20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 26, 1962 * Farm Women 6 Host Society 16 Members of Society 10 were guests ol Society ot Farm Women G at then recent meet ing in the Church of the Breth ren, Elizabethtown iMrs Barbara Eberlv spok" on “When Is A Woman Oter dressed” A shoi t skit en titled “All's Swell That Ends Well " was presented Special •music was presented bv Mrs ■Weltin Heisej and her daught ers, Arlinda, Sharleen and Jul- De\otions wei e led bj Mis Laura Sn\der and Roll tall Riaikbill, hSI Homing Road Laucabtei song loader Cathj N'euhaubei, Lam astei R 4 game leadeis, Piisilln Sue Leaman Imi aV.ep R 4 and Dulem’ Shpnk 27 ( 1<) Old Philadelphia Pike and news icpoirei lo\ i liownian 30 7 liownian Road Mae Gant/ Alis Sidie Ramastei ■was answeied In giving ‘ M’ Fa wonte Flower’ Refi eslimtius w it -ci\Ptil) the hostesses Mis Miithi Eshlenian Mrs Eaia \l\Ci Anna Itieneeman Mi- Mis and Min iel Suloi g* •*. *;« **. *;« ♦> •> <« %»<♦ v<«%*•>•> %* *> *l* *l* *l* More farmers each month prefer to bu> their • HAY • STRAW • EAR CORN * from us for better value and all around satisfac- * -tion At farm or delivered any quantity as your £ * requirements may be * PHONE STRASBURG OV 7-3211 Esbenshade Turkey Farm: # *Z* *l* *l* v *l* *l’ *l* *!♦ *!• *l* *l‘ *l* »t* •!* *I« *l* *I« *l* *J» *l* •** •> **♦ *I« ♦> **• •*• *•♦ •*« »•« *•« *;• • GEHI 72 CHOPPER 6-FT. CHOPPER AT A 5-FT. PRICE Razor-edged flails cut cleaner than a mower Re vel sible for double-cutting life Mounted in gangs of 6 and 7 Quickly switched by removing cotter pin, slipping mounting rod horn cylinder Umti/ed knife and fan blade cutter head re-cuts crop.. gives effective cut and-throw action Adjustable shear ban- give you precision cutting STOP IN AND LOOK IT OVER Farmersville Equipment Company t'i’iiii\ti: i> 2 Conestoga 4-H Sewing Club Elects Officers Miss Linda Oveigaard, the daughtei of Air and -Mis Walter Oteigaaid, 22110 Lea inan Hoad, Lancaster R 4, w i-, eleited president of the Conestoga Vallej Jr 4-H sew ing dub at a leeont meeting in the Smoketown Eleinentar> S< hool Other officers elected were Mce piesidont, Beveily Kieid ei, Ronks, seuotaiy, Haiioy Ahaiez, 211'} Hobson Road, Laiuastei treasmei, Xanoj Dun'll the work pu iod the PARADISE, PA. Easy knife adjustment. Cutter head fan blades and km\es are easily adjusted for top cutting efficiency. Simply open blovrer housing easily reach the entire cutting assembly. I’lionc N( « Holl,111(1 Kl> 4-0221 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS New Providence 4-H Attend Chrch Services Members of the New Prov made plans to attend Kuial Life Sunday services at the Clearfield Methodist Chinch during a lecent meeting in the New Providence Elementary School first year Kills started makhiK skirts while the second ye'ir Kiris had an explanation of pattei ns Next meetinK of the ere i j will be held Mav “I't at the Smoketown school '■COO a century of At the meeting of the club, .i demonstiation on “How to Plant Sti aw be it ie-*” was given hj Jodit and Rehei (a Atkins, iN’evv Providence R 1 Assistant (ountv agent Winthiop Men nun. '-poke hriet h on coming 4-II events and presented a film of elub aci- The < hurch has extended n hies HARSH HYDRAULIC HOISTS The 32 available models come to you with a wide range of lifting capacities ranging from 31 z to 20 tons tor your truck, pickup, or trailer Tlio smooth, trouble free action of ft HOIST has a fast lifting lime of from 12 to 160 seconds, which allows more time for actual hauling These hoists come to you ftt an average cost of onlv 16£ a day ns compared to the SlO - Sl5 a day \ou now spend to manually unload your truck /%§? Jf GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE K. I). ‘2. QrVUKVVILLK a special invitation to all 4-H FJ m .P~ nrvT| A tj Club mein hers to attend the * Clll yII special services on Sunday UU IS Heisev. Fanny Bombergei^ n< j Elaine P.omberger Club news reporter is n e tt\ Shioin Manhenn It 4 inline maple trees in wulei snue thei will lose sip an-a >,’ w c iLentd To design and build a light-weight, low. costing truck hoist suit ihle for *ll types of farm use, priced within the avenge fatmat’a budget was the mm of “Bud” Harsh when HYDRAULICS UNLIMITED MFC. CO. began operations Ihls hoist was built and is now in use throughout the nation. The HARSH HYDRAULIC HOIST averages only $328 52 (including Federal excise tax) and maintains a low taxable weight which averages 27J Ihs These economical hoists arc built (or cither back or side dumping, depending your need Save costly time and eliminate back* breaking labor by unloading with a HARSH HYDRAULIC HOIST engineered for aco* goiax.nl> speedy, and durable farm USf. I’HOMO ST 0-3030