2—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 19. 1962 1 II \oiii dothes aren’t com ma, out o‘t t lie xviih’her at t,|i,ii Ivlimt xvlnte .is \ou’ th ‘pomt's-ott contest In the contest which siw It iinnm 4-H traitor mauuen- •inre chi 1 )) members i onmete the traitor operator starts with a /eio store and -rets Bools & Saddles 4-H Club Meets The Roots and Saddles. 4-H Hoise and Ponv Club si ill pre sent a liaise show this after noon in conjunction with the Spoi tine Hill PTA Chicken Coin Soup supper The horse '•lion is scheduled to begin at £ 45 pm At a recent meeting of the cliih in the Mount Air> fire hafl Charles (Chuckle) Riss ei explained the ■various t>pe« it hi idles and their uses art Robeit Adams explained the pails of a Western Saddle Tne hovs used their equipment m the demonstrations I'ne new members were in dmtic into the club Paul G Sites Manheim RJ was elect ed in adult leader in the club V panel of member? and paients presented a discussion ol mteiest Woodrow Sites .dis cussed “Handling a Horse at a Show.” while Sandra Brick er talked on “Grooming and Showmanship ” Charles G Risser. Sr . gave some pointers on selecting a horse, and Glenn Kulp talked on feeding and management The next meeting will be held June S at the home of J Robert Gibble, Manheim R 2 Carol Sites is news reporter for the club Man helm Linseed oil emulsion paint-, that hare the high protective value of conventional linseed oil pun s „nd the rapid d'-- ing and convenience ox water bases punts have time from cooperative research b» the U S Department of Agricul ture and the Mational Flaxseed prcii es-ors Assoc cation 21 -21-21 Distributed By Ser Y'our Dealer i.tM \sr*,K, i'A m intake. point’ to - every Seiond 1 1' tht lOl’w I' i >■»i\,i I a {I r o , r mju lit Mr and \I > ' for L SI Ci run lln n Mam & . newlle vstti .'.in point’' With ">>' point' SianU’N I Pininser Hemet KJ 'Oh ot Sir and Stre Norman f-em ing'er natW down third pi no The I'm* nouit' of Robert Grim brother of Donate put him in fourth place labile 4‘fi I oniic put Gaud lleu>e\ (,’t Mr and Mrs Samuel 1! UeKe\ i-h, twlan R 1 in fifth pu'ition Purno-e of Wie contest n is to choose a touuu represent i n\e for tht d-H district con test to be held Liter tlus year fiKltte-. at the etent which w ts held or r l ’e Farmers.\ die- E timoner Compaiu Hit's Oeulrue" Gordonville and Jo. l /’• '-lennar, Rem a a Ids O tSSSO-CXKSi: SHORT on Silage or Quality Hay? ■' »<#>* '<>&* ‘ DARI - LAS WILL S-T-R-l-l-C-H Start Today. .Feed The Farm Bureau Way 5 Lancaster EX 4-0541 New Holland ELgin 4-2148 LANCASTER COUNTY’S CHAMPION 4-H trac tor operator poses on his home farm this week. Keaie, th Shertzer. son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Shertze-, Mi Hers vi lie HI, won the honors last Saturday in his first attempt at a tractor driving contest Kenneth vjs a first-year member in the county 4-H tractor martea ance club last winter L F. Phoco, JOOOCKS-Q-CX ROUGHAGE SUPPLIES BUB&: *• ,G. CO U, r Manheim :o<=-=-o-r:-='=s=-=-z:-=«=-=-c:: 663-2466 Quarrj ville STerling 6-2126