2
Presented bf
patrons on the same cooperat
ive basis namely, it kept a
record of every purchase and
refunded part of its savings to
patrons in proportion to their
purchases. The balance of sav
ings not refunded was letamed
for capital purposes, but cred
ited to patrons in proportion to
their purchases. Inasmuch as
both the refunds and retains
thus became the propei ty of
the patrons, the cooperative it
self was exempt from income
tax on these sums.
Milsop explained that the In
ternal Revenue Act of 19G2
and the amendments of its bv
laws now make it possible tor
Eastern States to operate its
Route 230, East of Elizabethtown " Route 30
Monday Evening, Februarj 25 - 7:30 Wednesday Evening, Peb. 27 - 7:30
We are pleased to welcome
Mr. Ross Thompson
He will be calling on you, the farmers of Southern
Lancaster County, to sell the fine lines of
Ross has hacT years of experience in farm equipm
New Holland Machine Co. and we are pleased to have
our organization. Watch for announcement of cur op
March 14,1963.
\/ Quarryville, Pa.
nontartner hußii)Bs^^;^iiro^t-55J5„8JL3;3.5 1 it;, Oat J>t this
making enterprise tliat'benefits' alnount. $993,500 will be re
the cooperative's members, the tamed for capital - and the re
farmers who own Eastern Stat- maining $1,813,854 will' be
es. Milsop said that this means paid to patrons in the form of
the Eastern States will pay in- a cash refund,
come taxes on its nonfarmer Patrons (farmer-members
business and its profit after and nonfarmers) purchased
taxes will be retained for capi- $86,914,125 worth of goods
tal purposes and that this will through the cooperative, and
reduce the amount of capital products marketed for patrons
farmeis will need to furnish chiefly table eggs and grain
tor the growth and develop- amounted to $10,728,798.
ment of the services they want More than 21,813,043 dozens
their cooperative to provide. of eggs were marketed through.
Exchange business for 1962 six plants, an increase of 427,-
amounted to $97,642,923, up <9l dozens over 1961. Approx
-3 7 percent from the previous miately 15 million dozens, 70
year, Milsop reported to the percent of the total, were car
-45 th annual meeting. Gains toned for retail trade. Total
were made'in both the Purch- volume of gram, produced in
asmg and Marketing Divisions the Middle Atlantic area, am
ot the organization, he told ounted to $1,890,450. This re
members presents the sale of 1,140,373
* f
Mildred E. Pike, treasurer,
reported that savings for 1962
to our organization.
bushels, a 12.8 percent increa
se over the previous year’s vol-
S. *,