Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 28, 1962, Image 18

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    18—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 28, 1962
Two Lancaster County 4-H’ers
At Leadership School in D. C,
Bj: David Donlingor
The annual 4-H Leadership
School which had previously
been held at Penn State Uni
versity was conducted this year
•at the National 4-H Center in
suburban Washington, D. C.
Pennsylvania's delegation
traveled to Washington to par
ticipate in a Citizenship Short
Course, a, course which is of
fered at the Center each week
throughout the summer mo
uths Along with Pennsylvania
the states of Georgia. Illinois,
and lowa were represented
during the .week o£ July 8.
Judy Warfel and I were the
delegates from Lancaster Co.
As the name of the course
implies. Its purpose is to train
flf-H’ers to be good citizens and
leaders. This goal was reached
hy means of lectures, small
group discussions, and field
trips Oour tours took us to
the many historic shrines and
points of interest located in
the capital city. The 4-H
group visited many of the
governent buildings, various
memorials, the White House,
and Mt. Vernon. Following our
tour of the Capital w£ had an
opportunity to speak with our
You may wondei why it is
important to study citizenship.
First, I should define the term
"Citizenship is a relationship
between oneself and others, in
which each person acts with
intelligent concern for the
good of all ” Probably citiz
enship is most frequently
thought of only on the na
tional level, but actually there
are many other levels. The
home, 4-H Club, the commu
nity, the state, and the world
are other important horizons
of citizenship.
Each individual is import
ant m a democracy The rights
of every person, not only my
rights, are important for the
fullest development of free
dom For this reason it is
necessary for everyone t’o be
come a good citizen The Citi
zenship short Course is an ideal
means of implanting the prin
ciples of good citizenship in
a club member’s mind.
“Am government that is
big enough to gue vou evei>-
thmk you want is big enough
to take ev erytlung >ou’ve got ”
-Gen Features Corp,
By: Judy Warfel
First, what is citizenship’
Citizenship is a relationship
between one’s self and others,
in which each person acts with
intelligent concern for the
good of all. Thus citizenship
is a two-way relationship. You
have rights which you can
expect from others; but you
also have a duty to preserve
other’s rights.
Citizenship starts in the
home. Democratic citizenship
is learned and' practiced flist
4-H Clubs are important in
helping to develop citizenship
as boys and girls grow from
childhood to maturity. Other
face-to-face groups such as
Sunday School, day school,
give us opportunities to learn
to be good citizens.
Citizenship in the com
munity and county includes
people we see occasionally.
Many community service acti
vities ot 4 -H give opportuni
ties tor developing citizenship
in the community circle.
As citizens of the state, we
haie -common problems and
interests with many people we
do not see.
As citizens of the nation,
we have many common con
cerns and interests What hap
pens in another part of the
country, may affect us just as
much as it affects the people
on the scene. As citizens of
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Tha double augei
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palatabla allaga ... not a powdered math at ao
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■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■ l
the United States, we all have
an interest jn Washington as
the Nation’s Capitol, and we
can have an influence on -what
goes on in Washington.
Citizenship in the world of
nations is becoming increas
ingly crucial. Tins is a new
horizon of American citizen
ship. We are realizing our
citizenship responsibilities in
the world.
Each day a different phase
of citizenship was brought to
our attention in the theme
for the day and was discussed
m the assemblies.
A 4-H Club might want to
pick out one segment of citi
zenship for special emphasis
during the year. This club
might work at the political
aspects ot community and state
citizenship by helping get out
the vote tor local elections
The family aspects of world
citizenship can be learned
through people-to-people pro
jects In either case, they
would use the underlying prin
ciples of science, values, and
making the best better.
If a person acts with intel
ligent concern for the good
of all, he must use his entire
self —head, heart, hands, and
health Does this sound like
the 4-H Club Pledge’ Ot cour
se it does' Wheie could you
find a bettei statement of good
citizenship 9
I pledge
my HEAD to cleaiei
my HEART to gi eater
my HANDS to laiger ser
vice, and
my HEALTH to better
P*t*nl«d 1-polnl
Heavy Duty—tor alios IV
to 3V
living, for my club, my zenslup.
community, and my 2. To understand the ba
country. principles of democracy.
The over-all objective of 3 ‘ - To
the Citizenship Short Course moc ™ cy ° p * rates “ meetll
is to develop better citizenship pIP 1S 0 ay ! .
„ , . ~ ~ 4. To gam inspiration ai:
m ourselves and others. More . * ~ , ~
, , deepen our commitment to tl
specifically, the objectives are: . . -
J demorratice way of life.
1. To develop our under&t- g_ >p 0 increase our irkills
andmg of the meaning of citi- (oontmued on Pae * 19)
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