VOL. 7 NO. AS . ; r j BEEF COMES OUT OF THE PIT READY TO EAT, and hungry citizens of southern Lancaster County soon took care of seeing that it was eaten Here the committee from the Solanco Fair board examines one of the first roasts Left to right are committee chairman Jason Weaver, Fair board president, John Hoff man',"Fred Linton, Everett Kreider (face in shadow), and Fred Frey. Three hun dred pounds of beef was cooked for 12 hours over a bed of coals in the pit cover ed with roofing and soil. L. F. Photo. Barbecued “Beef In A Pit” Cooked By Solanco Fair Three hundred pound? of beef, and we served evei> scrap right down to the table top, said John Hoftraan as he described the fust “pit barbe cue” sponsored by the Solanco Fair Association last Saturdai. Volunteers fiom the fair Farm Calendar Oct. 26 9 am 4-H En tomology Club roundup at the Farm Bureau building, 'DHlerville Road. Oct 22 8 p in 4-H Lead* eft Council executive board meeting at the home of Mrs. Herbert Ro>er, 2025 Oreg on Pike. Oct. 22-23 Regional Land and People Conference spon sored by the US. Depai t ment of Agncultuie in co ■oaeration with state and local governments Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia. Oct 35 2 30 p m Voik- Lamcaster Area Future Fai mers of America Leadeiship Training Conference m the Solanco High School 7 30 Lancaster Count} PoHiltry Association Banquet at Hostettei’s Banquet hall in Mount Jov 8 pm. Halloween part\ for the combined 4-H daily clubs of the county, at the Lampeter Community gro unds. Oct. 27 Eastern District 4- 1 1 tractor driving contest at Schuylkill Hav en. boaid weie so pleased with the response to their first at tempt at this new tentuie that thev aie hoping to make it an annual aftair. Hodman, who is piesident of the boaid said this week Seteial of the local fann fan boaids finding it inereas mgh moie difficult to finance the exhibitions, have turned to pne oi more fund-raising acti vities outside of fair season. The West Lampeter Fair asso ciation has sponsored chicken barbecues for several years, but it appears that Solanco is alone m trying the idea with beef. Fred Frey, Quarryt die R 2, a breeder of purebred angus cattle, serving as “pit fore- (Contmued on Page 8) Poultry Banquet Date Announced The annual banquet of the Lancaster Count> Poultry As sociation will be held ne\t Thursday at Hostetter’s ban quet hall in Mount Jo>, Joe Wolgemuth, committee chair man said this week On the program will be Paul F Osborn who will present a color mo\ le with comments on points of interest on his three month trip around the world Entertainment will be fur nished by the Garden Spotters quartette The meal is scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm on October 25. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 20, 1962 Livestock Tour Will Inspect Maryland Farms Lancaster Count\ s annual livestock tour will take in foui stops on die Eastern Shoie of Maryland this year County agent Ma\ M Smith said this ■week The tour is scheduled to be held on Nov ember 1, but any inteiested person should make resen anons with the county agent s ottice by Monday Oct ober Smith said Stops will include visits at two steer feeding operations, one beef breeding farm and one swine feeding program. At Andelot Stock Farms, Worton, IVId , the visitors Mill see 300 Angus cows and 100 brood sows on a 3,000 acre (continued on page 7) Annual FFA Leadership Training Conference Slated For Solanco Solanco High School has been designated as the site of the annual York-L-ancaster area Future Farmers Leader ship training conference While the officers of the lo cal chapters in both counties will he responsible for mou ot the program, a panel of girls will also hate an oppor tunitv to be heard Girls who have been elected FFA Chapter Sweethearts will gite their news on what the> expect from the boys Thej will express their tiews on how well they think the boys live up to the theme. “An FFA officer is always a gentleman ” A parliamentary drill will Vegetable Growers Reject Proposed Market Co-op Vegetable and fiuit groweis of the countv turned thumbs down on the formation of a pioposed maiketmg coopeia tive Wednesday night Meeting in the auditorium of the Farm Buieau coopeia tive, the gioweis unanimously opposed the foinnng of a co opeiative to maiket more than one commodity Individauls in the gioup expressed the desne to see some kind of marketing aiiangement between piodue eis of some paiticulai com modities Giower sentiment, as ex pressed in the meeting was ovei whelmingh opposed to the idea despite the obvious urging of H H (Cluck) Bro dy, a vegetable biokei who had lequested the coimtv exten sion service to call the meet ing. Commissioners Would Initiate Surplus Food Program For County Lancaster County Commis sioners wo aid be willing to initiate a surplus tood piogram toi the county it theie weie enough interest e\pi essed by the local political subdivision officials. Abiam Snvdei, County Commissionei told membeis ot the Lancastei County Agn cultmal Council Tlunsdav night Snyder said theie lias not been veiv much enthusiasm toi such a piogiam to the piesent time “We have had no moie than four or fue in quu les pei 3 eat ’ about such a piogiam he said In neaily all cases the re quests ha\e come fiom pei sons Mho hate mot ed into the county from an area vvheie a surplus food piogram is in opeiation Lancaster County is He said he believed the pio gram should be given serious consideration, but that town ship supervisors and other lo cal subdivision officials Mould be in a better position to know one of the few in the state be conducted by Paul Tnmbel, Quarryville Rl, the state as sociation FFA treasurer, and Clarence Bauman, Lancaster R 7, state association sentinel Teachers of vocational agn cultuie from both counties will conduct practice in Parli amentary practice and public speaking, and will dull the officers in the duties of the office to which they hate ■been elected Toastmaster at the annual banquet will be Paul Welle, Strasburg Rl president of the Lancaster Count\ association Jerry Snader. Ephrata Rl, count> chaplain will hate the (Continued on Page 1 ) $2 Per Year Paul Rowe, piesidenl of the Lancastei Countj Vegetable gioweis association made it cleat tiom the beginning that the pioducers had not request ed the meeting but weie there b> in\itation John Gauss Faimei Cooper atne Specialist fiom the Penns'lvania State Unnersity led oft the discussion bv out lining fom basic essentials of a cooperatne He said there must be an economic need and a demand and asked “What can a coopeiatue do for you that ion can not now do for \ oui self 9 Theie must be membeiship suppoit he continued, explain ing that two thuds of all eo opeiatnes termed soon fail because membeis do not sup poit then organization They (Continued on Page 43 without such a program. Last jear more foods were added which make the pro giam moie attractive, but theie are pioblems connected with such a program Snyder stated Snvdei said elegibihty for the need tor such a program. (.Continued on Page 12) Dist. Hay Show Date Announced Dates ot the 19G2 South eastern Peunsihania Quality Foiage Conference and District Ha\ Show weie announced this week The Pennsihama Giassland Council w ill begin at 9 am. on November 7 and continue thiough No\ ember S. Judging of the hay ex hibits will begin in the Gar age ot the Hotel Hershey, Her shey, at 1 pm. on November 6 Hav maj be evhibited from the counties of Adams, Berks, Bucks, Chester. Cumberland, Dauphin. Delaware. Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery. Northampton, Philadelphia, Schuilkill and York. FIVE - DAY WEATHER FORECAST Temperatures during the ne\t fi\e days are e\[>ecte inch or less falling mainly as showers about Sunday.