16—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28, 1962 Best Food Buys Cold Southern Weather Ups Prices Jtomotnhor past reports ot • I.iiiMirum (olu>s than m mpnt n epics One luindnd dpgiee tom ypi.uuies in the Alison,i le<- nne In Ids last w eeK is likoK o ha\p an dtUeisp elles t on nil ilm ShipniPiits ha\p hePii 'ntlit and pines qmtP high Aeiv led potatoes aio irnnint Fell \M) ■ ii:\ili:i: j,o\d prk i:s SOOCX SEED POTATOES 9 BLISS O COBBLERS TOBACCO MUSLIN GROFF’S Hardware NOW GET MORE QUALITY AT NO INCREASE IN PRICE WITH A NEW Girton deluxe m FARM COOLING TANK FEATURING; SPACE-SAVER SIDE OUTLET ONE-PIECE COVER NEW FOAM TYPE INSULATION MOST EFFICIENT COOLING CLARK ELECTRIC n l>. 1. KINZKUS IMione Intel i 0111 sc SO S-Sr>(ll Beef ‘steaks. tyroller-fryers, ant fners .should be witb us for mam w eeks to come Egg picdiKlion is now at a jeaih peak Eastei demand h.is boosted pines temporanU, but beat \ spring pniduetion will brim; a return to lower letels Keeping pru es undei n \imp ago • Swing Into Spring (Continued tioin Pace 15) add sugai, nuts, mix until i nimbly Line an S-inc h sou will hut read what is written in the (papei) of this xert day it is enough for a jear’s distort, and ten times as mm li meditation ”- Thaekerav PENN SQUARE MUTUAL FUND Investing in Diversified Securities for INCOME and CAPITAL GAINS Possibilities ND BUYING CHARGE NO SELLING CHARGE Suhsi i iptions Accepted With Vo Minimum Shaie Require ments Eiee ol Pa Peisonal Piopeitt lax lu opinion of Legal Conn-el MIN-ASSESS UJI.E J. L. HAIN & CO. ■l.lt Penn Square, Reading Pa. PR Please send me tree intormal’on aliout Penn Squaie Mu tual Pll'ld Vame ........ .... . . Additss . . _ . . Cit) and State . . . ..... ....... 3-OCXS-: For the Average Hay Producer FORD 150 HAY BALER You don’t have to have big acreages of hay to make a baler pay for itself—not if it’s a Ford 150 hay baler! Low cost and dependable, this compact baler has many of the same features that have proved so successful on larger Ford balers. It’ll make top quality bales at minimum cost! And with your own baler, you’ll be able to time haying operations more precisely to the crop condition. Come in and Check Feature for Feature ...See why it's today's outstanding baler for the average hay producer ... Right for limited acreages J iiiiHuimi Grimm's Ford Tractor & Farm Service J’.uk \ie., Qiiarrx I'll, sf l>-a."»!)7 Allen H. Matz Plume \X 7.«f»OS Demur JRECIPK REQUESTED We have had a request for Sand Tart.s- using brown sugar. The reader request ini;- tlie recipe would like to Imw the sand tart.s. If >oti have such a recipe, please send it to Mrs. Rich ard Spence, Quarryville, I'enna. It will be published in laincastee Farming giv ing credit to the sender. Elizabethtown Farmers Supply, Inc. I Ji/ Sander Bros. New HoH.Hid Plioi.e r.l. l-XT-i