Besr-ffcod Buys Fresh Fmite and Vegetables (f’rtith fruits and vegetables command the attention of the budget-conscious foodshopper at this season of the year. Supplies Sklhe pouring into the market from nearby producing aieas and prices oh most items bavb riacheo their low point for the 'year, according to Tom piper* rsnh State Extension Matkeittofcg Agemt. This is also th» tlthfe when homemak ers Easiest at canning Or freeatfti aupjjlies for later use. Too# *est buys in fresh vegets&le#- include sweet corn, tomatt>Wh lettuce, cabbage, eggplant, pfeppers, cucumbers, squaftb hfid potatoes. AH other -vegetables may he con sidered reasonably good buys. HARSH HYDRAULIC HOISTS .tSSJf*JSSSiC: ‘^r'r.tffßS WtXSjfrv. |P>Fqi , M/ . 5,. . „. costing truck hoist suitable for all types of from 3% to 20 tons for year Intel, pickup, of . , ~ ~ r„„„*. x^MglS^^v'BtSy o . . , vi. „r _ farm use, priced within the average farmer a „. ffr. iralleh The smooth, trouMe-free action of ■ ... ~ . , ... _ uiomimiwi t., ut, ..m.. .r r,.m budget was the aim of Bud Harsh whan HARSH HOIST has a fast lifting time of fom tivno arir ire tiwr initr - n rn i ~ 12 to 160 seconds, whir* allow*, hwre tune HYDRAULICS UNLIMITED MFC. CO. begaa fo t actual hauling. , '£ operations. This hoist was built and la now ?■“* Jsr*rirrJiTS fc f SIO.SIS a day you now jpand to manually «»/ 8328 52 **** *“*" '«> . , . / ahd maiotcmt a tow uxtbU weight which ,°* yout tuc averages 273 lbs. These economical holsta J~W are built for either back or aide dumping, jfe—, //Save costly time and elimionto back* Mm f '-j K jjft'iff’ttirr breaking labor by unloading with a HARSH MmF tjy/y, HYDRAULIC HOIST engiaeeted for eco- \ J&/M -df somical, apeedy. and durable fata aee. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE B. D. 2, QXJARBYVII.LE PHONE ST 6-3630 2* ♦ lr ts*o < C > *2 > ♦2**s* *t* *2*