2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28, 1962 Market News Reports At Lancaster Yards J-uhial - slab MaiKcl N(ws S( i \ a ( I i idal, \pnl 27 I \TTIiI-, 2400. < ompai ed wnh 2824 head last week. Snpph includes 50 per* ml .slaughter steers, 25 percent siockers .iiid feeders. Trading model .del; aetne. Slaughter SIMM’s I’nllt stead). Cows 25 low <*i*. Hulls and sick leers and teeders stead.v. Slaughter steers Load Insth < forth e anil Crime 1 208 .lbs. 20.25. 2 loads high Choice and I‘nme 1211 His. 20.25. < lioiee 11.-50-1.-150 lbs. 27.00- 20.00. flood and low Choice 21 50-27.00. (’ini'. flitter and I tililt 1(> 25-17.75, (’aimer and low Cnttei 15.00-Ki.25, Shellt (.in ner dim n to Id.oo. Hulls Itditt and < oinnier < i.d 10.75-22 50, Good grade 22 00-24 00 Stockeis and leech rs (icxid mid (hold 700-1000 II). leed ood and ( hone :50.00-3(>.00, ( lioiee and l*i hue 3(1.00-41 .00, lew 12 00, Standaid and low Good 27.00-50.00. I tflm 23 00-27.- OO HOGS 1250. ( ompared with 14 SO head last week. Haiiows and gills steadt to 50 login i Sows stc-ncK 'leading modelaleK active. liaiicms and gills is. 1-2 NOTICE! I Iphi at a Ttitket l < ',irius. ln< Cplnala. l»,i. is no lonjiir disti ihnliiifi GOZZI WHITE POULTS l ot (>o//i AVlut-o poults ,iik] had Inn” eitus write or tele phone direct to: <.o//r i:r,i:i:i)iN(. rums, iv<. 1 ton I < I (, milord. < omi. Telephone tfljendnle :J-27"1 Two important ingredients needed In < rops aie i.ilomii and )iM!>nesiiini. Until lost through the sod l>.\ (he tidlotuno wa\s 1 IS\ leaeliinf- (a slow leak ing an at a normal protest where then is raliilail.) 2. ISj < rojj renioials (|e liinnes, smhtns ha} and other "feens. are taken ol t the fields, instead ot plowed un dei.) :t. IS\ "eneral use of tin soil Iteiaiise id this loss, the soil Ix'toiius w li.ii is known as liijtli in at id. I'nttinj* on lime stone mav supply eaii mm and mauni'sintii and rorreft the soil .i< iditv ,il the simc turn*. ft Inis luvn shown hv c\. pertinents hv a;>ri« nltural tolleges .md e\pi'nment sta tions dial lor every dollar spent lot liiih stone, from S;8 to SI.I all iel timed to tin* l.Him i fhioiiuli meieased c rop y itdds Isi Mai lin's i.ijnestone lor "iiMlir i rop vieliK, ini n ased land values, anil more profit i el urns Ivan M. Matin, Inc. HM I, 18 Mil.. I*A. Ni u Holland l.l.iiin 1-21112 lene Hill II llli nsi .Vd-to" .(•ajp Hlikor.v 2-. t lIS 100-220 Ills. 18 00-IS 75. No I 100-220 Mis IS 75-10 50, 1-2 100-220 lbs. 17.50-1 S.OO. 2-2 220-250 Ills. 17.00-17.50. Sows 1-2 inosils 2-2 200- 000 lbs. 12.00-14.00. SH H L I’: 275. Compared with 1070 last wreck. Snpplj maiiilt Sprints slaughter lambs. Spiint; slauttliter lambs- stead) with la.sl weeks close-. 50-80 His. Sprint; slaughter lambs grading (lioice and Crime IS.OO-25.00, lot Choice 25 lbs. 21.00. flood and Choice 15.00- 18.00. Chicago Cattle A\ eekh lte\ tew . C.l'lTir: \ two uat trend pi e\ ailed on slanghlei steel s as high (’hone and Pilule woiked lowei lor tin thud straight week, howetei, lower giades weie in good demand and this continued to ninou tin* puce spec-id on all steeis Slaun'.t st< <*i s ,n ci«i£< k (’hOKC .lll(] Ix'low to Mi on";, high choice .moo lbs, 28.50sl0.()O. Choice 4 stench. In the Chicago whole- 005 lbs. 27.00 ami pari load s.ile rs 27 75, 1e 4 w loads e-botce 1271! lb. slaimhler sle-e 4 !