Broiler Pullet Hatch Lower hatcherymen placed 2.1 million egg type chicks during June, according to a report from the state Crop .Reporting Service. This number represents an increase •f nine per cent over place ments in June of 1961, hut Hollowing the noi raal seasonal decline, was the lowest month iy output this year. Output of broiler type clucks 5a the state totaled 4 3 million in June, a decrease of eight pef cent from last j ear. S Lancaster Co. Distributors for Manzate MILLER CHEMICAL and FERTILIZER CORP. P. O. Box 25, EPHRATA Phone RE 3-6525 .ease but mild on plants, “Manzate” gives you sure protection against the major fungus Powerful disease protection begins with Du Pont MANZATE®... ends with y- maneb fungicide more # 1 tomatoes. Whenever you use Du Pont "Manzate” maneb fungicide, you get powerful disease pro tection. Over a decade of field applications—in every im portant tomato area—proves “Manzate” is tops for disease year, for healthier, heavier harvests—and extra profits, too—spray your tomatoes regularly with, ■"Manzate”. You’ll see why it’s still the first—and the last— 'word in fungicides, MANZATE* On *ll chemicals follow labeling instructions and warnings carefully# The total production of 6.5 million chicks in the state was three per cent below June of last year and four per cent below average. The U. **B output of egg tjpe chicks was up nine per cent over June of 1961, but the national production of broiler type chicks was down four per cent. Total product ion during the month was down two per cent from the same month last year. Domestic placement of pul let chicks for hatchery sup ply flocks was 29 pel cent below the placements m June 1961 and 41 per cent below June of 1960. Placements MANZATE AND OTHER DUPONT PRODUCTS distributed by J. C. EHRLICH CHEMICAL CO., INC. 73t> East Chestnut Street l/.uic.ister, Pciiiisyl\ agent said this week. In most cases of second nop alfalfa, the plants aie too fat adtauced to be helped by spiaving now, ho said. Tie lecoramended that farmeis make suie that it is leafhopper damage and not some other factor causing jollownig of die legume plants. The best wav to deteimme it leafhoppers are piesent is to walk thiough the held and watch for the pale \ellowish gieen insects to lump out ahead Leathoppeis should not be confused with the adult spittlebng, sometnn n called “tiog hoppeis’ 01 the little biack tlc a beetles com mon on potato plants It leilhoppi is is Met how c hloi at the iai3 oi tlnee pints pei aoe ot the 21 pei cent emulnion m a minnuuni ot JO gallons ‘>i watei S]ii