—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 19, 1962 20 Mail Boxes Have Their Day Pin* Posi Ollui* llopainmnt announced th.it t It*-* wtek ol \i.u ha*. In an designated M \IMU).\ IMPriOVE-MEXT WEEK All palions are urged to |),n ti< ip .re bv fuims'hing in nl leceptadcs whirl) an* < on\ i*nit'llt and sati t<> use ue u appearing and protett the m ill i!o\es that are ptop «*il\ etcited and maintained (unriitinre to etlu lent speedx delnen ot Tht mail and also letleit credit to the conunum- Rmal ronti patrons aie re (liined to pi oxide mail boxes ol the slaiidatd ipprmed t\pe X ames of the owners should be shown on the side ot the bo\ nsible Ur the (Miner a l ' he .11>|>1 o u lies oi on tile dooi iC boxes .ne in on pi d The box i,umbel nui die shown on tin Start With The BEST roR MEAT DAY-OLD and STARTED CHICKS CARRY and DRMRRR Rer?- boi ns loi huh-quilm V hire J (.mi .u,am non 'liab (st R_i, Qualm ,i\\ nd is" 11 ■ riuli Cnits ) ( oiii|K tinu nil h bosi Vm iktu biiiibrs in oth \ Di.il ——— J FARMERS LOOKING FOR 3 I Modern, Profitable j j Storage can j ] SNAVELY II I SflLO SALES! I I* \ Siltier Shield Vi 4 ALL STEEL, 3 1 * SILOS i- tk Built to J siut your 1 needs | ■* the price " you wane to pa\ H Twenty year warranty r mmm You cm erect this silo > ou: self and majce ad *6- ditiorV savings AX»SO CONCRETE STAVE SILOS BUCKEYE CRIBS ind BINS i Ee-tiire the ncn Giam r" ' ' S » Conditioning t *^—-3* S " teEl TO A/~xlable with either \c~tilrit on 01 forced v ez til.t tion or unheav* •* Immediate delK er^ Phoi o or wnw SNAVELY SILO SALES, INC. ISo\ 1 ( 1 1. 1' \ bin lloxes and snppoits should be kept painted It is desned that patrons, group boxes wheie tiraeticable. par liiulailt where adequate turn outs t in be provided The Rost Office advises that boxes not properlx installed oi not kept in good serxice ible (ondition tetard the dt- Ineix ot mail and max expose i’ to the weathei -Mail boxes on the rural routes must be located on the right side of tht road in the direction of traiel of the carriers wherex ei traffic conditions are such rh it it would be dangerous for the earners to dnxe to the left in order to seme th» boxes or where their doing so would violate State laws From HORNCO Foods- - - The New Universal Dairy Program! STEP NO. 1 Hornco Uni-Pel Calf Starter Pellets 5 Month Old Coif Grown on Hornco Uni-Pel Calf Starter Pellets Proof from A Top Dairyman feeding Hornco CALF STARTER PELLETS Has- shown us that our calves get off to a quick start and continue to grow in size and- vigor. In my opinion the calves fed on Uni-Pel are the nicest we have ever grown FEEBPS with the Universal £. HORN & CO.JNC. york, pa. pl i-mi D. 4-H Sewing Club Elects Officers Fi'twen v ear old Vanev Rohrer of Latu/ R! was elec ted president of the Manheim Township Mem Stitcheis 4-H sewnns dub at a lecent meet- ing The daughter in Mr and Mehm Rohrer. Xancy was al*>o elected a junior lead ei in the club, alona -with Sus an Lancaster RS, who elected secretary bv the sroup Mrs Sue Weidman. ISfiO Avenue. Lancaster, Tits named vue president and rep resentative to - county 4-H \im council Other officers elected were as follows treasurer Arlene "Our experience with HORNCO UNI-PEL Signed C. Edgar May Manager, Codorun Farms 1. 2. 3. Yoirk, Pa„ 4-H Club neKt week Penn Manor 4-H To Hear IFYE Glenn Porter a returned International Farm Youth E\- ehanstee to .N'epal ■will show his natures of that countrv at a meeting of the Penn Manor Oochnaur. 2S Arbor Road. Lan caster. games leaders, Phvllis Bryson, 236 Fordney Road, Lancaster, and Sandra Van Dusen. 707 Ashbourne Road Lancaster, news reporter, Pat Lons;. 1772 Oregon Pike, and song leader. Sally Weidman. a sister of Sue Weidman Adult leaders of the club are Mrs Herbert Ro>er. 202'. FruU treet . d 0 best 0 Oregon Pike and Mrs Tohn drained goll Hess Boy Q 6, Lancaster R 3 Starts Them Fast! Grows Them Big! Keeps Them Healthy! CALL US TODAY, learn more about the HORNGO Man Portei \mll speak tlI „ buyiness. meeting: of rj, in the cafeteria ol |i u Manor Hath School , tr \ille at "30 pm \|in| 4 ' Members of the 0.in1,.,, 4-H will be aiuests 01 Manor Chib, and pairm,/ 1, urgced to attend 4 Porter, son of Mr , n< j Edgar porter. W’.ish, ns , Boro Rl, spent six nionm/ the small mountain co«n lr Nepal under the ll'lp gram of the national 4-n 1 ganization He recently turned to the counu UQ( j' engaged in farming «, U |, parents. C EDGAR MAY Plan Dairv