DHM RECORDS TELL SUCCESS STORY MILK PRODUCTION UP 1441 lbs. BUTTERFAT UP 82 lbs. Reprinted From 'THE GOLDEN GUERNSEY NEWS" Tlio Ciuei nsec houl of Francis and Ethel Kirk, Poach Bottom. Pa., has leitaiuli shown a tiemeiidous amount of iinproieincnt the last two jears, Last jear, on I>HIA tost, the hold increased 1441 ll»s. ot milk and 82 lbs. ot fat, and this tear, in the lust seien months,-the liord acerage has increased another 40 lbs. ot lat. Foiegoing an) change in the present prodm turn, tlio heid should tinish with well o\er 10,000 lbs. o( null, and oiei 500 lbs ot tat. Their >ouiig sue. Cat roll's Bob has been one ot the big ifasons tin this tremendous nn. placement He was bted b> Llo>d Balderston Til, Colota, Alai c land. FRANCIS and ETHEL KIRK say . . . we’ie conduced that Faun Bureau’s DARI-PAK PEL -1.1 'ls make more milk and diet are economical, too. Our itu omo o\er teed tost is IP 840.00 per cow ocor last jear, dm tows lealh go tor those pellets. Thcj dean them up quukic and completed no teed waste or spoilage here, 'I he Liam rsihange Progiam. wluch gnes us FILL RETAIL I’liK’i; for our liome grow n giam, is a great thing. In short, we'ie more than pleased with the Farm Bureau Oairj Feeding I’iogi am. We at FARM BUREAU soy tTancis and Cthel aie milkina a line herd of “6S” f.uern- Their excellent hreechna pi os rain and terntic manaae inenr bare plaxed the Kex roles in then success. As mentioned in tin 1 (.olden Oiietnsex News. thex have an outstaudinja young (atioil's Rob xxho has pioxed to be a real asset. Of couise xxeTe niightx proud that Faint Bureau’s DARI-PAK VI 1 I 1' I's caietullx toimulated and balanced with the proper niilKiniKina nutuents. helped the Kirk’s accomplish their very excellent recold. •-II v July 1962 Issue Start Today::; Feed the Farm Bureau Way! Qualified FIELDMEN are anxious to serve and assist you in designing a PROFITABLE DAIRY FEEDING PROGRAM ,C. COC/j 'M BUR^ 1 -r'i Xeiew^ FRANCIS and ETHEL KIRK PROUDLY DISPLAY Farm Bureau's DARi-PAK PELLETS. For Prompt, Courteous Service, In Bogs or Bulk, Coll . . . Lancaster EX 4-0541 New Holland Quarryville ELgin 4-2146 STerliug 6-2126 / t fX Manheim 665-2466