Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 28, 1962, Image 24

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    24—Lancaster Farming, Saturlay, April 28. 1962
Swine Producers
Of York County
Hold Shows
In iln Kill ol mil a group
ol sw 1111' hlledlMs mi c oopen -
non with file \i?i ii ultural R\-
tmisi on Serv n i tin
A ork C’onntv Swine Impiove
iiient Assoi lation The Assoc i.i-
tion has made snivevs to se •
ii thcic was a need loi Hied
C.ilt Sales Feedei I’lg Silt's
and fan iss Shows
Sun i tin \ssoi latum wis
oigtimrod the ittinni has spon
sored thiee i mass shows and
one Ine show along with sev
pi il Kill, anonal meetings
Thev have vvoiked with T
Fied Kisihn A Sons ot Voi k
to sponsor thi <an ass show
and also using the facilities of
thi VoiK Lni'stoik "Market tor
then Ine show
The taicass shows h.n h
'been (.ille<i “York Counts
Qualm J’oik Show - This
name was adopted to appeal
to the < onsunnna public 'o
show them the swine produc
er woie jinuui! to produce a
poik product which would fit
then diet M.unU
the term “fat ’ in all of its
Theie has been a larse a-
niount of improcement in the
Quahtv l*ork Shows since the
nrst show The results of the
shows indicates the amount of
iiuprcn emeut which has been
now we have it!
Big New M
, BIG HORSEPOWER Up to 70 PTO hp manufacturer’s
estimate (corrected) Powfr-Cratkr gasoline and LP en
gines or new turbo-charged diesel
BIG WEIGHT Up to 7700 lbs (with liquid ballast but
without wheel weights).
BIG SIZE Long and stable for big implements, 12 feet
10 inches from end to end Big tires (15.5-38, 16 9-34*, or
18 4-34*) to handle big jobs ‘Optional at extra cost
BIG IN NEW COMFORT...and quiet.
Finance for profit Ask «s about Alhs-Chalnters'
time payment plans.
N. G. Myers & Son
J'.hi't ui*- l*a.
Nissley Farm Service Grumelli Farm Serv.
W i«.hiri<'tori lloro, Pa
L. H, Brubaker Snavely’s Farm Service
In the 10C1 Spring Show,
the entries averaged 22 '•
pounds h\e weight with 1 fia
tnihes i,T baik fat In the
Spring Show in l‘)b>, the a\-
eiage live weight was down to
2(i.1 pounds with onh 1 44 in
i lies cf b u k tat
Hut even more significant
an the loin eve measurement
md coitituation percentagi
dilieremes [n I‘tfii theaverag'
loin eve was US and thi
smallest loin eve was 2 m
vvheieas in 1062 the average
loin eve was 124 and the
smallest loin eve was *1 110 In
mill onlv 2‘t 1 per cent made
i ertilicatiou compared to 62 "
per lent in 1062
This impnnement'fehows the
more ideal market weight wnh
less tat on each hog The lorn
eve meastiienient in the area
between the 10th and 11th
pork chop This shows that
I’ork Producers are breeding
more meat in the pork chop ar
ea Certifuation is a standaid
set-up b\ the National Swim
Breeds Association which each
hot; must meet in the amount
ot lean meat cuts m the car-
c as«
There hace been man\
(hanges in the swine pro
ducers feeding and breed
ing programs to help make
these changes possible Pro
ducers are marketing their
mirKet weight Plus learnim;
to exercise these animals to
makp the qua lit >. of meat bet
ter for the consumer New
Powka Cb&ts* b »a Allb*Cbala>ec« tradenMrfc*
L. H. Brubaker
I ant/. Pa
CJu.irr\ iillo. I’a.
>»>vs Holland. Pa,
General Mills
Feed Business
Is Dispersed
General Mills is getting mu
of the livestock feed
alter 3." tears of operation
According to E. W Raw
lings, president, the eompan>
is selling its plants because ot
w hat he termed “sizable los
ses ’ due mainly to the coin
pant s broiler and turkey -pro
dut non contracts
Rawlings announced that
livestock and poiilm feed ai
counted tor 10 or 11 pei ceni
bloodlines hate been purchased
m the countv Some breeders
hate purchased breeding sCock
fiom some ot the major swiik
producing areas in the United
States York countt breeders
are now showing the top hogs
at our major litestoek shows
in the east Thev hate" shown
at seteral of the breeds Na
tional Tvpe Conferences and
hate purchased some ot the bet
ter bloodlines at these confer-
York countv is near the top
with the number ot purebred
.swine producers The Associa
tion realized this so thev now
hate available a free breeders
directors- listing all the swin- 3
breeders who belong to the
Association This is available
free by writing to CarroU
Thompson, Spring Grove. Pa .
or to Anthonv G Dobroskv,
Assistant countv agent. Court
House, York Pa
more ideal
T.M ORTHO, Rif U.S. Pit Off.
Who will break his yield
in tomato production
A grower broke his yield barrier in tomato production last
year when he grew 49.3 tons per acre. His high yield resulted
from feeding the plants Ortho 14-14-14 in an accelerated fer
tilizing program. He netted $904 per acre after paying his
investment in fertilizer. " ~
* '
Compare his fertilization experience with your own. His pre
vious feeding program called for a sidedress application of
500 pounds of 14-14-14 to the acre. The ranch then produced
35 tons per acre for a net return of $571.
This yield hairier was broken when he switched to this simple, *
stepped-up plant feeding program; The sidedress application
was increased to 700 pounds of Ortho 14-14-14 per acre. The
crop was harvested with the following result. Each acre pro
duced 49.3 tons of tomatoes. Despite the higher investment
in fertilizer, he earned an extra $333 per acre under the
Ortho “Break the Yield Barrier Program.”
Now let’s get together and break your yield barrier increase
your tomato profits. Our Ortho program will be tailored to
your soil and growing conditions.
of the 5575 -Million -a - year
business of the milling firm been below cost of production
Xutrena Mills of Mmnev As a resu ' u - our own Poultry,
polls has purchased',,the’ 1 -Gen-t'????' operations have be?,
era I Mills plant at ; l l^ rof,t G' blfi afl<djr °ur customer
Florida. Hales arid f Hunger business also has suffered » s
has taken oter operationof bad-debt losses have climbed
plants at Palmyra, Pennar and < * oeb not that th a
Ravena. Ohio Two.* othbr division can be geared to
plants were acquired' by Grin-' a ‘ P r ° !,er feturn on investment
tral Sota of Fort Wcttjie. Indw ‘, a near future
ana. Six plants not c>et ’sold
will be disposed of in an “or
der Iv liquidation” program
Rawlings said '
General Mills majiutactufe-.
flour, breakfast cereals, elec
tioim porducts. and chemicals.
and also processes oilseeds ,
On Feb 28 the milling fum
announced it w r as discontinu
ing broiler and turket contract
growing and suspending the
financing of turkey produc
tion At that time. 6 mills
were reported closing
“Prices, of broilers and tur- up SDl * crust
said Rand mgs. “have weeds
and Grain Bins
GORDON PV Ph. SO 8-8931
this year?
Phone Lane. EX ,7-3539
General Mills - entered '
r formula feed field in lh;><
.when it bought the
Milling Co , I>etroat The firtn i
‘-‘JLarny brand has been &ol<j
.nationally since then
- The rotary hoe. an invent
ion of IS9O, got into commer
cial production about 19 a 2
Later it was learned that ti»
tool worked best at high speed
behind the tractor, breaking
and killing