12 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28, 1962 • Solanco Dairymen (Continued from Page I) Hislrnt the letter said A (ommiltee compnsid of Paul llueliei la wts lien, lohn /Tollman. Howard Stembei’. .John Taddie and Pied \ ouna Ji.is been appotntid b\ the l"o cl l] toi tlit put pose of solid tin.. (1 111 \ (ompnms and dat- i \ men toi the appi o\un iti It 5,2 od(i needi d toi the seotf- boa t d \\ ith the intended usi tint the athleln Held will he get 11iii, main voting people and adult- will he ir.tiiifmed hv the lo< atiou ot the s, o U boatd jind its adveitisiiu r the ton intttee believes ‘The task of making the pnblu ment (ou- si ions it consuming milk pio omts loiallv lies with evetv indivuliitl in tin' indtistrv \nv one wishing to lend sup- poit to Midi a pi out am i- in x ued to contact ijnx of the (ommute nienibei s oi send a d oiid t ion in am amount to ‘Use Moil Milk Fund How aid P. Stembeis treasurer Sola ik o Hmh School Quarrv x rile R 2 • Octorara Wins (Continued 1 10" m Pi-te It iicnltnie u \cm Holland Pai li i mental % Precedin' 3 judges Men Charles Kcim assistant Cluster Conntx Sim ei intendent ol Schools C.aiv A\et/cl reuluM ot business man moiient at Oetotaia Hu,h School and lac K Owen FJito' oi hcimastci ririmm. Tin 3 winneis will lonipeu in the Reicion II PPA contests c Milleisx lilt State (olU'-te on Max O-.nden Spot Chapter FF\ fioni Lamperei Straabinct Huh School is the Lamaster-York i ept esent uU e in the regional conte&t and Kenneth Martin oi New Holdand Tliarh School is the local Public- Speakitut eou tcssrant <>r(‘p le both weight .in 1 guide of ejhe>' a. neamiu tune bi creep feeding lien Moru.m Penn Stau t\ten ‘.ion ‘.pel uli»t Op* (i«(

u?onr &o«craa*fflooo«x BU Y direct W.mt ii fiH l lifttcr built burn < leaner lor longer more m.iinten.inf e-tre«- oper .itionV 'llion bin ttie barn «loan or t.irmer-. ovor,\ wliei* aro ia\ini" about . . tin Snav e 1 A l»etfcr-Bilt Barn < lo.mcr. niantil.tt turoiJ ri”h; Jicio in l.nne.iMer <'ount,v. imMiidi vif i>fm\i »:* AVI) INS’IMHIION IIRSK.M I) It) 311 \vv s»*m inr k\b\: • ’bon** or write todaj for inlormation anti pritev direct to - SNAVELY SILO SALES, Inc. F.o\ I,r IjintH'.irillo, Fa. Phone TW 8-SI4I Judy Warfel Named President Of Manor 4-H (udith Uirteil Comsto'e KI wis elected preside nt ot th* I’* nn Manor 4-H club Tne-dav ei^nuu 1 at a me tin. in me I’eim Mano" H'. s,, Ik- >I Rii Hard \\ irtel was t- Ik e,i \ u s> president and Coir Its A'irfel wi~ elected treis ii re r 1 hev ue th" children ot Mr and Mrs ChTles Uadia 1 H Other ufiii er? elKtui were -e. retarv Uehert I’rev C irol Kirr new- r— poner C!t\ Porter ‘-tutu. 1 lei-der- Don- i'rev and U i~- ren Weaver DelesTvite-' to ionnt\ (outui 1 .ire (itd\ W uifel \iui Clwr'-N U.inel Adult leid-er*- ot th > thill >■-» Mr md Mrv TMsw Sl\' Du Pont MANZATE' stops blights m«n«b f untlcld* I gives you bonus yields, more No. Vs As much as 40 extra bushels an acre-that’s the bonus yield you can expect when you spray Du Pont “Manzate” maneb fungicide! “Manzate” is easy to use; its results have been proven in years of use. It stops early and lata blight cold. Growers in all major potato-pro ducing areas rely on “Manzate” for top disease control - the kind that gives you more #l’s» higher profits. Get a supply from your dealer NEPPCO Show To Harrisburg Again This Year Tin Northeast Poultry Pro ducers Council (VEPPCO) re cently began the sale of ex hibit space tor the Jith annual MU’l*CO exposition and Con centum In a siirvec conducted attei the this ot last \ear s exiubitois hailed llai rishurg as the Ideal 'locapc-' This cears show will attain I e "Jiel 1 in the Mates Faria Show building Oi tobei J ! and 4 \s m the past tears pre vious exhibitors were giceu J weeks (ii u'i notice in which to select selling space at the L’'nJ exposition In the tirst dav s rush ot sale-- over So previous exhihitois snapped up hit' the a\ ulahle exhibit spice 'll" I’ortci Glenn Porter John !(es> and Mis Charles U mel MANZATE AND OTHER DUPONT PRODUCTS distributed b> J. C. EHRLICH CHEMICAL CO., INC. 780 Fast Chestnut Street ' l.fmraster-, Penaa. Phone JZX 7-8721 ■ . . The 1962 theme. “Minding Our P’s and Q’s’’ will draw the poultrvman’s attention to the careful planning and hus bandry necessary to make a profit in today's erratic poul ti v market Decorations will be in a school or college motif emphasmng XBPPCO’s baeli to-school approach to the Ps and Q’s apnroach FPA and t-H entrants have been training all ceir for the poultrv and egg judging con test included in the annual couth program One of the youthtnl contestants will he chosen XFPPCOs 'TFA Star Poultry Farmer ’ Climaxing the annual ecen ing banquet will be the pa pentiv connected witn the selection of the IOGJ Poultrv Pnnc ess A tall hemlock hedge rnake a good tvpe oi backyaid screen A grey or white birch planted in trout ct the hedge oilers a pleasing contrast. now. For more information, write E. I da Pont de Nemours & Co., (Inc.), Room 2543-N, Nemours Building:, Wilmington 98, Delaware] On alt ehemicalt follow loibtl intlnidion* and mtnxngt eartfvUt iPi .■sij.„T o .« «n«n*b tunslctdo tolHr Thing* for »3«*r living ... through Chwmitqr WOOIi RESEARCH KEEPING PACE Wool continues to supply about 10 per cent of our jp, parel fabrics reports Bertucj Tharp, Penn State extensio# clothing specialist Research improved wool fabrics are «|, re.idv on the market Gar meats made trom such fabric itulude those that stretch aai return to shane and. other!) ttuu hold their creases, ar 9 easier to launder and drjolev# and ha\t improved resistanca t) moth damage • 4-H Leaders (Continued trom Page 1) club-. Mr. Jean Thomas, president ot leaders council siji, “Lancaster Countv needs ever/ leader in order to have tbu program grow As leader fa leader we need jour ideas acj ionstruc r 've cnt'cisn ’’ All n'euoers of c be club D,a ut-tm tj attend MAN2ATE