6 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28, 1962 • Hag House M'ontinuwl iron) IM-'o t) all 'iiuo there is not one win dow in the entire bam loss jon i omit the small peep holes in the we.ith- r-tight doors in i.nh tnd oi the building Down (Mi I) side of the build- InK there is a liuht space < ov ert d with <1 tianshicent plasiu film but this plasm is novel removed iront the opening un less .1 power lailuit should cause the ventilating fans to shut oft BU'(triLitJ does most of the work of c.innn for the 4Mi head of fecdei hcnrs tlu house will nold Along with .m as sist from Eft.tMtM elei tru ii FRANK H. BUCHER L) Ui NM ' -<>7U 1 JONATHAN S. SHIRK EDGAR C UMBLE OIj JASON H. MELLINGER V. H ■ brinish th«' slatted floors in to a tank ol water Wastes uin be diawu ott through a \al\e at one end of the build ing and spread on fields or si died in a lagoon ‘We haieut lull! dttided how the inamne will be handled ’ Bea m sa> s mi- How did all tms building program tome about’ Beam, who lornierK bought lattle tor a Philadelphia pat k cr decided he wanted to get back into some phase ot tinn ing hut was not quite sure what it would be. Dunng .1 Mbit to the Penn bjlMima State Farm Show he saw some literature on con trolled- pn\ ironment ho g houses, and became inteiested lie talked the situation o\er with lus son Titus, who larnis the home larm and the} de- in o\ e 1. nnlis\ ill.. lester erb >Ol /Jbt“l blow n )7\l 7-7J13 o\ 7-b516 HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. C B. ERB i\v '-nn ' 0-0 <:.n) in j- ty : *r \ * AS LAZY AS A HOG, seems to pretty well sum up the attitude of the pigs in this feeding operation All they have to do is eat and grow fat. They don’t even have to walk very far to get feed, and feed is available for them at all times. Bulk feed is stored in two large bulk bins outside the building Automatic controls bring the feed down through plastic tubes to the feeders in each pen. Automatic controls keep the feeders full at all times. The light streak along the rear wall is a strip of plastic in the windowless house In an emergency. to live and lay. Get the facts on Farm Bureau Egg C>cle Feeding with MLP. ASK ABOUT: Large-User Program. Grain Exchange Program. Layer Feeding Agreement. * ■*- 1 JiLv x I x * v > V 1? . •ii^&Sr with Start Today . . For Prompt, Courteous Service, Call . . . Lancaster EX 4-0541 New Holland ELgin 4-2146 ■« < s * ). '* .V. / v Feed The Farm Bureau Way! L. _ Manheim 665-2466 QnarryviPe STertmg 6-2126 17 Photo.