• Now Is The Time (Continued from Page 4) To Bo Alert For Milo (las Crops that -filled silo and Keep the gas fiom entering the bain or teed loom To Evaluate Your Koughago • Pig Roundup (Continued from Page 1) and heavy weights over 230 pounds. In addition to class rib bons, two trophies, donated by the Lancaster County Swine Producers Association, will be tip for grabs among the jouth ful showmen The judge, Henry Gruber of the A&B Packing Company, Allentown, will be looking for meat type hogs that are trim and will cut out a high per centage of lean meat At 130 pm , auctioneer Abe Diflenbach -will sell the 200 head of show animals to the highest bidders The show and sale are managed by the Lancaster Livestock Exchange and the county Extension Ser vice. Subscribe today—watch it pay! Jf * = h. < r- MILKSAVER CALF STARTER Fertilizer Plan Ups Income For Farmers On State Program Thu ty-tliree faimois who> adopted fertilizer recommenda- tions in a test-deinonstiation piogiam in Pennsylvania from 10 3b to 1000 nui eased their incomes shaiplv The test- de monstration piogiam was ton ducted by the Pennsylvania State Univeisity Aguculluial Extension Seivice and the Ten nessee Valley Authonty Agio nomy and Faun Management • Soil Conservation (Continued from Page 1) ectoi is planning a meeting in conjunction with the Manheuu Young Eanneis Association Dnecfois also discussed the possibility of holding the an nual soil conservation field da> and county plowing match es at the same time next year, with laim machmeiy dealeis being united to bung mach ine! y for exhibit at the site of the contest Di&tnct supenisor of the State Soil Conseivation Ser vice, Ralph Hunter, sitting in as a guest at the meeting, said he believed one laige eient would be moie successful than the two seperate events Directois approved the ap plication for the conseivation plan for 35 acies owned by Samuel N Hostetter, Lititz HI, in Warwick Township. The agreement is number 205 1 signed since the distuct wa 3 formed. v o S'* EASTERN STATES (Milk Replacer) At SPECIAL Cash Savings ASK YOUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR Eastern States Farmers Exchange EARLY Hunting Season! Opens August 20 and Extends to September 1 During This Period We Are "Gunning" For Advance Orders For The Improved Formula AND MORE INFORMATION specialists weie piinianly ic sponsible loi the piogiam A study ot piogiess on these laims was supeivised by Ficdenck Hughes, extension economist and Robeit McAlcx aiidd, economist of the Agu cultuial Expei iment Station Much ot the Held woik and analjsis on this study was done by Leslie Filth, toi m ei giadnate student now As sistant County Agent in Ene County Aveiage annual net income ot the taimeife in the gioup lose liom 3,'i55 to $1 3,59, a lump of 50 per cent Milk production pei cow climbed 17 per cent tiom 8,774 to 10,- 2(57 pounds per year. Sales of milk per faim in creased 40 per cent, trom an axeiage ot about 227,000 lbs to 319 500 This is a letlection of a higher late of pi educ tion and a 20 per cent inciease in cow numbers Com yields lumped an av er as; e ot 40 bushels per acie, fiom about 57 bushels m 195 G to 04 m 1960. May yields rose fiom 2 1 tons to 3 3 tons pei acie The average cutting date o£ hay crops was advanced by about two weeks, a practice which allowed more cuttings of higher finality forage Each of the 33 tanneis in creased his investment in buildings and equipment. Fif teen built new silos 24 added hay conditioners, and 17 ********************* Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 18, 1962 bought loia g e hancstcis .Nineteen ot the coopeiatois le modclcd then homos Avciage capital investment pci laim nun ased tiom >31,- OSO lo W 0.70! Gloss leccipls lose tiom 13,- 071 in 1017 to >18,027 in 1000, while cash expenses went up tiom >lO 712 lo >ll,- 207 A complete' icpoit ol this test-demonst i ation pi ogi am entitled “Faun Adinstment Thiough Feitilizci Education” now is 63l' is a tiemen douslv significant achievement, dec hues Dean Lyman E Jack son of The Pennsylvania State Unneisilys College of Agncul tuie, who Mgoiously si'ppoited the oiganization’s piogiam fiom its inception The University s Boa.d of Tiustees aavanced the College of Agriculture and DIIIA suffi cient funds in 19 57 tor in stalling data piocesbing equip ment which could be used to compute DHIA iccoids and for other purposes not con nected with DHIA Dean Jack son says, “this coopeiative anangement between the Uni versity, the College of Agri culture and DHIA made it possible for all concerned to reap benefits IV e helped each other to help oui selves The 37th annual lepoit ot DHIA shows that much pio giess has been made in the Keystone State The year 1961 meant the beginning of the second 50-year peuod of DHIA testing in Pennsjlvan ia and also the completion of 20 years of an aititicial inse mination progiani. During the 13 years pnoi to aitilicial bleeding ll‘)3li -104S) the IIHIA pioduction jiei io\v im leased liom S 10 2 pounds ot milk and 11 1 las lat lo 8,128 pounds milk and .14 1 iiounds lat This mi lease was only Ihiee pel cent ia m 1 Ik piodiutmn pci cow, sajs llextei X riitnam, dau> t"- tens'on specialist at Pena State Pur dining the 14 xoais (tOPI-lOOt) since the lust huge ,ioup ot aililically hied sues piogeny completed their ii’coids, the state DHI V aiciagu pel cow has moi ml liom 8 728 pounds milk and 114 pounds tat to 10,811 lbs. milk and 12 1 pounds lat. This lepiesents an inciease oc 27 pei cent in milk pioductioa pel cow. Is join Subsetiption Due? Start With The BEST FOR MEAT BAY-OLD and STARTED CHICKS CAREY and DEMLER Leg horns for high-quality White Eggs. Carey again won “High est Egg Quality” awaid (85 Haugh Units) competing with best Ameucan bleeders in offi cial Random Sample Tests MERRYKXOLL Black Sex- Links and Andeison Golden Sex-Links for Big Biown eggs. Also Cobb’s White Rocks. FOR MEAT . . Cornish- Cobb White Rock Cioss and Vantress-Cobb Cross Burling pei‘■'finally supeiw— es eiery step fiom bieeding flock management to hatching and delnery ot YOUR chicks. NEW Folder. CALI, OR WRITE "BILL" BURLING OXFORD, ]».\. Dial 1)32-8286 ■■■■■■■■■ 5