A Child’s T!m» flies and he may overstay his T* __ M Tjr r T* _ A child has a hard tune deadline. But when he is *• A t vwillS "“wtT t °"*' •“">«“ »■»»“• Pass District any relation to nis activities. lpft t 0 hlrnse i f he I 6 i,] ce ly to , , ' 6ow "■> Competition nome economic specialists plate houib caHy and tluow r When a child is absoibed ui dU b( . hedule& oft some'tjup.g nrteres-tang, ymip > • *2* *J» *J» *l* •5* *s* ♦♦* *l* *J* *J* •!« ♦!» *!♦ **♦ *J» *!« *J« •*• *J» »!«i • » r MH-30 FARMERS SUPPLY t 137 E. KING isl., j ' ❖ V 5 <• MH-30 halts tobacco suckers —increases yield up to 20% Spiascd eonectb at lull-flowci stage MH®-'-30 piesents sucke growth to pioduce lughei quality tobacco And becaus' remarkable Mil-30 utaids suckei growth chemically, it cut the cost and labor of hand suckei mg tobacco -More and rnoie growers aie producing higher welds o' quality tobacco, some as high as 20?, ns they eliminate back bjeakmg baud labor with MII-30 and increase profits Isn,t r tune }ou tried Foi full information sec yom local simnl- of write: Dept Oonnecticut. NAUGATUCK CHEMICAL DIVISION Kw United States Rubber DISTRICT OFFICES: Akron - Boston - Portland - San Francisco Chicago-- Detroit - Gastonia - Dos Angeles - Dallas Xeyr Brunswick, N. J. - Dominion Rub ter Company, Dtd., Montreal Cable: Rubexport, N. Y. 1 YOU CAM \ OM I Lancaster County Distributors for MH 30 See your nearest dealer or call MILLER CHEMICAL & FERTILIZER CORP. P.O. Box 25, Ephrata Ph. RE 3-6525 AVAILABLE AT yf > v/ . ' y 7163 - MHT, Elm Street, Naugatuck, EAXCASTER, PA. * ■.St ALLENTOWN - Four Lan caster County 4-H membeii presented winning demonsti at- ioiis in the Southeast Pemn distuct competition Tuesday to eam the ugjit to take ..heir pi escalations to the state finals latei this summer The four membeis, two boys representing agnculture clubs and two gnls i epissent.ng local home economics clubs, made up two demonstration teams which last week won county competition to mo\e into the district contest The county’s two winning demonstrations, presented at the Allentown Fair Grounds, were - Forestry Jay Lehman fourteen, a son of Mr. and Mrs Robert N. Lehman, Holt wood Rl, and Robert Henry, fifteen, a son of Mr and Mrs Raymond K Henry, New Pi evidence Rl. Clothing Selection 1 Belinda Hershey, fifteen, a daughter of Mr and Mrs, Nelson Hershey, Manheim, and Miss Maicella White, seven teen. a daughter of Mr and You Are Cordially Invited To Attend 11th Annual S.P.A.B.C. CATTLE SHOW July 31 (TUESDAY) AYRSHIRE BROWN SWISS GUERNSEY JERSEY August 2 (THURSDAY) HOLSTEIN Shows St, ll l At J 0 A. M Southeastern Penno. Artificial Breeding Cooperative KT. 330 BY-PASS Phono JjO !)-0441 MH-30 AVAILABLE NOW AT P. L. ROHRER & BRO. ; SMOKKTOBX Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 28, 1962 Mrs Stanley White, Manlienn R 3. The foicstiy demonsti atioa, stiessed th epioper planting of evergieens The clothing topic was “Fabrics and You A third county team feat uung the piepaiation ol gai don flow r eis toi the home missed a championship pei loi nuuice by one point The team was composed 01 Miss Joan Flickingei, Ephiala R 3 and Miss Pat Zartmaa Ephiata R 1 A total ot SB agiicultuio and home economics teams fiom 13 counties competed for a crack at the state finals, sch eduled during the Pennsylvan ia 4-H Judging and Demon stration Days, Aug 13-15, at Pennsylvania State Umveisity It's easy to keep salad bowls or other wood pieces as beau tiful as the day jou got them, say Penn State extension home economics specialists Right alter use, wipe oft each piece with a sott cloth 01 sponge and waim suds. Rinse with cold water and dij thoioughly -- Miss never soak woodenware in watei "Whenever you buy wood items, cheek the label tor washing msti notions Keep woodenwaie away fi oip heat and store it in a di> place FARM BETTER WITH A MARIETTA ..-tight .. turepioof unaffected bv , conosive silage acids r FARM BETTER „ FARM EASIER FARM FOR PROFIT *“ j with the new * ' Harvest King Silo «»* It’s so easy to own tot complete details now , "-~ —< > ♦ TUK T M VnUm * CtrbhU Corporation , -mt- LANDIS BROS., Inc. IAXOASTKB KX 3-3900 *&s,******************* I,\XC. KX 7-3539 * Conservation Field Day Features Tours Wagon toms will take \n itois to spots ot inteiest on Speedwell Foige Faun dunn., the thud animal Conseivation Field Dav on W ednesdav. Wagons will begin rolling about 10 ain on the Lil'l/ R 2 taim of Geiald Darling ton Demonstrations and ex hibits will he open to tho public all da\, and many agen cies coopeiating with tho county Soil Conservation Dis trict w r ill have displays on tho farm County teachers of vocation al agriculture will conduct tlio wagon tours which will include sto],s at areas of wildhlo idantings, marked foie&tiy plots, contour cropping, td© drainage diversion tenac ‘>j and other consonation prac tices Ladies ot the Coleman Mem orial Piesbjtenan Chuich will hate a food stand in the vn imty of the buildings neat* the site ot the educational ex hibits The farm is located ouo mile noi th ot Peni\n Du et tional signs will be plated on Route 501 iust noi th of Lititz and on loute 322 nist west ot 111 n kei Mile. A