20 —Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 12, 1962 Spring Crop Planting Begins Weather Slows Grass Growth <’.iniiintomatoes wont in to I lio Hi Id flu 1 ' week .on i mints minis Cool wuathei .nui c>o pi mi mu \\ oi K s ( hedules an I’enn siliam.i larnis ale well ahead ol the pitmtiss made up to this nine last war, the State Chop Repoiting Set \u e stud in Us woeKli (i op and weath- er siiinniiii 'I he outlook foi the State 1 film (i op is wij good Weath ei (oiulitions hate been gen eialh fa\oiahle toi pollina ting and there lias hei n no signituant tiost damage The South .Mountain Beiks-Le high and Kne Counti tiuil giowing aieas run the gamu f tiom hud to lull bloom Oats plowing; and planting is mot mg to a finish \\ mte and splint, Siam u oi>s condi tions aie veiv good Planting at coin has staited in south- ein counties Planting of cohblei pot i toes is in the final stage ana the tall potato nop is aou>, into the giound on schedule Aspaiagus cutting moved to the light volume point with highei tempeiatuies Stiav- bei i v beds aie coining into bloom in southern counties Planting of peas is about tw r o>- thiids completed Seeding and tiansplautmg ot other vege tables is in full progress Pastures and meadows ben efited trom additional light rainlall last week .Moisture supplies are adeciuate in most areas mth a few localities m eithi r short or surplus condi tion ooaocoocoeoof L H. Brubaker Vu not t till 1 . I*.l \cvt Hul'.nxt l*'i St< tons Ijltit/, l*a. How to Save $l5 or $2O per Hundred Pullets Do aou know that aou maj sa\ e as much as SIS or S2O on everj hundred, pullets jou raise this a ear? You do it b> following the Purina Controlled Pullet Growing Plan. After pullets have reached teh weeks of age. >ou simply limit their feed to 80% of what they would consume on full feeding. The correct amount has been worked out by Purina Research, and it's eas> to follow. Best of all, Purina Controlled Feeding Plan helps you grow pullets that lay more large eggs . . fewer small ones and pee w ees. KILL RATS... Use Purina Rat-Kil I’m in.i K.it-lvill i- an entirely diflerent Kiiil ol ivtJlci 1m rats anil mue. It’s a "- Imine" but KUs haul U ba's • Highly palatable anti bulkj • kills lust in to ir, da>s • how pruetl Sec us for f*nrrn:t Rat-Kill right awo. We’rf at the Ile-d and White Checkerboard Store in town John B. Kurtz Cedar Kane Whiteside & Weicksel Kirkwood John J. Hess. II int 'uinrs - l’ro\ Wenger’s Feed MUi. Inc. Rheeni' VAWiYWAV.WA'i Visit our store and let us explain ttii cost-cutting plan Besides Purina Gron. ing Chows, we also have a full lij( of Purina Health Aids, and, of coutst. our friendly service is always aval able. Call us or drop in. Prove to yourself Purina feeding costs you less. Hero's what happens to rats that eat Pwrfs* Rat-Kill. Thej’re dead in to 15 da}'- K*® love Hat-Kill. It’s eflective and et'oooioii* 1 ' too. S H Hiestand & €*>, Salunga John B. Kurtz Kphrata Janies High C.ordoav ill« John J. Hess Kmzers - Vintage J. H. Reitz & Son. Inc liltltZ Ira B. Landis Valle> Ro ul Lanta‘-t > Warren Sickma® Penuea