• Fresh Oranges (continued' from page 14) w ,th its juice, blending -well, gilt flour and spices. Add to the cream mixture, blending uutil smooth. Spoon batter in to greased and flour-dusted We’re out! You’re in! Lowes! prices of the year on America’s most wanted, most dependable appliances, TV sets and Stereo consoles! General Electric! Nothing missed—everything goes! Best bargains go to early shoppers! Don’t wail! Deluxe 11.8 cu. ft. Refrigerator-Freezer $l9B. Wt 4 Speaker Wood Console Stereo with AM/FM Tuner $l9B. w/t 12.2' cu. ft. Che,sl Fjreezer 'reezer holds 425 lbs. $l9B. w/t 12.2 cu. ft. Upright Freezer holds 425 lbs. $l9B. w/t Fully Automatic Washer 2 speeds, 2 cycles, 3 temps. $2lB. w/t 2 door Automatic Defrost Refrigerator-Freezer 13.2 cu. ft. $264. w/t FREE 3000 S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH EVERY DRYER October 1 to November 30^1962 L. H. BRUBAKER asbur muflin pans, filling cups just half full. Bake at 375 degrees, 20-25 minutes or until done Remove from pan and sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar. Serve warm of cold. Delicious for the coffee hour or an af- L H. BRUBAKER'S \S - SPECIAL PRICE V I 6-E’jtxeluslveMini-WashSytfMß^ a. •;! daet "Wash Batin" loads In |u»tS | # 1 gallant of walar. H’c a I paund * V* J Wathar insida a big 12 paund S f/m washtr, Twa wash tpaada, tw mjt wa s *l cyclat. Ilaach ditpaniaN 350 Strasburg Pike - Lancaster Phone Lancaster EX 7-5179 2 Lititz MA 6-7766 •*>' HAMELESS ELECTRIC 12 POUND CAPACITY AUTOMATIC DRYER iiP j *l5B. wt • Variable tlmo control with fluff cycf® * • Full width door with safofy switch v/ • Large capacity lint trap • Cabinet top and basket fin* ished in lifetime porcelain 4^ 1963 MULTI-CYCLE WASHER i|pfeWlTH EXCLUSIVE H ternoon pick-up. Makes 18 mediun cup cakes. WILTED HPI.VACH AM) ORAXOE HAL/A I) BOWL. 4 to 5 slices bacon 3 tablespoons fresh lemon (Continued on Page 18) j _ ' f 'I x & $258. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 13, 1962—15 For the Farm Wife and Ladies, Have You Heard?. . . Jam; 'JTunston, M\(cnsion Home Economist About Hnum; 'M.n lime (’arc Re.ul the msUuction book lor spenlic mfoi motion on sen ms machine c.n e The book tells whoie to oil the mat lime, and also sues mstiiK Lions about lubiication It’s a sood idea to keep a fan ot sewing machine oil handy loi use allci e\eiy emht houis ot sew ms, Put a diop ol oil m e\u> hole as the mstuicliou book diiccis iiut use only a thop ,iikc too much oil catches dust oi spots the fahne as \ou sew Attu oitma. stitch on a soap ot labile to take up e\ce,s oil and to help the oil cn culato. To pimont lint liom gathoiing on pails ol the machine, Keep it coveicd when not in use Dust it legulailv, too A special place to (he< k loi lint is under the thioat plate . . and use a diy blush to lemoie lint that gathcio thei e IVei er use oil on geais or mbber belts It joui machine lequiies lubncation do it eveiy six months to keep it naming smoothly The place to lubn cate is the geais. A special loom tor sew ms is the dieam of many liomo makeis, but when theie isn’t a special room you can still do something about a sewing aiea In a dual-puipose room, al low a space fii e by ten feet foi joui sewing actn ittes You need a place for cutting, hand sewing, machine sewing, pies smg, fitting, and storage Tiy to locate the machine so jou won’t have to mote it to use it. Since \ouTl be picssing dur ing the entire sewing piocess, you’ll want the iiomng bo.ud and iron in j-our sew mg area. It takes less time to get ready to sew when you can lea\e the iiomng boaid in the sewing center In the fitting aiea, put a full-length mirror and have a place to hang ox lay gaiments. You can piovide privacy with a scieen. Plan for storage of small items in a box 01 tray. YOU It XOX-STICK FRY PVN To pieseive the finish, use ’"SHAVINGSI HAROLD B. ZOOK i LANCASTER, PA. " D ■ 320 LAMPETER IiOAI> • CLEAN DRY PINE S • SEMI DRY PINE 5 ■ • MIXED ■ J BAGS OR BULK ~ DELIVERIES OVER 2 TON AND £ ■ TRAILER LOAD PRICES ■ HERR'S BULK BIN SERVICE BUILDERS OF FEED ALL SIZES TO FIT EVERY NEED GORDONVILLE, PA. Family only w ooden or non-metal spoons oi spatulas Xe\ei cut tood while it is m the pan. xVi oid o\ei heating when the pan is empty, And don t use steel wool 01 scoui mg powder 01 pads Cleaning is easy . . simply wash out Hie pan with dcdti gent and watei, then nnse and div. Should paitides of tood stick lemoie them gently with, a wooden spatula. SHUVICK KKOM KITCHKX K.N I\ KS Stoie knives in special km c e compd 1 tments so the blades don’t become dulled by sink ing against each other or against othci obiects Slotted holdeis, paititioned diawers, or magnetic holdeis aie sug gestions foi stoung knnes. Wash knnes sepaiately, not piled in the pan with sihci waie and utensils A\ oid leaving Knn e& m hot water, and joull help to pie-' ■vent cuts,, ilisting 01 dulling ot the blades and soaking o£ the handle Xeici use a shaip-edgcd kuive as a pancake tumei or subject it to the heat of a flame . . heat destioys the tein pei of the steel A knife is not a substitute for a can or bottle openei or a scicwchn ei. Cutting stung 01 papei and shaipemng pen cils aie not jobs tor a good knife I'HONB EX 4-5413 and Grain Bins , i * Ph. SO 8-3931