' >*** 1 I * 1 ~*k e^^t*^^4tf^StowScQT^3j3iCT®t^lllsKarotiWKWKSKW6SlTlliBS 18—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 27, 1962 • Hoy# You Heard? (continued from page 15) cool. -Buy eggs only from a deal er who keeps them refriger ated, and get eggs into the re frigerator as book as possible after you buy them. Store eggs in a covered con tainer to keep moisture in and odors out. Eggs lose quality qoickly when left at room tempera ture. ANNOUNCING New Office Location Wood Shavings, Poultry Litter and Cattle Bedding packaged in bales, burlap bags and paper bags. We deliver anywhere. For prompt service call 0. & D. SAWDUST CO., Inc. 659 E. Main Sh, Lititz, Pa, (formerly of Manheim) Shredded Pine bark for Mulching Evergreens, roses, etc. What To Do About Golds Be alert to these signals sniffles, sneezes, coughing, sore throat, aching muscles running eyes, and fever. Take care of yourself at once when you get a cold. Avoid quick changes in tem perature and stay in bed it possible. Eat well-balanced meals and avoid overeating. Drink plenty of liquids to tone up your system and help elimination. Call your physi cian if cold symptoms persist. Keep your cold to yourself. Be thoughtful of others colds are > catching. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Use disposable tiss ues and dispose of them prom ptly Avoid direct contact with other persons. Guard against the next cold after you recover. Build up your resistance by keeping It pays to use NATURAL N. J. POTASH ond CALPHOS Have them spread on your hay and grain fields now. Contact ns for details as these two materials will work well with yonr present farm program. Brooklawn Farm 1118 Kreider Ave, Lancaster Ph. LO 0-1680 or tee your local dealer Phone 626-2068 physically flt with good food, exercise, adequate rest and sleep. Use common* sense and avoid extreme temperatures, fatigue and contact with per sons who have a cold. This An’ That High moisture prunes have taken the place of yesterday’s hard dried ones. Processed by a new method, prunes are now plump, meaty, tender, and moist. They add a natural tart-sweetness and a fruity richness to a variety of dishes. Prunes are rich in iron- and vitamin A and contribute oth er essential minerals and vi tamins to the diet. One pound of prunes will make about TOP-DRESS ALFALFA 0-14-14 0-20-20 0-15-30 SMALL GRAIN SEEDING 5-10-10 0-14-14 Use Our Spreader Service Bags or Bulk Available - dieldrin and heptachlor for alfalfa after last cutting. ORGANIC Plant Food Co. Grofftown Rd., EX 2-4963 COWS PROPERLY CONDITIONS) ...during the dry period PRODUO UP TO 25% MORE MILK! BEFORE CALVING Thlt cow wal f!tl*d •n tht Ptoneir program for 60 day» b«for* calving. Not* Ihc excellent "dry tew" body condition. “■ , Proper feeding of the dry cow is the most important single factor af- ( fecting herd health, longevity, and a sustained high level of milk produo-, tion. In 60 days, while the cow is dry; Pioneer Dry and Freshening feed will repair the body from the previous lactation, build a reserve of body, 'condition for the next lactation, and develop a stronger calf. In addition your cows will have less calving diffl-, culties, eliminate placenta quickly,] after completing record th* have less udder congestion, and most f \tmportaio.y they will produeij9j!i jilot* lh« dalryntu and axc*ptlon«! SB% mnr « miIUT fcody acndlttcn thown pfttr thli «ow productd - - more milK. )*n» of mllkl j us today for full particulars. Joseph M. Good & Sons LEOLA QUARRYVILLE ,* i 4 eight servings. You can sort children’s socks quickly after laundering if you pm pairs together with a safety pin before washing. Save those extra slices of bread and use for creamy bread puddings. Or dry the slices and grind or roll into crumbs, then store in tightly covered containers and use to casserole dishes. Slow Lawns Mow lawns and other turf grasa area through, the fall and until growth ceases due to cold weather, suggests Jack Harper, extension agronomist at Penn State. Holland Ready-Mix Stone Concrete Concrete Metal Blocks Windows New Holland Concrete Products New Holland, Pa. Furniture "Buying Before you rush out to new furnishings for house, ta,ke time for *. C( plete tour of the jftirnit stores, suggest Penn State tension home manage specialists.' There Is «o r 4 choose from and more furniture that j double duty in a variety ways. Today’s furniture Co| in many new material! y finishes, and you’ll find e *j available in many price j quality levels. Looking at i plays of new furniture i help you decide the «lyl t styles you wish to live 354-ant w 4