—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 18, 1962 12 Two 4-H Judging Teams Win First State Award Agriculture judging teams from Lancaster County brou ght back two championship-., two runner up ribbons, a third fouith and sixth placing Tues da.\ at the annual 4-H Dais competition at the Peunsjlvau la State Uunersity. In the Home Economics dn ision, one girl brought back a blue ribbon, three earned red awards and three non white ribbons in judging clothing, foods and home management. Teams winning top spots were Poultry and Swine, which made it two in a row for local swine judges Carrvmg their team to Vic* tory weie Lany Halt, Qarrj ■\ille R 2 Larry Weaver, New Holland Rl, Mark Nestleroth. Manheim R 3, and Da\id‘Hei sey, Sheridan Rl, who out pointed 10 other county teams to bung the swine judging championship to the Gaiden Spot for the second consecut ive \ear Lehigh, Yoik Ind iana and Union Counties fin ished in that order behind Lancastei 'Bunging the fust state poultrv nidging ciown to the count\ in thiee veais was the tlnee member team of Robert Hoovei Denver R 2 Roger Stonei 1051 Eden Rd and Kenneth Dombach Manheim R 2 Hoover and Stoner vveie fiist and second highest Hndiv idual sdoreis in the county Caibon Countv finished m second place Lancaster Countv s defend ing dauv judging team was unseated b\ the Cumberland Count; contingent The cou nty’s top judging was Roy Breueman W'Uow Stieet Rl, who placed third individuallv in the state Other members of the team wduch placed second in the field of 38 conty teams were Richard Shell;, Manheim El. Lucille Kreider. Drumore, and Elaine Stoltzfus, Ranks Rl Chester, Blair and Adams Counties followed in the plac * -n * 13 * * * * * * * * ■*. * ■* * * * ■K ■* * ♦ t For every dollar invested in limestone, ex periment stations conclude, three dollars are re turned in crops. Where else does one dollar bring three in re turn 0 It pays to use agricultural limestone! MARTIN'S LIMESTONE IVAX M. MARTIN, Inc. New Holland ELgin 4-2112 Blue Ball, Pa. Terre Hill Hlllcrest 5-3455 ings. Mary Alice Graybill, Lititz R 2, brought home a blue rib bon in the clothing judging, while Mary Alice Ditzler w'ou a red ribbon, and Diane Eb\, Ephiata won a white award m the same contest. Dons Heishey, Manheim won a red ribbon in foods and nutrition while a white rib bon in the same contest was won bj Cjnthia Bucher, Lititz R 2 and Virginia Wivvel, Col umbia R 2. Caroivn Sander took a white award in Home Management. The clothing demonstration team composed of Marcella White. Manheim R 3, and Bel inda Hershej, Manheim brou ght home a red ribbon No numerical placmgs weie an- nounced. Cumbeiland County nosed out the Garden Spot’s forest demonstration team composed of Jav Lehman Holtwood Rl, and Robeit Hem;, New Pi ev idence Rl Wilmer Wenger. 76 Gteen fleld Rd was fifth indiv idual!! aided the vegetable judging team to a third place in the twelve county finals Othei team membeis w'eie Chailes Waifel Conestoga Rl, and David Denliuger, 2351 Creek Hill Rd The flovvei identification squad, with Miss Judv Warfel, Conestoga Rl, eighth individ nallv among 42 contestants finished touith behind Adams, Hunntington and Allegheny counties Other count; team membeis weie Joan Flickmg er, Ephiata R 3. and Pat Zart man, Ephiata Rl The livestock judging team finished sixth among 21 coun ties Lebanon dethroned YorK as state champion They were followed by Butler, Adams and Northampton Counties. Local livestock judges were Wilbur Hosier, Manheim R 3, Carl Weaver, New Holland Rl, ■and Donald Trimble, Quarry ville Rl. ♦ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Actions Speak Louder Than Words! Being fully aware of the seriousness and urgency of the drought conditions Farm Bureau has taken POSITIVE AC TION to assist dairymen during this trying time. Since DARI-LAS. is an excellent ROUGHAGE EXTENDER, and since a short roughage supply is a serious problem for all dairymen, we felt we could best lend a helping hand by mak- ing . . . . DARI-LAS AVAILABLE AT COST PRICE! The SPECIAL REDUCTION OF PRICE, in effect now, will help you maintain milk production and butterfat levels, and keep your feed costs down. See your Farm Bureau FIELDMAN for feeding directions and complete details of DARI-LAS. TO FURTHER ASSIST YOU during the drought period; we have on hand, or enroute, CITRUS PULP, 13% ALFALFA PEL LETS and MIXED HAY. Check with us before you buy. DARI-LAS WILL S-T-R-E-T-C-H ROUGHAGE SUPPLIES Start Today. .Feed The Farm Bureau Way! Lancaster EX 4-0541 New Holland ELgin 4-2146 v^ccot^^ Manheim 665-2466 Quarryville STerling 6-2126