- 31.25, wdlh prime 4 end 27.25, most mosth pi mu 4 1175-1325 lbs e hoie e 20.00-27 00. Cfilm ami 30.00-30.50, hall elo/i 4 n loads (Continued on 111) I WELDING Done on your farm or place of business Arc or Acetylene 12 years experience HAROLD K. SHOWALTER It I) 1, Conesfofja Phone Mille 4 rs\ille 4 TH 2-207 S NEW.... LINE OF DAIRY FEEDS Manufactured by Joseph M. Good & Sons NOW . . . For the first time you can buy high quality dairy feeds manufactured by a dealer with long experience in the feed business Dairy Feeds containing no screenings or urea ... at new low, economical prices. Try some today and see the difference Feed lor profit with Good’s Dairy Feeds Joseph M. Good & Sons 1.1,01. \ and (Jl Mii:v\ II,I,|; Vintage Sale J'( deial - State Maiket >ews CITTCH- 507. Compaicd with last Tuescla*'s market slaughter steers 25-50 higher Cons stead* H> 50 lower. Hill's stead*. Choice 025-15100 lb. slaugh ter sfc'ers 27.00-30.10, (rood to low Choice 24.75-27.00, Stand ard 32.00-24.50. Cutter and ITilit* rows 10.35-17.50, Conner and low Cutter 15,25-10.25, Shell* win ner down to 1.1.00. T’tilitj and Common ial bulls 10.75-32.50, Good grade 22.00- 34.00. CA lACS: 272, Aealers stead* to strong. Good and Choice *ealers 512.00-518.50, Stand.u d and low Good 20.00- 32 00, It lilt* 25.00-20 00 HOGS 110. llano** s and gilts 25 highei I s. 1-3 205-235 u> bai ious .nil) 17.00-1 7 85, Lot No 3 250 lbs. 17 ifl. SHI'HP 10 Not «*iioiif>li on sale to establish a market. Good’s can make! ■ Market N»iws Reports Tin sda*. \|n d 21 New Holland Auction I'Vdeial-Stale Market \(‘wi Thin sda*. Vinil 2(> iniliis. C \TTI.C 1001 Com «’.esh Holstein cows brought with last ThuisdaCs am.ket, WM,W ,<( ‘>i*ernse*s w, „ slaughter steers giadiug high S 1 7r, -““ s ' ""‘er breeds Choice stead*. Me.agr Cl.cn.e ~r‘ m « h t 5,75 -“ 7r> ' and below 50 higher. Cows stwk b " lls ami bulls stead*. U,M * stopk n,l,d ‘‘ * 7 P lna l*s Ch.lies l 750-075 lb. H eil e r s " pr, ‘ >*««' P°">^ 22.75-25.85. made 575-125; geldings wc-r« ('utter and I’tilit* cows 10.- 50-17.75. a few to 18.00 din ner and low Cutter 15.00- 10.50, She'll* runners dem'n to 18.00. Ctilit* and Commercial bulls 10.75-22.50, Good grade' 22.00- 2.5.50. CIIA IN’ 240. \ ealors 1.00 Good mid Choke \eal- Cis 34.00-38.00, (’hone and Pi line 38.00-41.00, lod 43.50, St.ind.ii d nnd low Good 20.00- 34.00, I tiliti 20.00-30.00 -Non Holland u-ported <. )>ri(<-s. (’hone and wn di.i S ft> marker ,m d.un '“ U( ‘ rs lw,,l « ht :{V4S •> <• •> %• v *:* *;• **<♦•> <• * *:• •:« •:» •:* *:• •> *»> <«.% *> *, Feed Fcr PRODUCTION It's easy with Wayne 16% Dairy This clean, wholesome feed Is high in digestible nutrients, carried a popular variety of blended ingredients, yet contains no filler or screenings. j Fed straight from the bag to cows getting good quality roughs age, Wayne 16% Dairy will push milk production to the peak of the cow's inherited ability to produce. Properly balanced rations will boost milk production as much at 10%, MILLERSVILLC J K. STAUFFER & SON SUPPLY CO. I.aun A. Bollairo Milloi'siillf ROSS C. ULRICH. JR It. I>. l’i-a< h ISottom MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE c - E . SAUDER & SONS 1! I> 2, ( o]iinihi» II M. STAUFFER & SONS. Inc. Winner - Itiink'. - I.eoki KOHREK’S MILL ll’ d'i, Honk-, 840-125. Kiding horses sold tor 8130-300 . mi tents. Receipts Mere 400 head at the April 2.3 hog ;i net ion. Tb« market \\ us 30 higher. Retail I lofts to lot ul butt hem brough 18 to 20, while number 1 to 3 grades went to the puckers jit 17.75 to 18.25 Meat} hogs, owT 240 pounds brought about 17. A (ot.il ol (>4 (.ilics sold W, s(. I. Willow Street J. C WALKER & SON, INC. 15. I>. 1. KaM Dari GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Kli/.ibetlitown HERSHEY BROS lieinliokls SUNSHINE FARM SUPPLY, INC. mid Silia<‘ll<*rstown