- ' DON’T COME A STEP CLOSER, this long horn- , , , . . eji mother seems to be telling that guy with the five year old Scotch Highlander Steer has been on exhibition this week along witfi black box The horns are not only long, but sharp ? ld Brahman bu n T h e exhibits are part of the Stock Yards celebration of as well, and the cow let it be known she would not hesitate to use them if anything threatened her calf. National Livestock Terminal Market month. The 1425 pound steer was consigned ™ <» b * l —' “ d EU * S Dlta play also are a Brahman Bull and a Scotch Highland steer with a six-foot horn spread. L. F. Photo FARM BUREAU EGG CYCLE FEEDING INCREASED POULTRY PROFITS! Whether you have a commercial egg laying flock or a hatchery supply flock Farm Bureau has a carefully formulated feed and a profit proven program to fit your individual need. Maximum production, and maximum hatchability in the case of breeders, are a must in today’s economy. You get all this, and more, when you feed the Farm Bureau way. - 4 In addition to our Management Assistance Program, we olfer: Grain Exchange Program Large-User Program Uajer Feeding Agreement. Start Today... Feed the Farm Bureau Way! i i Qualified FIELDMEN are anxious fo serve and assist you in designing a PROFITABLE LAYER FEEDING PROGRAM. ,c. con bub*- 1 is a proven plan for I ■» I JUST WASHED MY HAIR AND I CAN’T DO A THING WITH IT. This For Prompt, Courteous Service, In Bags or Bulk, Call . . . Lancaster 394-0541 New Holland Quarryville ST 6-2126 354-2146 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 27, 1962 —5 Manheim 665-2466 L F Photo. • Livestock Men (Continued trom Page 1) itoung station is set up These stations take samples trom the air as well as from the coats of cattle shipped to the yard--. Smith - is also i ural coordnu - tor of the Civil -Defense pu gram in the county Speaking on behalf of the farmers in the group, Edwai 1 E Rishel, York, said he mai kets all his cattle thxough the Lancaster \aids because ho leels the maiket is good on heavv cattle, but he buys most oi his feeder cattle pmately 01 at the oigamzed beef-bieed er calf sales in Vngma Rishel said he belieied ho could get highei quahtv feet>- ei cahes at the sales than on the wiids He &aul hib only “gupe’ about the Stock cards conceit ed the cost ot belling cattle thiough the commission man, but he said ' I don’t expect (Continued on Page G) Salesmen don't lay eggs! If you haven’t had ’em Nobody Can Tell You! Quality Speaks for itself! HONEGGER LAYERS J. HOWARD MOORE R. D. #1 LITITZ. PE\N\. Phone. 020-o+OS Windle's Hatchery COC.HR VNVILI.E. PA. Phone \(i,len I.V 3-.VUI