• Cows In DHIA (Continued from Page 6) provoment rale of about 121 pounds U. S dairy cows not in r»l -jA increased their aierage production more slowly—4 319 pounds in 1940 to 6,790 pounds in 19 61 This was a bout 103 pounds ot production in pro i erne nt a year. It is more difficult to im prove high-producing herds than low-producing herds, ac cording to Dr J Frank Kend rick, head of the Dairy Herd Improvement program for the USDA's Agricultural Research Service He savs improvement Because Weigh -a - D.,v - Jn the better herds requires a . Month * ab designed ‘to better planning, feeding, and introduce dairymen to record management Record keeping keeping. Dr Kendrick says helps DHIA members meet the decrea.se means that f.nm these requirements . prs *, Urt in thls ])ldn th( .„ The DHIA orosrannts t;row- shilt to one ot the otheis in" Latest Insures show mat Tints the mtiodmtort plan is on Jan L .1 total ot 2,727,- set must its purpose Du Pont MANZATE' stops blights mintb f unglcid* I gives you bonus yields, more No. Vs ( As much as 40 extra bushels an acre-that’s the bonus yield you can expect when you spray Du Pont “Manzate” maneb fungicide 1 "'Manzate” is easy to use; its results have been proven in years of use. It stops early and late blight cold. Growers in all major potato-pro ducing areas rely on “Manzate” for top disease control-the kind that gives you more #l's, higher profits. Get a supply from your dealer MANZATE AND OTHER DUPONT PRODUCTS • diMrjbuUnl b> J. C. 5 EHRLICH CHEMICAL CO.. INC. 730 Kast 1 , - I..in< , IVn»a, rhonc KX 7-3721 15 7 percent of 274 cows the 1* S dairy cow population —wore (nrollod in the DIIIA Onh about 11 per 'em were waKon t 0 load con\entional three >oars t } lo tnne needed to load a ton \\a> 2S man-minutes When two men were put on ih( nation to load bales, the time eonsumed per ton. of hav loaded jumped to 35 -nan-Bim nte-i. Ihe program ago Kn Tollmen ts are increasing in two of the three record keeping plans offered by I>IIIA Nearly 2 million cows are now, enrolled in the Standard Record Keeping Plan, about 5 per cent more than in 1961. nearly 700,000 cows in the Owner-Sampler Plan, a 6 5 per eent increase; and about (>9.- 000 cows in the Weigh-a-Hav a-Moafh Plan, a 3 percent decrease from 1961 • Hay Drying (Continued from Page 1) But the dmcrrnce docs nor end there. The cube bales can be stored in the mow m ran dom .stacks by one man w throws the bales, from the wag on into an elevator. Conven tional bales need two men it the barn one to unload the wag-on, and one *o s'a-’k in tin mow When (ompared m the Im versity trials, the saaing in labor was 6 3 per < ent less lor the tube balls ‘What this means, ’ M Curdv ? aid 1- that it mniired onh ,11 per (ent as in nth labor to handle the ( übe baits ’ now. For more information, write E. I.'du Pont de Nemours & Co., (Inc.), Room 2543*N, Nemours Building, Wilmington 98, Delaware. On all chemicals follow label imlruelions and warnings earefulltf WOK ... „, c. m«n«b funiicid* •titer Things for StHtr living... through Chtmrifiy Laneaster Farming, Saturday, April 21, 1962 r>t«adtantages listed for the small piles include dtfftcul'y in nandnng if the hay is to be sold difficulty in building a load it the hay is to be moml from one barn to another, about a third more twine will be needed but jightfr string can be used, and .here will be more string to remoce at feeding time. Ran dom packing of hay will cause more side pressure in the barn, but if the barn is stiong en ough to hold loose hay, it will probably hold random pai ked . übe bales, he said. Keem r said he had used tin., bale thrower and random paik ing only one season, but he would not like to go back to the minentioual size bale He -aid lit' felt heat dr\ing in ide his h o < rop moie uni form It didn’t seem to make muih difieremi whetlui n h is -et ond, third or fourth i ut- MANZATE ling, the tows ate it well “Wo thought we would h.u o enough haj this icar but when >ou bait good hay, tluv (at moie, and ul couise they gue nunc milk ' Keener said. "Tbe-ie is moii than $3 00 dil tcienie in the \aluo of a ton of heat iuicd hay ” \ou ha\e to learn when to hale the hay, Keener and -Ali- Curdy agreed It the baling is done when hay is less than 33 per cent moisture, there will be shattering ot leaies, but if the hay has more than 43 per cent moistuie, you will tun in to baling problems “The old twist and squeeze* method is still the best wav to tell when it is ie*ad\ ” Kei ner said, 3k- Curdy said he beicies it takes a farmer one season to learfi to use the licit di \ mg method. Ciuiiitv aj,ent M M Smith sn-icp sted that fanners us 3 lotanon lei till/ if ion puitKP . Th.it is lie mk! put .is much emph.isis on fei tiliirmn the sod in the lot.Uioii .is vou do Oil ‘-,1.1111 < I o[)s s.nd, c oi n-a ttc i -< oi n pioi>i .mis appeal to lie “ne*- tins? hv but he believes l uood sod uop is the basis of .i sound lot.ition He said the leitili/ei i.m In applied to the tom in the tall, befoie the fiist rut!ms oi !>■- fore oi alter the second i ut tnut Feinli/cr can he appli"4 at am liine—-even when theie is (onsideiahle qpovvth—bat Nitrogen and Potash will bin n the cap it theie is nioistiiii on the leaves The second of the two h >y divimr mi etnius was held Tlmisdav attoinoon at Hu laim ol lames Kieidei Qua’- rvville R 1 vvluie a natuial an sv stein with duels tluouuh the mows was examined Heath Insurance \\ hen choosing health m suiance buy onlv fi om a le putablc insniance companv or a leliahle non-jnotit assoc ia lion advises Helen Hell Henu State etcnsion home manage ment specialist Make sine the companv is licensed in the state then buy onlv tioni an anthoiued agent cn looker who will act in voui besl iu- to)OS t J FARMERS LOOKING FOR ( ■Modern, Profitable' J Storage can J | SNAVELY I ■ SILO SALESI J “■ " J 1r i Slitter Shield “I All steei 1 "J SIX. OS 1 5| • Built to suit your M needs 3c j <7 tile price gC you want “ • T-wcuty -4 wananty <1 A You can ■Mat W erect tliia silo youi 'tHßßll® self ana , , make ad - tlitlonal v >*• < savings AI.SO CONCRETE STAVE SIZ.OS „ BUCKEYE CRIBS and BINS g| Feature the new Q-raiu V ft j Conditioning- v I i System A j 0 Available with either natnial ventilation or forced ventila tion heated or nnheated. Immediate delivery. Phone or write: SNAVEUY SILO SALES, INC. J, \M)ISVIM-K. r\. IJ»\ I.K 7