6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 4, 1962 Dairymen Many ask us, “HOW can we extend our hay and silage and not jeopardize our milk production this fall and winter?” What about citrus pulp for instance, “IS IT CHEAPER?” NUTRO-SWEET is not the only answer to shortage of roughage. Other feeds such as citrus pulp definitely have a place. However, consider these facts: Although cheaper than NUTRO-SWEET and a good source of energy, RUS PULP contains only 6V21 protein, little phosphorus and no vitamin A. Introduce Citrus Pulp GRADUALLY with the dairy ration as it lacks palatabil ity and is LAXATIVE when fed in excess. Cows must become accustomed to it. When available CITRUS PULP can be used safely to the extent of 25$ of the herd’s dry roughage requirements to replace energy normally found in good roughage, and our will replace the more critical values found in good pasture such as Protein, Vita min A and Phosphorus. Do not feed citrus pulp straight but mix with silage - green chop or 1 part of citrus pulp (dry weight) to 3 parts of NUTRO-SWEET, chop. This type of program will: 1. SAVE MONEY AND REPLACE the Vitamins, Minerals and Energy lacking in low quality roughage. PREVENT BREEDING TROUBLE and Calving problems and INSURE NORMAL PRODUCTION instead of underproduction LATER. A high milk production level demands a good program. For a program to main tain health and prevent nutrition problems and milk depletion (early drying off), of your cows, contact any Miller & Bushong Service Representative for an ap pointment with our Dairy Specialist or call us direct at Lancaster 392-2145. y _ Rohrerstown, Po. Some Points To Consider About Roughage Extenders. A Critical Situation Exists! Green Pastures NUTRO-SWEET t Miller & Bushong, Inc. “FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE” NUTRO-SWEET SURE IT IS. Ph. Lancaster 392-2145 silage or green 'O 1 'll to / Jjsl i* /SJ \ /gy CIT-