Dv*Ace Poiriour High Sc ?° ol - During the af- JL/TtSSS AvCVICW ternoon, competition will move _ _ _ ___ _ Cooperative Association on the Is Next Week DUlerville Pike, „ Mis. DeLellis pointed out Over oO contestants have that much mve than the con submitted entries in the coun- struction of the garment will ty 4-H Dress Review on Aug- b e considered in the judging, ust 2, Extension Home Econo- An ent form completed by mist, Norma J. DeDellis said the contestant W 1„ colmt 25 this week. points Another 25 points aie Competition among sewing awarded for the posture, poise, clubs will be held in two grooming and attitude ot the phases this year. In the fust Color, choice of fabric, phase, girls will exhibit cloth- D*-, accessones, value for the ing they have constiucted dur- m °uey, and the outfit on the mg the year at 930t011 00 § nl wlll account for 50 points am. in the Manhenn Cential The remaining 25 points will be awaided for constiuction S Lancaster Co. Distributors for Manzote MILLER CHEMICAL and FERTILIZER CORP. P. O. Box 25, EPHRATA Phone RE 3-6525 Powerful disease protection begins with Du Pont MANZATE... ends with maneb fungicide more # 1 tomatoes. Whenever you use Du Pont “Manzate” maneb fungicide, you get powerful disease pro tection. Over a decade of field applications—in every im portant tomato area—proves “Manzate” is tops for disease year, for healthier, heavier harvests—and extra profits, too—spray your tomatoes regularly with, “Manzate”. You’ll see why it’s still the first—and the last— •word in fungicides. " MANZATE® ‘On all chemicals follow labeling instructions and warnings carefully. s on plants, “Manzate” gives you sure protection against MANZATE AND OTHER DUPONT PRODUCTS distributed by J. C. EHRLICH CHEMICAL CO., INC. 736 East Chestnut Street Lancaster, PcnnsjUania Phone EX 7-3731 to the auditorium of the Lan caster County Farm Bureau of the garment itself, which . will include accurate cutting, • \,Q m u66K6Cp6t*S and the look ot quality. O J 1 Hit ■ Girls placing in the top six OCIICCIUIC IVICCt will lepresent the county at _ the Distnct Di ess Renew on r summei meeting ot the August 23 in Philadelphia. Lancaster County Honey Pro- Mrs DeLellis also announc- f uceis , w T in , b « ]l T eld at the , ~ , . .tt i .1, laim of John B Lapp, Baie ed that county 4-H clothing 111 , , , ~,,,, \ ille Kl, On the evening of club roundups will be held T ’ _ ° . „ ~ i ci , July 31 at 7 p m at Penn Manor High School ~T , , „ W. \v Claike, Jr, Apiaiy on August 9at 11.4 oa m. , . . ’ 1 , specialist tiom the Pennsyl — \auia State Unneisity will lead a discussion and answer ques- Manv people could letno tions on summer management conitoitablj on what them ot the bee yaid expei lences ha\ e cost them. Claike will open sexeral % mm ’.eases major CIS u 1 Wl maneb fungicide Better Things for Belter Living.. .through Chemistry Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 28, 1962 it attack tomatoes. hives ot bees and discuss man agement pioblems which bee keepeis should expect during this time of >eai New olhceis of the county association are piesident, Ro beit Landis, Lampelei , \ice president, John Mooie, Ephrata, and secietaiy-tieasuiei, Walter T. Beckei, Mount Joy R 2. Handy Stitchers Plan Roundup The Handy Stitcheis l-II sewing club of East Peteisbmg aie malting plans to display and judge then gainionts at the loundup on August 9 At a leccnt meeting in the East Peteisburg Lutheian Cli uich, Id inembeis and leader. Mis Robeit IMveis, iveie pie sent Aftei an houi ot sewing, a social hour and a short business meeting weie held The next and final meeting betoie tiie loundup will be, held next Tuesday, Julv dl r , at 1 i) m m the chin ch. , New Holland Club At Gettysburg Eighty people fiom the east ern section of Lancaster Coun ty boaided two busses Tuesday foi a day-long tom ot Gett\s buig and envnons The tourists weie members and patents of the New Hol land Baby Beet club who tour ed the farm of former piesi dent Eisenhower dm mg the morning The manager ot the laim conducted a tom which included a new of the Angus bull which won giand champ ionship at the 19 62 State Fai m Show. A tour of the Gettysburg battlefield occupied the altera noon with one busload letuin mg to the county and the othei continuing to Biglemllei and the .Vlusselman apple pio cessmg plant 1 At the next meeting of the club on August 17, a named dog denionstiation will be pie sented by the Pennsyh ania State Police The meeting w ill begin .tt S p m at the home of Chet Xolt, Baie\ille Rl. Keep lings Away Science has disco\eied a way to make humans disagieeable to pesky insects J O Pepper, Penn State extension ento mologist, explains that anyone can now work and eat out* doois, tish, hunt, or just sit m the shade without hating to fight oft mosquitoes, gnats, and other annoying insects. The newest lepellents aie quite pleasing to people, but mighty distasteful to pests My Neighbors “What an opportunity!]] We’ll make Mars a state, give! them a few grants-in-aid—• and tax the living daylights out of them I** It s easier loi a man to swallow lus pude than to 7