plant Pest Entry Stopped Every 16 Minutes An inbound pest was stopp ed at U S ports of entry once ev piy 16 minutes duung the j 962 fiscal year, the U S jirpartment of Agriculture re pents. These intercepted pests nicluded some ot the world’s nioat damaging insects and pUnt diseases. A total of 33,033 pests of quarantine significance for eign insects, mites, snails, ne matodes and plant diseases w eie found in passenger bag gage, ships’ stores, mail, and cargo by plant quarantine in spectors of USDA’S Agncul- ,V.W.V/. , .V.V.V. , .V.V.V. PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, October 29,1962 Sale of Work Horses & Mules ALSO RIDING AND DRIVING HORSES JOB STOLTZFUS will have one load of Riding and Driving Horses. At 2:00 P.M. SALE OF FAT HOGS AND CALVES ‘ HI (■ • ; Annual Dairy Cow * r -c , . * * r - ' ~ SHOW and SALE Wednesday, October 31,1962 $3OO - IN PRIZES - $3OO HrkirA*kkkk'k'k*:k*k)rkirkMirkirkTrirk-kitifk'ti*kAiicicirkirkiHi $lOO. to be given to buyer of Grand Champion of show. $50.00 to be given to exhibitor of Grand Champion* All animals to be entered in the show must be on the premises not later than 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 30, Cows entered in show will be judged at 10:00 a.m. on day of sale. Show cows will be sold at 2:00 p.m. Sale will start at 12 Noon instead of the usual 12:30 p.m. We expect to have very large consignment of out standing cows for this sale. Many of these cows are Pure Bred with very good milk and butter fat records. Our shippers have made a special effort to buy nothing hut the best to enter in our dairy show and sale. For this week we will have 60 HEAD OF OUT STANDING WISCONSIN COWS; 25 HEAD OF CANA DIAN PURE BRED HOLSTEINS; 35 HEAD OF SUS QUEHANNA COUNTY COWS and 25 HEAD OF FRANKLIN COUNTY COWS. If you are in need of some real producing cows do not miss this sale. This is a buyers opportunity. AT 12:30 P.M. SALE OF DAIRY COWS Mostly Holsteins and Guernseys, fresh, close springers, and milkers. Thursday, November 1,1962 AT 12:30 P.M. Sale of Fat Bulls, Steers, Fat Butcher Cows, and Veal Calves New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. JOHN H. GINGRICH, "hone: 354-2194 Manager tural Research Service during the year that ended June 30 The number of plant pest interceptions was 29 percent higher than the number inter cepted during the previous fis cal year and accompanied an overall increase in foreign tra vel and plant quarantine in spection activities, ARS in spectors add Khapra beetle, a major pest of stored grain, was intercept ed 249 times, compared with 202 in fiscal year 1961. The golden nematode, enemy of tomato and potato crops val ued at half a million dollars a year m this country, was in tercepted S 3 times, compared with 29 the year before. The Mediterranean land snail, a threat to many plants, was discovered S 2 times, compared At 11:00 AM, •<. with 64 times last year. Three dangerous citrus dis eases not found in this coun try but known to be potential enemies of US. citrus crops, valued at more than $550 million a year, were intercept ed 949 times. These diseases weie citrus canker, 271 inter ceptions black spot of citrus, 464 interceptions, and sweet orange scab, 213 interceptions. Traffic across the Mexican border continued to increase, as it has each season dunng the past 15 years. More than 24,700,000 cars and trucks entered the United States from Mexico half a million more than entered during 1961 In addition, recent im provements in the Pan Ameri can Highway are now bring ing travel eis overland from tropical areas of Central Amer ica, where several damaging plant pests —■ including the destructive Mediterranean fruit fly are known to exist. Most of the plant pests and unauthorized plant material armed in passenger baggage. ARS inspectors, cooperating ■with U S. Bureau of Customs inspectors, examined 23% million pieces of baggage during 1962 an increase of about one million pieces over the previous fiscal year. The GET RID OF WEEVILS ON ALFALFA See Your Local These Custom Sprayers Can Supply You. With Ortho Dieldrin RICHARD R. FORRY MELVIN G. LAPP LANCASTER 397-0035 ATGLEN 303-5717 ALVIN F. SMOKER HAROLD ZOOK INTERCOURSE 768-8416 LANCASTER 304-5412 BENJ. B. LANDIS PARADISE 687-0535 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 27, 1962—9 number of ship and air pas sengers whose baggage receiv ed inspection was up about 200,000 fiom approximate ly 5,500,000 in 1961 to slight ly moie than 5,700,000 in 1962 Othei inspection activities also showed an increase. ARS inspectors, in cooperation with postal authorities, examined nearly 40 million incoming packages, compared with fewer than 38 million inspected last year The number of air cargo packages inspected rose from about 660,000 in 1961 to about 8 50,000 in fiscal year 19 62. • Hybrid Wheot (Continued From Page 8) covery the fertility restorer in wheat had never been identi fied The clue that both malo sterility and the fertility re storer might be present in wheat in a Nebraska nursery came when some plants in an experimental line were found to be fertile while others were sterile. Even though all the genetic tools now appear to be avail able for hybrid wheat, the WITH ORTHO DIELDRIN T.M. REG. U.S. PAT. OFF.: ORTHO agronomists will not predut how soon it may take its place on the Nation’s farms along with hybrid corn and hybrid sorghums Male sterility and the fer tility restoier moist first be transferred into existing var ieties of wheat or into new varieties adapted for farm Then exhaustive tests must be made before these varieties can be recommended to growers use Agronomists also decline to predict how much increase in yields may be forthcoming with hybrid wheat. They be lieve the increase may be sub stantial, however, and they have some experimental evi dence to support their opinion. No seed of the new hybrids is available from the Depart ment of Agriculture or the University of Nebraska. Growing Chicks As chicks grow, they devel op a protective covering of flesh and feather, explains P. H Leuschner, extension poul try specialist at Penn State. Their heat requirements are not as great though the wea ther may be turning colder. ,1? Dealer Now!