16—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 2, 1962 • Sand Tarts (Contnuieti tu>m 11' Jaun ioiiiniodit These potato-dan > wait'll are made hv an into a mixtnie oi niashod potaiOO' and, noiilat milk then iddma tail ami otliei ti.nonn-, agents Tlie whipped donah l.ke miUirn; is toned thtonnh a ook\ puss onto a miphi in the toi in ul a i ibiion which i- then iut into walei size dnecl and loasttd to a li-li bi ow n KliKl* \ON-h \T DUX MILK HXNDX Ui > milk is one ot the hs itf ii l - vuu to le (ousiituto Foi a heany oolrt "Weathei dunk boil watei sii- GREATER YIELD EVERY FIELD Every Miller-grown crop is a "money crop.” Miller gets your crops off to a great growing start... grows ’em sturdy and strong. Miller crops . .give greater yield for every field ... and you harvest the profits. Miller products are produced locally by agricultural experts who know your growing needs. Call us at any time for free technical advice; ask about our low-cost spreader service. • BULK LOADING FACILITIES • SPREADER SERVICE • FREE TECHNICAL ADVICE . PROMPT DELIVERY You an depend on ... -ar and »".i then add tha div in.lk and in tha sum nei time set i leliesh ina iuk-u> hv iddina cold spnn-, wain to nonl it dll milk • Have You Heard? lOvraued from Piae 11) Vhoiit >e\v Kibeilill Kodel pubestei lilx'i till makes washable uim loiieis ccnoilets am] pillows I'll i- tibeitill is sott s,n nmN ami hi-hl> legist,ml Id in 1111 and tiuslnna Kodcd tiheilil’ is \oiv Utility,i mht but w nin bti aiist ol Hs built-in Hull mess Kodel iioheslei lilieilill is washable di'osn t sliiuu, hies MUI(KI> and bournes baik to Us oiuunil liuttniess a ltd wash ina AKo the libel till is odoiless dustnee non-alb i ni( and inotli and mildew i esistant Kodel poheslei tiheilill lias heen designed to cue eciellenl peiluiniame in home Imnish nu jiioducts wheie it un he used To identity mu h use appioied’ items, look loi a label that states This item iei titled to contain one hun ched pc I cent Mi§m Kodel irohi stei libei U’l Tins ami Thar The lust act in ate lepoit ot Ini rh weights ot babies was WITH FERTILIZERS \ et MILLER CHEMICAL & FERTILIZER CHRP. EPHRATA, PA. Phone REpublic 3-6525 OR SEE YOUR MILLER DEALER published in ISIS. But it nineteenth (Putiny that regu wastt t .until the middle ol the lai weighing ot miauls was suggested M this hmp weigh ing was suggested, as a useliil moans ol evaluating I lie nutii tional and phvsnal develop ment ot inlants You (eais A Complete ORTHO P. L. Rohrer & Bro., Inc. MKiKi.rmw £ - - —' potato pests can’t hide from Phosphamidon You’ve probably read about the insect-seekiu.r Killer-ORTHO Phosphamidon. We have it. We'\ e seen it work. We recommend it for eliminating potato pests. Here’s why. Wherever insects hide safe from other spra%, (under the curl of a leaf, in crevice of a stalkl Phosphamidon hunts them down. And kills them. Phosphamidon kills on contact. But, it doesn’t have to It is absorbed by the foilage and pene trates the entire upper part of the plant tom. Result: a “remote control” kill that gets the hidden insects other sprays miss. The list of insects reads like an encyclopedia of potato pests: Colorado potato beetle (even the resistant one), all varieties of aphids, flea beetle-., corn horei's, leaf hoppers just about eveiv insect that chews or sucks What’s more, most insects that are resistant to other sprays find Phosphamidon irresistible. Phosphamidon is absorbed so quickly that work ers can enter the fields a few hours after spray ing. And the natural predators that feed on harm ful potato insects can safely return too. Don’t spray money away, hit or miss, with 01- dinary sprays come in or phone us for ycur Phosphami don requirements. With Phos phamidon >ou just can’t miss Hsooc>=‘=-=-=:-=:-: I ORTHO PRODUCTS J. C. Ehrlich Chemical Co., Stic. !3fl K IST CHBSXM'T ST. Lii PR Available At Fi.uk. I'V 7 TAI Kes US Pat Ott T)> . ,PH. EX 7-3731 . , . J -i f * ** GUI AUTHORIZED DEALER ** j-sc-cc-; E.WCASXER, Pi !I < »