Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 16, 1963, Image 8

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    B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 16, 1963
Celery Men Seek Change
In Soil Test
About 40 countv celery pro
ducers voiced objection Monday
to the current method of repoi
tmg soil test results by the
Pennsylvania State University
soil testing laboiatorv.
The growers, meeting in the
packing room of Amos Funk,
Millersville, voted to send a
letter to the laboratory calling
for a return to the policy of re
porting soil nutrients in pounds
per acre lather than as low,
medium and high.
Loud support was legisteied
foi the lettei which said “Cel
eiv growers in Lancaster Voik
and Lebanon request consider
ation be given to the soil test
lesults indicating the exact le
vel of plant nuti.cnls piese”t
in the soil 111 pounds pei acie
and that all test lesults as now
lepoited, low, medium and
high, be changed toi vegetab
les and possibly ioi potatoes
“Foi example, vieldsToi cel
eiy will be gieatoi as available
potash is mci eased to 400
pounds pei acie As amounts of
potash aie mci eased beyond
this level, yields ai e depressed
and minor element deficiencies
often appear Therefore it is
important for a glower to know
the exact uppei limit of pot-
ash leve in his soil, not a gener
al test indicating just a high
level of this nutnent
“It is suggeted the special re
port form be used for vegetable
growers ”
William Yount, Plant pathol
ogist with the Buieau of Plant
Industiy, Pennsylvania Depart
ment of Agriculture said great
variations were noted in plants
ot the H-46 strain last yeai,
but tour plants were selected
tiom a total of 45 to be used
- as foundation seed stock this
- yeai He said the selection
committee tried to pick out
plants which weie straight, had
good color and would produce
good quantities of seed Funk
last vear giew two pounds ot
the new seed which was certifi
ed by the buteau
Since celeiy seed aveiaged
about 8,000 seeds per ounce,
Yount said, county groweis
should have a plentiful supply
to meet needs
He explained that eertifica-
t Pennsylvania
Farm Show
Started Capons
Straight Year!
For the second v ear in a row
our ca])ons Inne been grand
champions ot the Pennsylvania
Farm Show. This >ear our
AVliitc Rocks took both cham
pion and reserve. In 1002 it
v. a , our Vantrcss-\rboi Acres
< toss that uon.
All through the Vortheast,
glowers are making extra pro
fits with our capons.
Pour to six weeks old when
dclixered and well past the
danger period. Kasx to raise,
eas> to feed. Past growers that
bring top market prices. Direct
delixery in out own trucks
oter n wide aiea. Write tor
out Iree 1 older “Frol its Prom
Farms, Inc
\. How.lid Fingar
It. I). 2, Hudson V V,
I'll: T\ 8-1 <>l I
tion of seeds assures a grower
of a unifoim supply wherever
the seed is purchased since cer
tification standards are nation
Dr. Ernest Bergman, plant
nutritionist at the Pennsylvania
State Univeisity said he is con
tinuing his studies with the
new vanety in an attempt to
eliminate some of the undesir
able features In i espouse to the
lemarks from one giow'ei that
some of his customers had
complained about the lack of fl
avoi in the H-4 6 vai letv, Bei g
man said it was probably duo
to variations in new seed. A
group of growers w’ho lasted
a sample tiom the questional
agreed that it lacked the flavoi
noted in some ot the othei sam
ples hi ought in tiom aiov|[id
the countv.
Bergman said some gioweis
have spiaved too heavily with
boion. or added too much boi
-011 to the soil “Don’t smaj oi
apply boion if vou don’t need
(Continued on Page 9)
Eby's Chick-to-Egg Feeding Program
LOOKING OVER A SELECTION OF H-46 celery at a meeting Monday after
noon are two county celery growers and a plant researcher. Left to right are Jay
Hodecker who grows 19 acres of celery at 1803 Rohrerstown Road, Dr. Ernest
Bergman, plant nutritionist at the Pennsylvania State University, and Rudy
Grob, 2063 Stone Mill Road, Lancaster, secretary of the Pennsylvania Vegetable
Growers Association The selections from the original cross made by Dr. Bernard
Pollack at PSU will be used to increase the seed supply of trenching celery to re
place the old Houser strain lost during World War 11. L. F. Photo.
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